Eighth Crown

Chapter 1211: goodbye alien trio


Accompanied by a deafening roar, the surging flames turned into dragons and swept across the heavens and the earth, evaporating the tortoise demons one by one.

Whether it was a bat or a snowman, even if it was only covered by the aftermath of the dragon's flames, it could only scream in a shrill scream, and then it was burned to ashes by the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees.

Hundreds of meters of fire dragons roared and raged wildly in the sky. Every time they swayed their bodies and swayed their tails, hundreds of monsters disappeared without a trace, leaving the world a clear night sky.

In the eyes of the otherworld trio, countless adventurers and commoners who landed on the ground, it was like a divine soldier descending from the sky, and the gods descended into the earth, causing countless people to breathe stagnant, horrified and horrified.

"This is?"

Larbec stared at the fire dragon raging in the sky with a look of disbelief.

From the perspective of painting style, it is completely different. If the adventurers and brave men like them are still in the realm of mortals, then the fire dragon that kills and kills in the sky has truly stepped into the realm of gods.

Even the brave men like them can only look up when they see an existence that is so powerful that they cannot be defeated.

"Miss Grace?"

In a trance, Tilis' exclamation suddenly came from his ear.

Turning his head to look, Grace, a Japanese-style beauty in a kimono, was swaying for some reason at this moment, and her eyes had already lost her vigour, and she slowly walked in a certain direction step by step.

"This reaction, could it be...?!"

Laerbeck didn't know what to think, his face changed suddenly, and he stepped forward quickly, trying to stop Grace's footsteps.


But suddenly, Glas slammed out the iron fan in her hand, causing a sharp wind blade to roar out, startling Ralbeck and hurriedly backing away.

"Damn, little girl Grace has been brainwashed again!"

Larbec was annoyed.

After looking at each other directly, he found that Grace's face became numb, obviously losing her self-awareness and being manipulated by others.

"But hasn't the brainwashing been solved?"

When Tiris saw this, her face suddenly became ugly.

"It's just that we thought we were untied, but in fact we didn't, so now little girl Grace is being manipulated again!"

Larbec raised the sickle in his hand, and his expression gradually became solemn.

"It seems that the hero of the bow is here. I didn't expect his nose to be so smart... Tiris, I'm going to rescue the little girl Grace. You should leave here first, and then meet up later."

"If I leave now, I'm afraid I'll have to flee back to our world alone in embarrassment, right?"

Tiris rolled her eyes at him, her tone resolute.

"The situation will turn into this, and it's also my fault that I didn't resolutely stop Grace, so I won't run away!"

If Grace had decided to assassinate the Hero of the Bow, the two of them had firmly opposed it, maybe it wouldn't have turned out like this... It's hard to say, after all, who would have known that the Four Holy Heroes in this world would be so strong.

The two looked at each other and finally reached an agreement, chasing in the direction where Glass left.

Running can't escape, even if Grace is knocked unconscious and taken away, the other party will definitely be able to easily find the door through brainwashing, and now he can only take the initiative to attack and then resign.


Liu Xia waved his hand to create a fire dragon hundreds of meters long, causing it to roll endlessly between heaven and earth, slaughtering the turtle shell monsters that enveloped the King of Penglai.

In the past, he was unable to mimic flames into animals and monsters and endow them with self-discipline. After all, his ability was essentially magic release, not flame manipulation.

However, after training with Vulcan for a period of time in Shenyong World and his party, Liu Xia learned how to give flame shapes and programs, and can create various flame monsters and make them attack automatically.

The reason why he learned so quickly is because his magic power release was judged as fire magic by the level system of that world, and after he formed a skill, he quickly leveled up because he killed too many enemies.

After the fire dragon cleared the world, Liu Xia controlled the flying dragon to fall from the sky and landed on an open space in the capital, waiting for someone to arrive.


During this period, more than a dozen turtle-shell bats swooped and swooped towards Liu Xia and Feilong.


But accompanied by a high-pitched bird song, a dozen flame phoenixes rushed from the sky, burning the turtle shell bats one by one.

Looking closely, there were dozens of flame phoenixes hovering above Liu Xia, automatically alerting the surroundings. As soon as they found a monster approaching, they would immediately rush up and beat them to death.

This move is called "Auto-Tracking Flame Phoenix". It is one of the advanced flame magics in the Shenyong world. The flame phoenix produced is very powerful. Each phoenix can instantly kill monsters below level 30. One-on-one, 50 The monsters of the rank are not false at all.

Two minutes later, when the fire dragon had almost killed the tortoise shell monsters between heaven and earth, a figure arrived before the flying dragon belatedly.

She stood there quietly, the black kimono on her body fluttering in the wind, and her jet-black hair like a waterfall was splendid, giving people a ladylike and awe-inspiring feeling, and she had a very high rate of turning back when she walked on the road.


Before she came to the flying dragon, she respectfully knelt down to Liu Xia who was sitting on the back of the flying dragon, calling herself a servant.

This is the effect of the "Domination Arrow" in the form of the ghost king bow. As long as it is hit, it will be dominated by Liu Xia from the soul level. The weaker its own willpower, the easier it is to be hit.

In the face of monsters without wisdom, this trick is not satisfactory.

Even if it is used on a warrior from another world like Grace, as long as her psychological defense line is defeated, she will become extremely obedient, and will not resist at all no matter what she asks for.

The effect of the **** arrow is permanent, and unless Liu Xia voluntarily gives up, or is purified by stronger psychic ability, it cannot be lifted.

The reason why she was untied of the brainwashing effect in the past month and regained her senses was because Liuxia left this world, which weakened the brainwashing effect.

As soon as Liu Xia returned here and reconnected, Grace quickly lost herself and became his puppet again.

"These monsters here, are you out of it?"

In the face of the puppet, there was no need to say hello or greet him, so Liu Xia asked his question straight to the point.

"It's not...but it should be able to say yes."

In the case of being manipulated, Grace didn't know what resistance was, and answered honestly.

"What do you mean? Tell me carefully."

Liu Xia raised her brows slightly and asked her to elaborate.

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