Eighth Crown

Chapter 1212: Invasion from another world

"These monsters all have their own official names. If you use the monster identification, you will find that their names are all the familiars of the spirit turtles. Although the models are different, they are all monsters released by the spirit turtles."

"According to legend, as one of the ancient four spirits, the spirit turtle is also the guardian beast of this world. It was sealed by the brave a long time ago. In theory, as long as the seal is not unlocked, the spirit turtle will not appear. Demon-type monsters will not be released either."

Grace explained the whole story to Liuxia step by step.

These bats, snowmen and other monsters with tortoise shells are not unexpectedly related to the tortoise, and they are even the familiars released by the tortoise himself.

"But now that these monsters are released, it means that the tortoise is out of the seal, right?"

Lucia asked Grace thoughtfully.


Grace nodded dumbly.

"Not long ago, the vassal spirit of our world reminded us through our vassal, saying that the seal of the tortoise was unlocked by someone, let us come to investigate the situation."

Sure enough, the legendary weapons in their world also have elves.

In this way, in every world with legendary weapons, there will be spirits and spirits with legendary weapons.

"Wait, since the guardian beast of our world wakes up, why is it the elves of your world reminding you, but the elves of our world have not given us any news?"

Lucia felt a little strange.

The ancient four spirits and the ancient four saints are distributed in different worlds. Each of the four spirits and four saints guards a world, and the spirit turtle is the guardian beast of this world.

But this is very unreasonable. The guardian beast of his own world broke through the seal, but the elves of this world did not respond at all. Instead, the elves of the world on Grace's side gave the alert. No matter how you look at it, it is against common sense.

Moreover, the fact that the guardian beasts are sealed also has a lot of tricks. Since it is the existence of guarding the world, why did the heroes of the past seal them?

"No, this is common sense. Generally speaking, the awakening of guardian beasts will not give any news."

Grace continued: "The reason why the elves of our world will give hints and let us investigate the truth is probably because the one who released the spirit turtle is the hero of our world."


Is the hero from another world who released the tortoise?

Liu Xia couldn't help but froze slightly, thinking about the relationship.

Hmm... that makes sense logically.

Although I don't know why, it seems that the elves of the legendary weapon will not respond to the awakening of the guardian beast, and will not notify the holders of the weapon because of this, but will only wait and see.

But whether the guardian beast is sealed or awakened, it is a matter of this world and has nothing to do with outsiders.

If there is a brave man from outside who breaks in and waits for an opportunity to release the tortoise, it is the interference of external forces, which is the artificial breaking of the rules. The elves on the opposite side will naturally feel guilty and let the weapon holders come to investigate.

In other words, what the heroes of their world did, it was handled by the heroes of their world.

"Then you said yes but no, what do you mean?"

Liu Xia suddenly got up.

"Yes, there are other heroes from our world in this world, and they have also released guardian beasts and turtles, causing great destruction."

Grace replied respectfully.

I see.

That is to say, in addition to the three of them, there was another intruder, and the spirit turtle was also released, and they were making a lot of wind and rain.

That man is the culprit of everything.

As long as he is resolved, not only will he be able to complete the entrustment given to him by the queen, but Liu Xia will also be able to complete the spiritual foundation quest.

"Is it so easy to cross the world?"

Liu Xia looked at Grace again, puzzled.

I always feel that the world has become a sieve, and anyone can invade.

"It's not easy, but it's not difficult either."

Grace thought for a while, "Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to traverse the world, but when the tide occurs, it is possible."

"When the wave occurs, there will be violet gaps in the sky, and through those gaps, you can go to other worlds, but there are many worlds, and you can't be sure that you can go to the world you want to go to."

In other words, the gap in the wave is the passage through the world, but because the passage extends in all directions, the landing place is very random.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that when Grace first appeared, it appeared from the gap in the sky during the third wave in Melomag.

And the reason why they suffered a big loss from Liuxia when they were on Carmyra Island, but still did not return home through the waves, was because the vassal spirits asked them to investigate and deal with the tortoise incident.

"However, the only ones who pass through the world in this way are the warriors with weapons. The warriors with holy weapons are not allowed to leave, because the warriors with holy weapons are the guardians, and the warriors with family are the heroes of aggression."

Glass paused, and then made additional explanations.

Is the vassal hero the hero of aggression?

Although Liu Xia knew that only the Braves of the Servant could go to other worlds, but this was the first time that he knew that the Hero of the Dependents was the one responsible for invading other worlds?

The so-called brave warriors with belongings refer to the seven-star warriors.

Each world has four sacred weapons and eight slaves. Legend has it that because the power of the slaves comes from the sacred weapons, the power and specifications of the slaves are not as good as those of the sacred weapons.

The reason why the servants of this world become seven-star weapons is because one of the carriages has been occupied by Fitoria for a thousand years and disappeared from the legend, so that the hero of the servants becomes a seven-star hero.

As for the aggressive hero... it is probably related to the law of the increase and decrease of the power of the waves that Glass said before.

According to her previous records from ancient books, killing the Four Holy Heroes from other worlds will cause the tide of that world to intensify, while the tide of her own world will correspondingly slow down.

That's why she called the brave warriors who could traverse the world as the warriors of aggression, because in her opinion, the warriors with family weapons were used to kill the Four Holy Heroes in other worlds.

This ancient book is obviously suspicious.

But in order to save her world and her companions, Grace had to do what was said above.

In this way, all mysteries are solved.

"The last question, do you have a legendary sword in your world?"

Lucia asked the last question.


Gala answered without hesitation.

"However, on our side, the knife is only a slave weapon, not a holy weapon."

Liu Xia's eyes moved slightly, and then she frowned again.

"Obviously there is a knife, but it is not a holy weapon?"

I really don't know if this is good news or bad news.

"Yo, the little brother of the Warrior of the Bow."

Just when Liu Xia was troubled by this, a very familiar greeting came into Liu Xia's ears.

"It seems that you are troubled by this... Well, let me tell you a piece of information, how about you return the little girl Grace to us?"

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