Eighth Crown

Chapter 1218: Selfish and stupid warriors

How these countries plan to deal with it has nothing to do with Liu Xia.

He never cared about the perils of the people and the country. Even though he knew that many countries were being ravaged by spirit turtles and demons, and even the Penglai Kingdom, which was the center of the incident, was not far from destroying the country, Liu Xia's heart was not fluctuating at all. There is no thought to support or help.

If it wasn't for the fact that it took time for the spread of events and fame, he would even plan to find the otherworldly hero, pull the tortoise out of the seal, and kill both sides together.

Therefore, after informing the queen of what happened, Liuxia left on the grounds of recuperating.

The queen also knew that the tortoise must be an unprecedented enemy, so she did not force him, and told him to rest well before leaving.

Oster was left in the palace, and was responsible for informing the Queen of the information about the tortoise, so that the coalition could make targeted preparations.

The three of Grace were also left behind by Liu Xia, allowing them to move freely for the time being.

Thanks to this, the three of them temporarily regained their self-awareness. After they regained their senses, the faces of the three of them became extremely pale, and they joined together like a wall that had just been painted with lime.

"We are completely planted..."

Tiris let out a bitter sigh.

"I'm sorry, I'm the one who hurt you..."

Grace gritted her teeth fiercely, but her face was equally desperate.


Larbec did not speak, and felt that the future was bleak.

When they returned to the valley, as expected, there were only two rituals and Aigrey left, not to mention Tianmu Lian and them, and even Iwatani Shangwen's three-person group disappeared without a trace.

Those brave men were sent out by the queen, and now they are running around the country, fighting against the ravages of spirit turtles and demons.

"Coming back so soon?"

The two rituals looked at Liu Xia in surprise.

"It's over for the time being, and there will be action in three days."

Lucia replied.


The two ceremonies responded clearly, and then immersed themselves in the practice.

Liu Xia silently stayed by her side, and bit by bit, she informed the two ceremonies of what she had done last night, attracting her inquiries and understandings from time to time.


Three days passed in a flash.

"Hmm... It's really incredible. You have learned Li · Chang Wu Shuang Liu so quickly. Your aptitude seems to be higher than I imagined!"

This morning, the mother-in-law tested the course of the two ceremonies and sighed full of praise.

"Does this count as complete learning? Is it too fast?"

The two ceremonies clenched their fists, and their faces were quite unfinished.

Liu Xia was also a little unexpected. Although he predicted that the two rituals could be learned in a few days, he thought it would take at least five or six days, but he did not expect to learn it completely in just three days.

For the past three days, he had been by the side of the two ceremonies, and Aigre was swept away because of this. She could see the progress of the two ceremonies with her own eyes, and her progress was indeed astonishing.

Different from Liu Xia's high-rise building, the two ceremonies are simply fast in understanding and fast in getting started. During the period, they did not encounter any bottlenecks. All knowledge is grasped at one point.

Perhaps the existence connected to the root has such an astounding talent?

Although the two rituals are not [two rituals], and what she is connected to is only the root of the moon world, but she is the root priestess who was chosen after all, and it is not incomprehensible that she has such a talent.

"Let's go, the queen is already calling."

Liu Xia said so, took out Shangri-La, opened the teleportation array, and let the two rituals walk in with her mother-in-law.

After walking out of the teleportation array, several people came to the palace.

The Queen, Oster, Iwatani Takafumi, and Grace are all gathered here. Everyone is ready to go, and even the Queen is wearing light armor.

Behind them, there are dozens of elite troops. These are the real elites of the Melomag Kingdom. The average level is around 60, and they are genuine trump cards.

However, from these people, Tian Mulian and Beicun Yuankang could not be found.

The queen used a folding fan to cover the lower half of her face, but she could see the anger in her eyes, and a mocking sneer also appeared on Iwatani's face.

"Why, the other two brave men are timid before they fight?"

Liu Xia raised her eyebrows and asked the two of them.

"It would be nice if that was the case, at least it would give you peace of mind."

The corners of Iwatani Shangwen's mouth twitched slightly, making no secret of his sarcasm.

"Those two idiots disappeared the next day after they knew it was the tortoise. Judging from Ying's report, they ran to the seal of the tortoise alone, mostly because they knew the game strategy, so they planned to pull it out. Get the top spot, it's selfish and stupid to ignore the poor combat power at all!"

The tortoise was born?

OK, that's great! We have always been worried about the lack of powerful weapons. This turtle is like a pillow when you are dozing off. As long as you can kill the turtle first, the level can be greatly improved, not to mention that you will be able to unlock a stronger form!

At that time, Iwatani Shangwen and Liangyi Liuxia, who are still complacent now, will definitely not be their opponents, then it is time for them to raise their eyebrows!

What? Can't win?

What a joke, we are brave, we have experience of playing games in our previous life, knowing the strategy of the turtle, it must not be a problem, the turtle is the fish on the cutting board, waiting for us to slaughter!

This is about the mental process of the two.

I can't describe it as stupid anymore, it's just stupid, it leaves people speechless.

No wonder the Queen's face was not quite right. The two had made it clear that they wanted to disobey her orders.

It is true that the brave are very noble beings themselves, but the Kingdom of Melomag has given them great convenience and help. When it comes to the end, they will not even listen to any instructions, and even secretly leave behind her back. Familiar white-eyed wolf!

"Liangyi, I'll use the teleportation shield to take you to the coalition base first, and then use the teleportation ability to bring everyone there. I'll add you, and you agree."

Iwatani Shangwen sneered and then stopped, focusing on the important matter in front of him, and proposed to Liuxia.


Liu Xia nodded in response, and then agreed to the invitation to join the team sent by Iwatani Sakafumi.

He hadn't been to the coalition base, so he had to go first before he could teleport everyone there.

The teleportation function of the holy weapon can only transmit three people at a time, and the cooling time is as long as an hour. There is no time to rush back and forth. It is the best choice to hand the teleportation to Liu Xia, who has no restrictions.

As Iwatani Shangwen activated the teleportation shield skill, the two of them swayed in front of their eyes, as if the plane had landed, giving people a feeling of dizziness and vomiting.

After the teleportation was over, the two appeared in the Penglai Kingdom, outside a mountain range several kilometers long.

The coalition forces of many countries are stationed here.

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