Eighth Crown

Chapter 1219: Allied leaders of course

The destination of the teleportation was on a huge grassland, where the coalition camp was stationed, and there were many soldiers walking around in front of the two of them.

The mountain range a few kilometers away is Penglai Mountain, and it is also the place where the tortoise was sealed.

A huge magic circle was set up around the camp, which was arranged by the magician troops of the coalition army who performed large-scale group-style magic, which blocked an astonishing number of tortoises and magicians.

Liu Xia took out Shangri-La and sent everyone in the palace over.

"The leaders of the coalition have gathered, let's go see them first, and then discuss the battle against the tortoise!"

The queen came out of the teleportation array, still covering her face with her fan, and said to the two of Liu Xia.

The queen first arranged the elites she brought, and then took Liuxia, Iwatani Shangwen, and Oster to the center of the camp and met many leaders of the coalition.

The two rituals, Raphtalia and others were left in the army formation of the Melomag Kingdom.

In the huge tent in the center, there are generals, kings, knight leaders, and leaders sent from various countries gathered here, waiting for the arrival of several people.

It is said that it is a coalition, but in fact, everyone knows that in the face of such legendary monsters, the brave are the ones who are on the front line.

"Oh! Lord Hero of the Bow, is it finally here?"

"The brave man of the bow is here, and it is reassuring!"

When the people at the table saw Liu Xia's figure, they suddenly burst into cheers, and their mouths kept overflowing with praise.

In this world, there are things like crystal balls, which are no different from cameras. In order to spread his reputation, Liu Xia also asked Melomag Kingdom to record his appearance and spread it all over the world.

After seeing Liu Xia's arrival, these people immediately recognized his identity, and they were relieved a lot, as long as there was a brave person, it was already stable.

Iwatani Shangwen was ignored gorgeously, and no one even mentioned the whereabouts of Tianmulian and Kitamura Motoyasu.

It is true that the hero of the bow is too dazzling, and has dealt with powerful monsters several times in the past. Such legends have spread, and it is believed that the hero of the bow is the real hero, the leader and the strongest among the heroes.

"Is this woman the messenger of the tortoise?"

"Before the war, take her flag!"

"That's right, since she's been with the spirit turtle, and she's hurt a lot of people so far, there's no reason to let her go!"

After a while, the eyes of these people turned to Oster again, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation, clamoring to deal with her sacrificial flag.

Oster tightened the cloak on her body, her thin lips pursed slightly, her expression gradually complicated, but she did not speak.

Under the endless frenzy of the spirit tortoise demon, although she was rescued once by Liu Xia, the Penglai Kingdom where she was born was still reduced to ruins, turned into the dust of history, and almost all of her subjects were wiped out.

The statement of these coalition leaders is actually correct. She did confuse King Penglai according to the order of the spirit turtle.

"Everyone, this is not the time to talk about this. We are here to discuss how to deal with the tortoise, and she is currently on our side. It is not advisable to fight before the war."

The queen decisively interrupted several people's condemnation.

But her words didn't seem to be of any use, and the faces of these people were all expressions of disapproval.

"Anyway, there are already brave men. Let the brave men cheer on the spirit turtle. Since the spirit turtle has been sealed by the hero before, I believe there is no problem now."

"Yes, if you can't do it, it means that the current hero is too weak."

Several of them also showed frivolous expressions, posing as "it is only natural for the brave to fight for us", without showing any respect to the brave.

"Why are there so many idiots in this world?"

Liu Xia rubbed her chin and spoke bluntly.

"Should I let the turtles come out and kill them first, and then deal with the turtles?"

He didn't mean to hide at all, he said it openly.

Even the Queen and Iwatani Shangwen were frightened, Oster was completely stunned, and the people on the table suddenly became even more restless.

"Wait...Wait! As a brave man, are you planning to die?"

The frivolous general who had looked before suddenly became nervous when he heard the words, and shouted at him.

This is no joke.

According to the information given by Oster, the power of the tortoise is very powerful, and it is beyond human reach. Only the brave can deal with it. After all, it is the guardian beast of one world.

If the brave men are going to die, their so-called coalition forces are basically living targets.

The thousands of familiar demons outside are enough to testify to this, and the tortoise can continuously produce such familiar demons.

"Then are you going to sacrifice the hero as a matter of course?"

Liu Xia avoided answering, and instead blamed the other party.

"I dare to say that if you can save the world by sacrificing the brave, you people will be overjoyed to execute it. Treat the brave as an item to save the world, and you will come and go when you call it. It is no different from the tortoise. If human beings If it is a monster, I will kill you now."

The crowd suddenly stopped talking.

In terms of harm to the world, no creature can surpass humans, that is, because there are too many humans and occupy the mainstream of world development, so they have always been self-righteous and occupy the name of righteousness and belittle other races, as if all monsters are Evil, human beings are all good.

However, there are not a few harmless monsters that perish because of humans.

According to Fittoria, she has saved human beings several times in the past, but she has been victimized countless times by humans. Her own race has also been enslaved by humans like slaves. There are also many variants of Philo birds. He was exterminated by the monster experiment and disappeared into history.

If Liu Xia is also a human, then he can only stand in the position of a human, and he has nothing to say about this phenomenon.

But he is not a human being. Even if he has been a human being, he has no sense of belonging to the human race. In his eyes, whether it is a monster or a human being, they are all treated equally. side.

Their behavior of wanting to use him as a gunner without paying any price is tantamount to prostitution in his eyes, and it is one of his least favorite types.

There were smarter ones in the field, and they saw that the brave man didn't like them, so they shut up immediately.

Oster gave him a strange look.

Although I knew that this brave man was unusual, I didn't expect him to have such unusual values, and he could even think from the perspective of spirit turtles and monsters.

This is the inclusiveness that no hero in the past has ever had.

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