Eighth Crown

Chapter 1231: Thank goodness you haven't been killed yet

The thighs are very soft to the touch and seem slender, but they are also full of flexibility due to regular exercise. There is only a layer of kimono between the back of his head and her legs.

Bai Nen put her hands on both sides of his temples and gently massaged the acupuncture points on his head. The strength was moderate and she could not pick out the slightest problem. Although she held the knife all the year round, she did not leave the slightest calluses on the ten fingers of her hands, as always. White and soft.

It's a rare treat.

Liu Xia lay there silently, enjoying the knee pillows and massages from the two ceremonies, forgetting all the troubles behind her ears for a while.

The sky is still constantly projecting countless monsters, and the falling and flying ones are bounced off by the dragon's wind barrier, so that in this calamitous sky, only the ten-meter circle can enjoy peaceful.


Elf world.

This place is almost exactly the same as the Elf World in another world. It is a strange space without the concept of time and space, and it is all attached to the world.

There are also twelve light groups in the distance, chasing each other.

At a certain moment, a purple teleportation formation suddenly spread out not far from the light groups, and then two figures came out.

The elves were very strange for a while, and couldn't help but come together.

The Elf world is a very special place. Although it is attached to the world, it is independent of the world. Few people can come here.

And they also sensed the aura of holy weapons and vassals from people, not from their side, they should be brave warriors from other worlds.

The brave never had any bad intentions, so they approached without any precautions.

"This is the spirit world of this world?"

The astonishingly handsome man among the people who came here looked around. Although his words were interrogative, his tone was very positive.

"It's quite a strange place."

The girl with the charm beyond gender also sighed like this.

The elves gathered around each other and looked at the two of them curiously.

At this point, they did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Which of you is the elf of the sword?"

The man cast a glance and asked them.

Immediately, a group of light emerged more and more, and came to the front of the two of them. The eyes of both of them converged on it, and it raised its chest proudly.

did you see?

These two brave men from another world actually made a special trip to find it!

"The current sword family has not yet recognized the master, so choose the style as the master."

The man among them looked at it, pointed to the woman next to it and said to it.

The light on the Elf of the Sword flickered, looked up and down at the woman beside him, and after a brief pause, shook his head decisively.

No, not eligible.

Although the choice of the hero of the slave weapon is very loose, it must be recognized by the elves of the slave weapon. In this regard, the elves also have their own criteria for selecting people.

Not to mention having an unparalleled sense of justice and sense of responsibility, but at least not bad. These qualities necessary to save the world are absolutely indispensable.

It can be seen that this woman called Shi is definitely not that kind of existence, this is the natural ability of the elves, and there is nothing wrong.

"I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm giving you an order."

Then the man pulled out a dazzling sword from nowhere, and it exuded an aura that made the elves tremble. He even opened his eyes, and from those rainbow-colored eyes, even more lethality was revealed. The elves were terrified of chills.

"If you don't follow what I say, there is no need for this wizard world to exist."

Very domineering.

But also very unreasonable.

The two ceremonies glanced at Liu Xia strangely.

Has this guy always been like this when he's walking outside?

Thinking about it carefully, when he and her first met, they were also full of the smell of gunpowder... Well, the real smell of gunpowder, the kind that almost exploded Liangyi's mansion to the sky.

He's a guy who's very good at threatening people, and the two rituals understand that.

But she didn't stop.

At least not immediately.

The elves suddenly became a mess.

They felt a strong threat from Liu Xia's knife and eyes, and either of those two things could really kill them, which made them panic.

Damn, how did such a bad embryo appear in the brave?

Under the threat of the Sword of Killing Concept and the Eye of Eradication, the elves communicated with each other for a long time, and finally the elves of the sword reluctantly emerged and nodded in agreement.

After it agreed, a dazzling streamer directly shuttled through the barriers of the world, flew straight from the sky, and fell directly into the hands of the two ceremonies.

It was a large sword with a black handle and a silver body. It looked rather ordinary, not even a common famous sword, but it should only be in its initial form.

At the moment when the sword's family tool fell into her hands, the whip's family tool that was originally hanging on her body was also unbound, turning into a streamer and disappearing from the sight of the two of them.

A person can only hold one vassal, and it is meaningless to have more.

"Good, but one more thing."

Liu Xia saw that the two rituals were holding the sword's family tool, nodded and then looked at the twelve elves.

"I heard that there is a possibility that the companion weapon can be upgraded to a holy weapon, as long as the upper weapon gives up this position... Which of you is a card elf?"

The two ceremonies looked at him even more strangely.

In terms of your style, it's a shame that you haven't been beaten to death yet!

Among the elves, a certain light group was pushed out by the other light groups, and the light on his body kept flashing.

If it can speak, it must be very violent now.

The wizard of the sword was also stunned, and then overjoyed.

And such a good thing?


Spirits who don't want to be holy weapon spirits are not good spirits.

The sword spirit actually wants to become a holy weapon spirit, but if it's not the end of the world, there's really no such possibility, so I don't usually think that way.

But I didn't expect that this wish could become a reality one day!

The elves surrounded the card elves in the middle, and persuaded them with all their heart, why did you wronged you for the sake of the elves, we will remember your sacrifice, even if you become a slave elves, we will not bully you and so on. .

Among them, the persuasion of the sword spirit is the most active.

It wants to knock Big Brother off the horse and turn himself into Big Brother!

The card elf retorted fiercely, looking at the frequency of the flashing light, it must be swearing some swear words, but in the end, the arm was unable to twist the thigh, and the elves jointly captured it and sent it to Liu Xia.

"Let's start, carry out the promotion ceremony."

Liu Xia raised his sword and looked at it, with a stance of slashing if there was a disagreement.

The card elf was very angry, but when his life was being pinched by others, it did not dare to refuse, so he angrily stopped the flashing light and began to perform the promotion ceremony for the sword elf.

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