Eighth Crown

Chapter 1232: Upgraded Sacred Sword

The promotion ceremony lasted for most of the day.

After the ceremony, the card elf floated away swayingly and left this sad place in a trance.

The wizard of the sword has naturally become the new holy weapon wizard, and naturally he is overjoyed, and the spirit of the ship that belongs to the same department is also very happy to it.

The knives in the hands of the two rituals also successfully completed the upgrade at this moment, and thus became a brand-new holy weapon. Correspondingly, the cards also fell into the vassal.

The relationship between the top and bottom has been reversed. If there are no accidents in the future, the card elf will not be able to turn over for the rest of his life.

The two ceremonies looked at the knife in their hands. From the outside, they still couldn't see anything outstanding, but they felt that the weight of this weapon was inexplicably heavy.

After the promotion ceremony was over, Liu Xia found the book spirit again, and asked him to keep the book's vassal by the book hero's side and not allow it to be recovered. After getting a positive answer, he nodded with satisfaction.

After doing all this, Liu Xia left the spirit world with two rituals.

After the two left, the elves relaxed, and some families were happy and some were sad.


Above the sea, the waves are still going on endlessly.

With a flash of purple light, Liu Xia and the two rituals returned here and landed on the back of Feilong.

"Is this weapon really that strong?"

The two rituals repeatedly looked at the sacred sword in their hands, but they couldn't see how strong it was.

"This is just the initial form. After unlocking various forms, it will naturally become more powerful."

Liu Xia also enlarged her sacred bow, held it in her hand, and explained it to her.

"Theoretically speaking, your knife and my bow are of the same grade. It's easy for the knife to reach the level of my bow. You should have seen the power of my bow with your own eyes."


After thinking about the two ceremonies, almost as soon as I closed my eyes, the scene of Liu Xia's arrows shattering the sky would appear, and I couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"Also, as more and more forms are unlocked, you will also get a variety of skills, such as identification, fishing, logging, etc. For the time being, the more useful ones are...diving, medicine, etc. ."

When Liu Xia was talking about useful skills, he wanted to blurt out something, but he didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly stopped that trend and turned to other skills.

"In the next half month, I will accompany you to unlock the various forms of the sacred sword."

"Can you? You have nothing else to do?"

He changed his words very quickly, and he didn't hear the two ceremonies clearly, so he didn't care about his vague words, but asked hesitantly.

"It's all over for me to do."

Liu Xia shook his head, "Also, unlocking the form in this world is also good for me."

There is a huge difference between the two worlds.

As far as the rough future he saw before, this world has many monsters and materials that are completely different from the other world, which can also unlock many new forms for the sacred bow.

Of course, with the current power of the Holy Bow, unlocking some weak forms is almost useless.

Hearing the words of the two ceremonies, they nodded somewhat incomprehensibly.

Since there is no delay, there is no need to be hypocritical.

After making up his mind, Liu Xia directly collected materials on the spot, led two rituals and began to kill the surrounding tide monsters, disassembled various new monsters, and let the sacred bow and knife absorb them respectively, unlocking various forms. .

At the same time, the levels of the two ceremonies are also increasing rapidly. With the unlocking of various forms of the sacred sword, her strength is also increasing rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed in a flash.


After Liu Xia's future vision was upgraded to S rank, she did not lose her measuring power.

Under his leadership, the two quickly swept across most of the world, unlocking hundreds of forms of sacred weapons with extremely high efficiency.

By the way, the two of them have also solved a lot of waves, and their reputation in this world can be considered to be spread out.

The monsters killed in the tide have also become the resources for sacred weapons to become stronger. Many bosses killed in the tide have provided good buffs and skills.

For example, Liu Xia unlocked the follow-up skill of Lianzhu Arrow, which evolved from the original "four bursts" to "seven bursts".

The sacred swords of the two ceremonies, although the number of forms is not comparable to Liuxia's sacred bow, but also unlocked a large number of forms, with the blessing of the sacred sword, the strength is close to the level when Liuxia left last time.

Thanks to this, she also got a lot of special skills, skills such as appraisal are basically full level.

It's just that for some reason, none of her forms is a cooking-related skill, and she has never unlocked a form with this skill.

Because she didn't understand either, plus Liu Xia did the whole thing entirely, she didn't bother, she was deprived of the need to think, and even made her feel like she almost became a waste, so of course she didn't have time to think so much. .

After spending more than ten days to unlock almost all the forms that can be unlocked in this world, the two got the pass from the wizard of the sword and returned to their own world.

Then, Liu Xia started to scavenge the world with two rituals. Before the one-month deadline came, the two unlocked forms broke into a thousand.

The level of the two ceremonies has also been successfully raised to level 100, and the strength is more than a hundred times stronger than before.

I have to say that the existence of holy weapons is like opening and hanging, which can make people grow in a very short period of time to a level that others cannot reach in a lifetime.

People like Tian Mu Lian and Kitamura Motoyasu are typical ones who don't know how to play, but Liu Xia, who has a future vision, can use this plug-in to every idea.

this evening.

There were only a few hours left in the countdown at the bottom right of Liu Xia's perspective, and he returned to the manor in the Melomag Kingdom with two ceremonies, intending to take a good rest before starting the next journey.

The two ceremonies of successfully obtaining the sacred sword are now stronger than they used to be. Coupled with the magic eye of death that she possesses, people like Karna are no longer her opponents at all.

He plans to go to the new world with the two rituals. After all, it is a rare honeymoon trip, and he should try his best to avoid exposing his problems that he should not have before, such as Esdes or Musashi.

"Lord Liangyi, someone is asking to see you outside."

Before dinner, Agre came to the kitchen and reported to Lucia who was cooking.

"Although wearing a cloak, I vaguely found that it should be the Queen Mai Yin... Do you want to let her in?"


Didn't she leave this Melomag Kingdom with Kitamura Motoyasu and go to other countries to seek life?

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