Eighth Crown

Chapter 1233: How many women are around you?

Maine, formerly known as Maddie S. Melomag.

His current name is Bichi, also known as a bitch.

Because of his participation in the incident of the shield warrior Iwatani being framed by the Three Warriors Sect, at the time of the final punishment, although he was saved from death for the sake of the queen, he was also renamed by Iwatani, so after that, people generally called She is blue.

After that incident, Mai Yin not only lost her status and status, but also took on a debt that has not been repaid so far.

Therefore, when Kitamura Motoyasu proposed to leave the Melomag Kingdom, she agreed without a word.

Leaving the Melomag Kingdom would not only make his shameful new name disappear, but he would also not have to pay his debts, no matter how he looked at it.

When you arrive in a new country and make good use of your identity as a gun warrior, how much fame and money do you want?

But more than half a month after leaving Melomag Kingdom, Maine secretly returned to the kingdom and came to the gate of Liuxia's manor.

There was no reason for him, but he couldn't help but feel lovesick and wanted to come back to see Liu Xia.

After all, Liu Xia had promised her that she would be allowed to enter the manor once a month, right? Even if she has left the kingdom, this promise still counts, right?

In fact, she has been back for several days. She comes here every day, and every time she gets the result that Liu Xia is not there, but she still runs over every day.

Aigrey even told the queen long ago, but the queen told her to pretend she didn't recognize Maine, and she didn't say anything.

Although she is very disappointed with Maine, the queen still misses her old feelings and does not want to expose this eldest daughter to the people and fall into a situation where she is not a human being inside or outside.

"Just say I'm not here and blow her away."

Liu Xia did not hesitate at all, and was very decisive.

No matter what Maine came back for, Liu Xia didn't want to meet her at all. The relationship between him and the two ceremonies was much warmer than before. Did she come in to sow discord?


Aigrey led the order to retreat and went to the door to respond.

The two ceremonies sat on the dining table and chairs separated by a wall, watching Aigre leave, the light-white fingers tapped on the table, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I said, are you quite welcome outside?"

In fact, she also has this self-consciousness. After all, Liu Xia's charm is really outrageous. Even she sometimes feels that she can't get tired of seeing it, and it must be a common thing to attract the eyes of the opposite sex.

In the kitchen, Liu Xia's movement of the spoon paused slightly.

"Don't worry, I never let them take advantage."

That's right, it's true that they didn't occupy them, Estes and Musashi can't be considered "them".

"Say as if I care a lot about whether you are taken advantage of by others."

The two ceremonies rolled their eyes and looked away unhappily.

"Then tell me, how many women have you had entanglements with before?"

She quietly cast her gaze again.

Obviously cared.

But not to say, very frank.

"I don't remember."

Lucia replied bluntly.

This is the truth.

He didn't remember any of the women who were fascinated by his magical charm and tried to strike up a conversation, attack, etc. - all of them were scared away or killed by Esders, he really didn't remember.

"Really... Then I'll ask another question."

The eyes of the two rituals gradually condensed, and their eyes were like spotlights, focusing on Liu Xia.

"Like me, how many women did you take with you before?"

She remembered the toiletry utensils for multiple people that she had seen in Liuxia's villa before. They were definitely not decorations, they were often used by some people, and she had seen them many times.

In other words, someone lives in his house all year round.

But she used to go to Liu Xia's house quietly when she was out, and no one lived there... That is to say, Liu Xia always took those people with her, just like her now.

So it's weird.

Why did Lucia hide the existence of those people from her?

If it's just an ordinary traveler, it's fine to make up an identity like a friend, there's no need to hide those things from her.

Been thinking about it for several months.

The two ceremonies finally felt that there were other women hiding beside Liu Xia.

In the kitchen, Liu Xia's figure immediately stopped.

The sight of the two rituals behind him was like a high-power light cannon, staring straight at his back, making his whole body uncomfortable.


Lucia sighed secretly.

Unexpectedly, he took every precaution and told Aigrey and the others not to talk about Esdes, not to allow Maine and others to approach, but in the end it was still exposed.

There must be some negligence somewhere, but it's pointless to think about it now.

Now, there are two options before him.

No, no choice is required at all.

Liu Xia put down the spatula in his hand, turned around and walked out of the kitchen, and sat down opposite the two ceremonies.

"I'll just say it bluntly, there are three women I took with me before."

When the two ceremonies heard the words, their delicate bodies were shocked, their faces became cold and severe, and they held the sacred sword next to them.

"Two of them are irrelevant. They were brought by me simply because of their ability or strength. I have no emotional disputes with them."

Liu Xia sat at the table with her chin on her hands, her expression calm and composed.

After the two ceremonies heard the words, the hand holding the knife loosened slightly, but still did not let go.

"The last one... Well, she does like me very much and often confesses to me."

The two ceremonies re-held the knife and were about to pull it out.

"But I never said yes, I refused every time, and I never had a physical relationship."


The eyes of the two rituals narrowed slightly, and their eyes gradually relaxed.

"I have all my heart for you."

Liu Xia fixedly watched the two ceremonies, her tone was calm but firm.

"Um...you're telling the truth, aren't you?"

After being confessed so directly by him, the two ceremonies were a bit unbearable, and his face gradually turned rosy, but he still looked super fierce and asked him with a serious face.

"I don't want to lie to you."

Liu Xia continued to watch the two rituals, trying to convey her emotions to her.

He felt that he should be quite affectionate now.

"Hmph...I'll trust you for now."

The two ceremonies looked at him up and down for a while, and then snorted softly, reluctantly gave up pursuing this matter, and moved his hand from the sacred sword.

But then, her words changed again.

"Who is stronger than that woman? In terms of strength."

"Well... She has more combat experience, but your ability value is stronger, at least you won't lose."

Liu Xia thought about it for a while and gave her evaluation truthfully.

Estes is a fighting maniac, fights like a beast, her fighting instinct is inhuman, and she also has the terrifying stunt of Mahabatma.

However, the two ceremonies are blessed by the sacred sword and his scabbard, and they have also completed the materialization of their souls, at least they will not lose.

"That's it, it's easy to say."

After hearing the words of the two ceremonies, they also nodded slightly relieved.

"Which world should she be left in by you? We will leave tomorrow for that world!"

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