Eighth Crown

Chapter 1238: Slaughterhouse: A little nun like me

After opening my eyes, I saw a continuous line of ancient Japanese buildings, which looked majestic but delicate, with a little garden style.

In front of him stood a slender girl, with a slender figure, a slender waist that could be held in one hand, and long legs, and the black pantyhose wrapped around it shone with luster.

His face is also flawless and delicate like a dazzling brilliance, and his long orange-red hair is tied into a simple side ponytail on the side of his head. He is wearing a Chaldean uniform, and he wears a communication watch on his wrist.

She looked at Lucia with a bright smile on her face.

There is another woman standing beside her. She is much more mature and charming than her. She is wearing a black tight nun dress, but her lower body is a split style, and her dark golden eyes seem to be peaceful. , but it also gives people a sense of wave cloud and strange orange.

At this moment, when she saw Liu Xia's arrival, she also had a smile on her face, like Maitreya Buddha, but Liu Xia couldn't feel any kindness from her smile.

After all, they are still enemies.

Fujimaru Rika and Seshoin Kiara were the advance team sent by Chaldea to investigate this era and find a way to rescue the Chaldean employees and servants who were forcibly captured.

"Liuxia sauce, long time no see!"

The lively girl was full of surprise, and greeted Liu Xia as soon as they met.

"With you here, it's really a person who can surpass a hundred people. It's more reassuring!"

After all, it was an existence that was able to defeat the three major Lost News Belts all the way, and even the giant king of the end of the Nordic world could defeat the existence. With Liu Xia's strength, there were very few existences on this earth that could face him head-on.

Even if the mastermind behind the scenes this time is really strong, with Liu Xia around, it will not make people feel nervous and invincible at all, as if as long as he is by his side, there is boundless confidence and confidence.

"Hehe, Mr. Liangyi is a well-known strong man in Chaldea, after all, a little nun like me is absolutely impossible."

The slaughterhouse's smile remained unchanged, and the mouth continued to compliment.

"Let's ignore Lixiang's words, but the compliment from you really makes me suspicious and uneasy, kind-hearted, Slaughterhouse."

Liu Xia's eyes were focused on the body of the Slaughterhouse. Although his face was not visible, he was secretly guarding this woman in his heart.

"How come, I'm just a little nun, how dare I."

The Slaughterhouse waved its hands again and again, looking like a submissive little daughter-in-law, but the iconic smile on her face was still undiminished, it was hard to say it was sincere.

"Could it be that Liu Xia-chan has something to do with Miss Slaughterhouse?"

Fujimaru Tachika, who was on the side, saw that the atmosphere between the two instantly became tense, and quickly interjected, trying to change the topic.

Chaldea is not a Servant with no evil traces, and there are even many Servants who take the initiative to incarnate into the shady, but Fujimaru Rika is very tolerant, no matter what the Sesshou Institute has done in the past, she will be willing to accept it.

But on the other hand, as long as it is a heroic spirit of Chaldea, no matter what it was in the past, she will not allow them to commit evil deeds now.

"It's just a bad fate, but it's better not to trust her too much."

Liu Xia thought for a while, but after all, she did not directly cut her with a knife here, but only sent advice to Fujimaru Rika.

"If it's really too much, I will conduct a deep review early next morning and correct the evil. I won't be reckless picking fruits like in the past. Please rest assured."

The Slaughterhouse laughed, showing no joy or anger on his face, it was really unfathomable.

"Ah ha ha……"

Fujimaru Rika touched her head and laughed dryly.

It turns out that you were really arrogant in the past... But what does picking fruit mean? To **** any treasures of heaven and earth? I really don't understand.

"Oh! It seems that you have converged safely!"

A transparent screen emerged from Fujimaru Rika's watch, and Shion's miniature figure emerged from it.

"If Mr. Liangyi joins, this action can be a little bolder, but before that, Lixiang, I just caught the reaction of a Servant, it should be a Servant of Chaldea, but Lingji is a bit strange , I will send you the coordinates, you should go and meet with each other first!"

Along with the screen conversion, a surrounding map appeared in front of several people.

The screen displayed the outline of a capital city. The white dots symbolized the positions of Liuxia and the others, and a green dot was marked not far from them.

"You are now in Edo Castle. According to the records, it is the residence of the general. It is not surprising that there are people patrolling at any time. However, the strange thing is that we can't observe any human reactions here... It's strange, could it be this? Have the aborigines of the era also been captured by the other side?"

Fujimaru Rika followed the guide of the map, and walked towards the green dot with Liu Xia and Seshoin.

Along the way, I did not see a single person, let alone an official, not even a servant. The entire Edo Castle was silent, like a city without people.

It was clear that it was broad daylight, but for some reason it exuded a gloomy feeling.

While vigilant against the Slaughterhouse, Liu Xia looked around. When no one was paying attention, he silently activated the future vision, trying to observe the future scene.

"I can't see clearly, are there any gods... labyrinths, automatons, and—"

Lucia suddenly frowned.

He saw a petite girl figure in the depths of the labyrinth, and his whole body exuded a strong smell of depravity.

Then his future vision was as if the power was cut off, he was forcibly kicked off the assembly line, and he couldn't see anything deeper.

"There's nothing wrong with this taste. It's the same as eroticism... it's the taste of the ultimate evil, and the scale is astonishing."

Liu Xia glanced at the Slaughter Institute, who still couldn't see the anger and anger, and then she didn't mean to scare the snake, and also kept silent.

After more than ten minutes, the three circled around the city, and finally came to the position marked by the green dot, and saw the existence of the suspected Chaldean Servant.

It was a girl in a cherry-colored kimono, with purple hair floating behind her.

At this moment, she was standing blankly under the tree, pointing her finger at her lips, her eyes were slightly absent, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Lucia was very familiar with that appearance, exactly like Matou Sakura, closer to the original species than Meltrilith, Parsonlip, and BB.

"Miss Parr?"

Fujimaru Rika has already recognized the identity of the other party and walked up with an excited look.

"Huh? Who are you? How come I've never seen you before? How can you be in this Edo Castle? It's disrespectful to break into the general's mansion without being summoned!"

The purple-haired girl came back to her senses, and her eyes suddenly became serious when she looked at several people, like a teacher who was in class, and shouted sternly.

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