Eighth Crown

Chapter 1239: It's nice to be a good god


Fujimaru Tatsuka was suddenly stunned.

From the appearance, it is indeed Miss Parvati, but why don't you know her?

"Her spiritual foundation is mixed with other souls, which are small and weak, and may die at any time. It should be Parvati who took the initiative to merge in order to save her."

Liu Xia glanced at Matou Sakura in the kimono, and almost immediately saw the reason for her abnormal state.

"Hey, so a few of them are friends of Lady Goddess? This is really embarrassing, please forgive me for my rudeness!"

Hearing Liu Xia saying Parvati's name directly, Matou Sakura, who was in kimono, was taken aback. After realizing it, a look of guilt appeared on her face. She folded her palms and apologized to several people.

Immediately afterwards, as if to verify Liu Xia's guess, a magical wind blew through the girl in the kimono, and her outfit was completely changed into a blue printed navel-length dress with a very Indian style.

"As expected of the famous Mr. Liangyi in Chaldea, his eyesight is really sharp!"

That heroic spirit is Parvati, one of the servants of the gods who descended on Sakura Matou, who is the wife of Shiva, the **** of destruction, one of the supreme gods in Indian mythology.

She showed her figure and praised Liu Xia.

"As soon as I was about to explain, I was preempted by Mr. Liangyi. That's right, although I don't know why, I appeared here as soon as I woke up, and saw Miss Kasuga Bureau's soul like a candle in the wind."

That said, it proves that she is also a servant of Chaldea, and was forcibly transferred here.

However, there were no other Chaldean Servants around, and Liu Xia couldn't find those people through his future vision. It seemed that Parvati was a special case.

"Kasuga Bureau? Could it be the female hero who commanded the Great Olympics, the wet nurse of Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third-generation general of Tokugawa?"

When the Slaughterhouse heard the name, there was a look of surprise on his face, and he asked with admiration.

"Does this nun also know my name, Ah Fu? It's an honor!"

Parvati changed back to the spring game again, with an expression of joy and smugness on his face.

When Fujimaru Rika heard the words, her face was confused, she turned her head and turned her eyes to the watch in her hand for help.

"Kasuga Bureau, according to records, whose real name is Saito Fuku, is the nurse of the third generation of Tokugawa shogun, Iamitsu. As a nurse, her reputation can be said to be the first in the island country. His political talent was finally granted by the Kasuga Bureau from the Emperor, and he died of illness in 1643."

Matthew's figure appeared at the right time, and he talked about it, almost like an islander than Fujimaru Rika.

Although born in an island country, Fujimaru Rika's own island country history is very common, but she is very proficient in world history, and she is familiar with famous historical figures at home and abroad.

Once it comes to the Kasuga Bureau, which is less famous, it's not very good.

"I see."

It was only then that Fujimaru Tachika suddenly realized that he had a basic understanding.

"So, did Miss Parr save Miss Kasuga Bureau?"

"Oh, you actually call me Miss or something, Ah Fu, I'm already in my 60s this year!"

Kasuga Bureau smiled happily, although he said so, but looking at Fujimaru Rika's eyes full of admiration, obviously very happy.

Then the wind of magic blew again, and Parvati reappeared, looking a little apprehensive.

"Yes, I sensed Miss Kasuga Bureau's strong will to survive in her soul, so I'm nosy. After all, I'm not a side of Durga or Kali, so I can't just sit back and watch it, this is considered a failure. a good thing?"

No wonder she was so uneasy, after all, it seemed that something happened this time, and even Liu Xia was dispatched.

In Chaldea, many people know about the existence of Liu Xia, and they know that he usually only participates in the Lost Belt, and rarely pays attention to things such as small singularities. If even he is dispatched this time, it must be Something incredible happened.

However, she introduced the soul of a stranger into her body with a moment of soft-heartedness. If it affected the battle or even caused the repair of the singularity to fail, it would be her sin.

"Nothing like that, Parvati being such a good **** is a big help."

Fujimaru Rika shook his head sharply, with a sighed expression.

There are too many disobedient gods in Chaldea, and it is too warm to have such a kind-hearted and understanding God.

In Hindu mythology, Shiva, the **** of destruction, is one of the three supreme gods and has many wives. Although Parvati is one of them, he is not well-known.

But in the world of magic, it is generally believed that Parvati, Durga and Kali are the same god, and the three have a unified **** core, but Durga and Kali are both gods related to battle, and their personalities must be different. It's much more radical, it's impossible to manage the situation like Kasuga Bureau, and it's worth taking a look at it.

Parvati also breathed a sigh of relief, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"By the way, since Miss Kasuga Bureau is a local, do you know what happened here?"

Fujimaru Rika remembered the business and hurriedly asked Kasuga Bureau.

"Well, actually that's what makes me wonder too!"

Kasuga Bureau reappeared again, with a depressed look on his face.

"I was in bed because of a serious illness, so I didn't know what was going on outside. After I was rescued by Lord Parr in a daze, there was no one in the entire Edo Castle. Really, don't let me know who opened the door. This kind of joke, or I will use a razor to teach him a hard lesson!"

She waved her fist with a fierce look on her face.

"All I know is that this is Dao, the place where the general's wives and concubines live, only the general can enter and leave, the most private place in the entire Edo Castle, but I don't know why, the Dao I am familiar with has disappeared. It's all turned into a weird labyrinth."

Having said this, her face became lost again, and she sighed.

It seems that she is a person with rich expressions and emotions. She doesn't look like an old man in her sixties at all, but a little girl in her teens.

The so-called Daao refers to the harem in the usual sense, which houses the general's wife, side chambers, concubines, female officials, maids, and even the general's biological mother.

Kasuga Bureau is the first generation of Dao Yu Nianji, that is, Dao's actual manager, the person with the highest authority in the general's backyard, and even the general's biological mother must obey her advice.

When it comes to the level of familiarity with Dao, no one can beat him.

If she said that Dao had turned into a labyrinth, then there would be absolutely no falsehood. Unfortunately, she only knew this. After all, she couldn't ask a bedridden grandma in her sixties to know how much information.

"If that's the case, let's go straight into the labyrinth to find out."

Knowing that there might be no other clues to follow outside, Liu Xia proposed bluntly.

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