Eighth Crown

Chapter 1240: don't try to do anything

Liu Xia knew very well.

The petite girl who can make his future vision invalid must be the mastermind behind this incident, and it may even be an evil human existence.

But it is precisely because the other party is that level of existence that Liu Xia cannot see too much useful information. I believe that even if Solomon comes, it will be the same result.

However, from the short future, one thing that can still be clearly identified is that the petite girl appeared from the inside of the labyrinth.

In other words, I am afraid that all the answers are hidden in that labyrinth.

"Well... if Mr. Liangyi is with you, even if you don't know the truth, you can make your way through it."

Shion didn't think much, and quickly agreed to Liu Xia's proposal.

"Just ask Miss Kasuga Bureau to lead the way. She should be more familiar with this great mystery than we are."

Fujimaru Rika also had no objection. She also believed in Liu Xia, not only because of his strength, but also because of his calmness without changing color, which left a deep impression on her.

"No problem, look at me!"

Kasuga Bureau patted his chest and said confidently: "I'm also holding my breath because of this unrecognizable Dao, and I also care about the whereabouts of the general, so I will definitely subvert this Dao and Edo Castle. The thief will be caught!"

Parvati and the Slaughterhouse each agreed.

A group of people, led by Kasuga Bureau, soon walked towards the entrance of the Daao Labyrinth.


After walking for only a few minutes, several people came to a dark and narrow corridor.

Kasuga stopped with a serious look, staring at the corridor in front of him, as if an invisible enemy was standing in front of him.

"What's the matter, Miss Kasuga Bureau?"

Fujimaru Rika looked at the corridor in front of her with some puzzlement, "Is there anything wrong with this corridor?"

"We haven't detected a hostile reaction here either."

Matthew's figure also appeared, looking at the corridor solemnly.

"Unforgivable! Simply unforgivable!"

Haruhi Bureau raised his eyebrows and his face sank.

"How could this Imperial Bell Corridor be transformed into such a shape? There is a lot of wind everywhere, and this is the only way for generals to enter the Great Olympics, how can it not be transformed into such a gloomy way! It's an insult to the Great Olympics! "

The so-called Royal Bell Corridor refers to the place that connects the Central Olympics and the Great Olympics, and it is also the only way for the generals to enter the Great Olympics.

At this moment, in this Royal Bell Corridor, the screens used as the walls are indeed painted with patterns such as lotus flowers. The overall atmosphere is also very dark and gloomy, the light is very dim, and there is still a vagueness in the air. The strange aroma is always breaking into the nose.

Although the Japanese style has not disappeared, it has been artificially added with many Indian styles.

Liu Xia responded indifferently.

It's just that the style of the house is remodeled, and the Kasuga Bureau is too much of a fuss.

"Miss Kasuga Bureau is the manager of Dao, and she is naturally very interested in Dao."

Zi Yuan's figure appeared from the screen, and she adjusted her glasses, "But we are not without harvest, Miss Kasuga Bureau, let me ask, there should be more than one entrance to Dao, right?"

"Yes, there are several entrances to Dao. These are for the general's exclusive use, as well as for the general's wives, concubines and maids." Kasuga Bureau replied.

"I scanned the surroundings just now, and found that there is absolutely no abnormality in Dao's interior from the outside, and this labyrinth can only be entered through the entrance of the Royal Bell Corridor, and no other entrances are allowed."

Zi Yuan's eyes were full of interest, and the whole person was excited.

"This shows that the other party has space distortion technology far beyond the Atlas Institute. It's incredible. I can't help but want to go there and find out!"

Liu Xia still didn't respond, do you guys really have the consciousness that you are about to face big trouble?

Did he dote on these guys too much and help them out of so much trouble that they couldn't sustain even a little sense of crisis - is this the time to care about such things?

"Crack! Kick!"

While Liu Xia was thinking about this question in secret, the crisp sound of the mechanism rotating irregularly entered the ears of several people.

Everyone's expressions became slightly condensed, their eyes became sharp, or they became interested, and looked in the direction from which the voice came.

It was several maids wearing bloated maid uniforms.

Although they seem to be walking, the movements of these maids are extremely rigid, as if they are made up of tiny gears, and their mechanical nature can be easily seen when they move.

Their skin is as hard as wood, and their faces are extremely dull, without the agility of human beings at all.

Of course, what makes it more obvious at a glance is that it is definitely not human, it is the four arms that grow on the shoulders.

"It's a hostile reaction, it looks like an automaton or something!"

Shion's voice immediately came out of the screen, and at the same time, she was also studying the structure of the maids on the opposite side with great interest.

"Huan...Welcome to Da... Da Ao..."

After coming to the front of several people, these maids raised their four arms, and the one in the lead stammered to welcome them.

"What's the welcome, you gang of thieves who occupy the magpie's nest, Afu, although my skills are not as good as Mr. Yagyu, but I am also a famous general, let you see the benefits of my razor!"

Before the other people could react, Kasuga Bureau was already furious, and rushed up with a big shout, raising his hands to slash down in anger.

But then, she suddenly froze, her face embarrassed.

"Ah, I forgot that I didn't bring a razor. I'm ashamed."

She didn't have any weapons in her hand. Although she rushed over subconsciously, she jumped back immediately and performed what is called repeated horizontal jumping.

"What a lovely grandma, let's take care of those dolls."

The Slaughterhouse chuckled lightly, raising his tender white palm to slap it out.


An angry flame roared out, and instantly drowned the few puppet maids in front of them, turning them to ashes in the blink of an eye.

The Slaughterhouse's movements suddenly stiffened there.

"Oh, it's really a raging flame attack, it's far inferior."

She glanced at Liu Xia, who was on the side, and retracted her palm indifferently, admiring it very modestly, her brows still bright as flowers, and she didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Liu Xia withdrew her hand and gave her a warning look, her icy eyes seemed to say—

Don't try to do any tricks in front of me.

"Cough! You guys actually beat my maid to death, hum hum, what's the crime?"

Just when the doll maid was killed, a very pretentious voice entered the ears of several people.

Then, along with the activation of a remote communication technique, another transparent screen appeared in front of several people, and a figure that was very familiar to several people appeared.

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