Eighth Crown

Chapter 1242: The joy that everything will be allowed

The transcendent vision of the future has indeed reached the point of being close to omniscience.

Just like what Liu Xia said, in front of these demon eyes, the labyrinth is meaningless.

Under the constant calculation and summarization, Liu Xia quickly understood everything in the labyrinth, which passage to which room, how many automaton maids in which room, and even living people in which room. All in sight.

No wonder Solomon was always able to come and go freely, even if he couldn't see Liu Xia's future, he was still able to strategize, making people unable to grasp all his actions.

As if Liu Xia couldn't see the future of the people behind the scenes, but could see through everything, Liu Xia gradually understood Solomon's feelings.

Under the leadership of Liu Xia, the group of four walked towards the depths of the labyrinth.

There is no confusion, as if he completely knows the strategy of the entire maze, he can come and go freely in the maze extending in all directions, and he is not confused by the direction at all, and the goal is very clear.

On the way, everyone encountered a lot of automatic doll maids, all of which were as stiff and gloomy as the ones they encountered at the beginning. Together with this dark and stuffy maze, it really tested people's inner endurance.

"These enemies don't bother Mr. Liangyi, just leave it to us!"

Without the need for Liu Xia to make a move, Parvati rushed out confidently and smashed the automaton into pieces with three or two blows.

The Slaughter Institute glanced at Liu Xia and stood there calmly, motionless like a wooden man.

"It seems that these dolls are a little weak, and their attacks are very slow."

Parvati took back the golden tuning fork gun and expressed some confusion.

After all, she is the one who can transfer all the followers of Chaldea without knowing it. She thought that the doll made by the other party must be quite powerful, at least it would take some hands and feet to solve it, but she did not expect to be able to shoot with a single shot. One, beat it effortlessly.

The Slaughterhouse looked at the fragments of the puppets on the ground, with a thoughtful look on his face, and then he made a finger print, his face was full of fascinated smiles.

She saw a clue, but just didn't say it.

Anyway, the invincible Lord Liangyi Liuxia doesn't need her advice from a little nun. One person can solve all the difficulties. Since this is the case, then she will not be bothered by herself. Let Lord Liangyi Liuxia perform well.

However, to be honest, Liu Xia really couldn't see anything.

At best, the future can only be used to achieve his own purpose, and it is a limited purpose, and his purpose is limited to passing through the labyrinth, finding the mastermind behind the scenes, and rescuing the heroic spirits, etc., excluding discovering the hidden conspiracy in the labyrinth.

In the final analysis, the transcendent vision of the future is limited to being close to omniscience.

However, Liu Xia didn't think there would be any problem with the enemy being too weak. He was mentally invincible, he just needed to win with absolute strength.

Soon, the maze was swept away, and Liu Xia brought a few people to a long screen.

"Huh? Oh! There are human reactions behind this screen, as well as Servant reactions!"

Ziyuan finally recovered from her long-term emotion and brought some good news to several people.

"Is it everyone from Chaldea?"

Fujimaru Rika said with anticipation.

"Unfortunately, it's not."

Liu Xia poured a basin of cold water, then pushed open the screen.

Behind this screen, there is still a dim room, but it is more spacious than the previous room, and it still has a strong Indian style.

In this room, four heavy load-bearing columns are placed in the four corners.

If you look closely, there seems to be a face on one of the load-bearing columns.

No, it shouldn't be said to have a face, but it should be said that the whole person was buried in the pillar, only the head was left outside, the limbs and body were blocked, and he couldn't move at all.

"Mr. Liu Sheng!"

Fujimaru Rika suddenly exclaimed.

"What? It's Your Excellency Liu Yu? That new Yin Liu Your Excellency?"

Kasuga Bureau was even more surprised than her, and the whole person was taken aback.

The person trapped in the pillar is Yagyu Zongju.

It is not a human being of this era, but a Servant who was forcibly summoned from Chaldea, with a distinct Servant aura.

As a famous swordsman in the history of the island country, one of the few strong swordsmen, but at the moment is blocked like a child, it seems that there is no resistance, and his face is quite uncomfortable, as if he is fighting against something.

"...Is it the lord? Please be careful, this is not the only one here..."

Yagyu Souju in the pillar reluctantly opened his eyes and warned Fujimaru Tachika with difficulty.


After Liu Shengzongju warned, a figure immediately walked out from the dark corner of the room.

He was a real human being, but he was not an employee of Chaldea, but an aborigines of this era, because he wore a very conspicuous general's head and wore a noble kimono robe, which had obvious characteristics of the times.

In terms of appearance, it is a little simple, with a square face, giving people the impression of being old-fashioned and dogmatic.

"Could you be Your Excellency Matsudaira?"

Kasuga Bureau recognized the other party, but recognized it carefully again, frowning.

"Why did Your Excellency Matsudaira appear here... Besides, I don't know if it's A Fu's illusion, are you a lot younger?"

"Oh? Could it be that the tone of this speech is Your Excellency Kasuga Bureau?"

The man called Matsudaira's face was like ice, and he didn't see the slightest fluctuation, just sneered silently.

"I didn't expect that the ill Lord Bureau woke up and turned into this appearance. The world is really amazing, but for Your Excellency, the current Dao is even more wonderful."

"You didn't have any illusions. I have indeed become younger. This is all thanks to the power of my current servants. Youth is indeed a wonderful thing."

A stiff smile appeared on his rigid face.

"Servant? You should be the elder of Lord Jiaguang, and the most trusted and loyal minister of Lord Jiaguang. Do you want to say that Lord Jiaguang has given you the power to become younger?"

Kasuga Bureau's eyes gradually became dangerous.

"Lord Jiaguang? Long gone."

The man named Matsudaira smiled coldly with a mocking look on his face.

"The Tokugawa shogunate no longer exists. The current Edo Castle is the world of my servants. Whether Tokugawa ruled the world or the title of the emperor, everything has passed."

"Next, this country and even the world will become the adult's paradise, but please rest assured, Your Excellency, no one will feel unhappy, I can swear that everything will be allowed in the paradise, whether it is Killing, or lust...or whatever, people will get all the permitted pleasures from their new masters."

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