Eighth Crown

Chapter 1243: materials that make up the maze

According to the timeline of Kasuga Bureau's death in bed, it should be 1643 AD, five years after the Shimabara Uprising initiated by Shiro Amakusa.

At this time, it was the rule of Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third general of the Tokugawa family, and he had a trusted loyal minister named Matsudaira, and there was only one who wanted to come, and that was Matsudaira Izu Shouxin Tsunade.

This person himself did not have any outstanding deeds. The only record worth mentioning was the suppression of the Shimabara Rebellion.

That's right, Amakusa Shiro was defeated by him.

By the way, Tokugawa Iemitsu, Kasuga Bureau, Matsudaira Nobuzuna, Yanagyu Zongju, Amakusa Shiro, etc. are all people of the same era, and belong to the same era, as well as the famous two swordsman Miyamoto Musashi.

Matsudaira Nobuzuna, Yanagyu Mongju, and Kasuga Bureau are undoubtedly loyal ministers under Tokugawa Iemitsu.

But now, when the entire Edo Castle has been reduced to an empty city, and Tokugawa Iemitsu and others have all disappeared, Mr. Matsudaira has turned to others and declared that the shogunate is over.

"Can you be considered a general's subject? As your wet nurse, I don't remember teaching you this!"

Kasuga Bureau glared angrily and shouted sharply.

According to records, Matsudaira Nobuzuna and Tokugawa Iamitsu grew up together. Both of them were taught by Kasuga Bureau when they were young, and Kasuga Bureau was their common wet nurse.

"That's it."

Matsudaira Nobuzuna twitched the corners of his mouth, his face as stiff as a machine.

"In front of that lord, Tokugawa is completely vulnerable, and the reality is that Tokugawa has disappeared, and even generals have become bait, where is there any room for the shogunate to exist? I just found a new It's just the master, not a betrayal of the old master."

He talked eloquently, and his words were eloquent, and the accusations of Kasuga Bureau were also full of disdain.

"Really, so the new master you serve is the fat man who calls himself Tokugawa?"

Kasuga Bureau responded with a cold eye, unmoved by his justification.

"Are you referring to that Tokugawa? Hehe, that's not the case."

Nobuzuna Matsudaira laughed dumbly and couldn't help shaking his head.

"What did you do to the new director? Where are the other employees and servants?"

Fujimaru Rika stepped forward and stared at the other party with a solemn expression.

"He didn't do anything, he just naturally became like that. This Dao is such a device."

Matsudaira Nobuzuna turned his eyes stiffly and looked at Fujimaru Tachika, with mockery in his eyes.

"As for where the captives are... After reading this, you still don't understand?"

He pointed to Liusheng Zongju who was trapped in the pillar, and his face gradually became strange, as if he was watching a joke.

"This is really incredible, calm down and listen to me, don't be too surprised, Lixiang!"

Shion's shocking voice came out from the image, and she was full of incredible authenticity.

"Can you imagine? I scanned that pillar just now, and I got incredible feedback. Listen, the basic particles that make up those walls are exactly the same as the Servants!"

Walls and Servants have the same constituent particles?

"That means...?"

Fujimaru Tachika was slightly stunned, subconsciously speaking.

"I finally understand, how did this guy behind the scenes build such a huge labyrinth? Where did the huge number of Servants hide? It's actually very simple, we got the cause and effect in reverse. relation!"

"That guy didn't summon the Servants to the Dao Labyrinth, but summoned the Servants here, and then built the Dao Labyrinth -- using creatures like Servants as materials!"

The essence of a Servant is a magical creature, and the magic world has the concept of an imaginary fundamental particle called a Reiki, so it can be said that a Servant is a polymer of Reiki.

The material for the construction of the Daao Labyrinth is the spirit child. This does not mean that the opponent has a huge spirit child to form a maze, but that the opponent summons the follower and returns the follower to the state of the basic spirit child, using the follower as the material. , built the labyrinth.

"In other words, the floor under your feet or the screen in front of you, or even objects, etc., may all be Servants!"

Fujimaru Tachika couldn't help but feel numb in her scalp, but she only felt cold all over her body, without a trace of warmth.

Not only her, but also Parvati and the Slaughterhouse next to her were shocked. Obviously, she did not expect such a sudden development, and even Liu Xia couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

This is the dead end of thinking.

Usually no one pays attention to the building materials themselves, so even he did not expect the Servants to appear in front of them in a different way.

Those Servants became the building materials of the labyrinth in silence, and in their sleep they became bricks and stones in the hands of others, which is simply chilling.

When the spirit transfer is carried out, both the master and the follower will be decomposed into the most basic spirit child state in the box. The follower in this state has no ability to resist at all, not even the ability to think. approaching brain death.

Until they are transferred to their destination, and the spirits are reassembled into prototypes, the Servants and Masters can restore their bodies and have mobility.

The guy behind it probably has mastered this. When the Servants are still in the state of spiritual sons, they will be captured, and then they can be used as building materials.

Otherwise, with the temper of servants such as Hero King and Skaha, it is impossible to eat such a big loss silently.

And right now, Zongju Liuyu, who was swallowed into the pillar, is on the way to become a part of Dao. If he doesn't stop it, even if he is proficient in Zen, he may not be able to resist this erosion and become an unknown person in Dao. Kind of component.

"Thank you for reminding us, since this is the case, then we are disrespectful!"

Parvati occupied the right to use his body, and then raised the tuning fork gun in his hand, causing a strong flash of thunder to appear on it, and shot away in the direction of the pillar.

Her idea is very simple, first save Liusheng Zongju, and then find a way to separate him.

"Of course it's not that simple. Your idea of ​​a good boy is really naive."

But before her thunder could touch the pillar, a petite figure appeared between them, and with a wave of her hand, she wiped the thunder like ink on paper.

At this moment, Liu Xia's eyes immediately rose sharply and looked at the person who came.

It was a young girl who looked no more than ten years old, with short silver-white hair that reached shoulder-length, her eyes were as red as vermilion jade, and she was only covered with a layer of purple tulle, revealing a large area of ​​delicate snow skin.

Her appearance is also similar to Parvati, just like her childhood version, but her eyes are as listless as dead fish, and she feels like a social animal who has worked for many years.

Even so, her body still exudes an extremely deep and strange smell, which is impossible to ignore.

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