Eighth Crown

Chapter 1244: The tragic **** of love Kama

Without a doubt it was her.

The figure that Liu Xia saw in the future vision was not unexpectedly the figure of Beast, the girl who appeared in front of them at the moment.

He secretly paid attention to the reaction of the Slaughter Institute, and at the moment when the girl appeared, her face showed a fascinated smile as if she had met her peers.

Liu Xia didn't show it on her face, but she was secretly alert in her heart.

"Everyone, please be careful, this spiritual foundation is extraordinary, it is the reaction of the followers of the gods!"

Matthew's nervous warning sound rang in the ears of everyone, making everyone present quiet down, and looked at the girl with different expressions.

"I'm very sorry, my lord, I couldn't convince Your Excellency Liu Yu."

Nobuzuna Matsudaira came behind the girl and bowed his head to her, but his face was still stiff and he couldn't see much apology.

"Anyway, I didn't have any expectations for this. You can totally get away with it, Your Excellency Matsudaira."

The girl waved her hand and replied boredly.

"You are……?"

Parvati stopped attacking, looking at the girl's eyes with a deep look of surprise.

"Well, we meet again, Parvati, the wife of the great Shiva."

The **** the opposite side ripped open the corners of her mouth, so that her slightly immature face was stained with malice, with a twisted charm.

"Kama...I didn't expect you to appear here?"

Parvati's face became a little unnatural, and his eyes were slightly dodged, as if he had no confidence, and his previous sharpness could not be seen at all.

Kama... If Liu Xia remembers correctly, it should be the **** of love in Indian mythology, and the end is very miserable.

When an unimaginable catastrophe occurred in the world, the gods predicted that only the children of Shiva and Parvati could solve the catastrophe.

But Lord Shiva was obsessed with practice and had no intention of having a baby, so the gods had to send Kama, the **** of love, to shoot an arrow of **** at Shiva, and let him take the initiative to have a child with Parvati.

Kamayi went forward, but his actions angered Shiva, and the third eye opened by Shiva was burnt to ashes alive.

According to legend, Shiva's third eye can burn even the universe in an instant. Of course, Kama can't stop it, and it's over.

Either way, it's very tragic.

Obviously, he just acted according to the order, without any fault, just angered his superiors, and ended up dying, not even leaving a whole corpse.

Moreover, Liu Xia clearly remembered that Kama, the **** of love in Indian mythology, should have been male.

"It's really a well-behaved speech, why do you think I shouldn't appear?"

Turning into Kama in Matou Sakura's childhood, her face was full of disgust, as if she was talking to a disgusting maggot.

It's no wonder, after all, Parvati should bear a large part of the responsibility for his death in the myth, and there is nothing she can do about her resentment towards Parvati.

"Not only did I appear, but I even appeared on the basis of a girl like you. What's more dramatic is that you inherited that girl's kindness, and I inherited her wickedness. Isn't it ironic?"

Kamo lowered his eyebrows slightly and mocked Parvati wantonly.


Parvati felt more and more speechless, and looked even more embarrassed.

On the side, Matthew was whispering science popularization to Fujimaru Rika.

Parvati really doesn't care.

Theoretically speaking, Kama was innocent and was burned to ashes for no reason. Even if he appeared as a servant of the gods, he could only inherit the viciousness of the body.

On the contrary, as one of the initiators of the incident, Parvati was able to come with the goodness of the body, a completely positive role, widely acclaimed, and everyone around her respected her.

Kama will feel unfair, unacceptable, and even want to fight each other, which is not a problem for anyone.

By the way, Parvati also has a skill called [Ashes of Kama]. Raising a handful of Kama's ashes will allow her to obtain another side of herself in a short time - the goddess of destruction Kali's. strength.

Even the ashes will be raised over and over again.

It's very annoying!

Thinking about it carefully, Kama is now just taunting, not directly, and may have been very restrained.

"This... I know it was my fault when the myth was wrong, and it made you suffer for no reason, but now it's one yardstick!"

Parvati's face was flushed, and she also knew that what she said was shameless, so she continued to add.

"It doesn't matter how you want to retaliate against me, but it shouldn't implicate others. The employees and servants of Chaldea are innocent. I hope you can let them go..."

Fujimaru Rika and the others also turned their attention to her and looked at her nervously.

Judging from Matsudaira's reaction, Kama should be Daou's behind-the-scenes messenger, and she was the one who controlled everything behind the scenes.

The current Chaldeans, the generals of Edo Castle, and others are all hostages held by the other party. If the hostage matter is not resolved, they cannot fight without worries.

"Oh, this standard good-child-style speech really makes me sick!"

But Kama heard the words, not only did not respond, but showed a look of extreme disgust.

"As expected of the wife of the supreme god, she is so self-righteous and self-centered in everything-why do you think I will retaliate against you? My great mystery was not built for such superficial reasons."

Isn't it?

Everyone present was a little confused.

After seeing Kama take the initiative to appear, they all thought that Kama spent so much time building the Great Auspicious in order to avenge Parvati, but she actually said no now?

"Then what are you going to do?"

Fujimaru Rika looked at her in confusion.

"This kind of thing, when you enter the deepest depths of the great mystery, you will naturally understand."

Kama grinned, steadfastly refusing to reveal the purpose, but only looked at Fujimaru Tachika with strange and inexplicable eyes.

"Okay, although I don't care whether this swordsman will be taken away by you, there are quite a few so far, but it's not good to do nothing..."

As she said this, she raised her head proudly, and in her hand emerged a light short bow with snow-white lotus flowers growing at both ends.


She reached out and snapped her fingers not too loudly, muttering a little dissatisfied.

Immediately afterwards, countless doll maids swarmed from the outside of the house, rushing towards the wide room like a tide, and even two huge ghosts appeared.

"So, let me warm up, it's nothing, just treat it as a drill for the final battle."

She raised the bow of flowers in her hand, and the short arrow of pure white Jieying floated on the bow body, exuding a strong sense of charm, and immediately planned to start.

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