Eighth Crown

Chapter 1248: weird maze rules

The maids on the second floor would not attack at all. They seemed to regard Fujimaru Rika as a general. They thought that since the general gave death, they could not resist. Under Parvati's attack, they quickly disappeared. .

Seeing that these maids did nothing, and were beaten to death by their own side without even resisting at all, with a look of loyalty and willingness to lead to death, Fujimaru Rika was entangled again.

"Why does it feel like we've become villains?"

The girl hesitated and said, "It's clear that they didn't attack us, nor did they do anything wrong. Wouldn't it be too unreasonable to just do it like this?"


After she said that, Parvati also felt a little difficult to start.

"Take these dolls as life? The lord is indeed kind."

Liu Sheng Zongju also stopped the blade in his hand, and pondered for a while.

"Anyway, these dolls won't stop us. If that's the case, it's not a problem to keep them."

Liu Xia did not express his opinion, and it was not him who did it anyway.

When he was in charge of providing the way forward, Parvati felt that they could not sit still and had to do something, so they volunteered to clear the monsters blocking the way.

Liu Xia was also so happy, and he did not intend to reveal his strength under the possible surveillance of Kama.

But the Slaughterhouse did not make a move.

Whenever she has a vision, she will greet Liu Xia's sharp eyes, as if saying "I dare to do something, I don't mind killing you here first".

Confined by Liu Xia's attitude, the Slaughter Institute was very quiet all the way.

She didn't seem to want to do anything, but Liu Xia didn't let down her vigilance and kept an eye on her.

Yanagyu Zongju and Parvati were also somewhat aware of Liuxia's targeting of the Slaughterhouse, but after they looked at each other, although their eyes were confused, they didn't say much.

They knew nothing about the origin of the Killing Institute. Although she looked like an eminent monk, there was always a sense of discord between her words, which made them choose to wait and see, and did not rush to express their grievances.

After making the decision, several people stopped attacking these maids, but chose to ignore them and walked forward under the leadership of Liu Xia.

"However, the strength of these maids feels much stronger than the strength of the first floor."

Parvati remembered something, and speculatively said to several people: "Could it be that the deeper you go, the stronger the automatic doll maid will be?"

"It's not that there is no such possibility."

Zi Yuan's figure appeared again, "However, the strength of the maid has just returned to the normal level at present. Let's move on, and we should be able to analyze more information."

Several people looked at each other and nodded, and continued to go deeper.

The buildings on the second floor are very strange, not only because there are more forks and dead ends than the first floor, but also because the rules of the game are completely opposite to the normal maze.

"Huh? Shouldn't we be going this way?"

When passing a fork in the road, Kasuga Bureau pointed forward in surprise.

The direction she pointed to was the wide road ahead, but the direction that Liu Xia planned to lead was the very narrow fork in the road.

"No, there's a dead end there."

Lucia shook her head.

"that is true?"

Kasuga Bureau stepped forward to take a look, and as expected, there was no crack at the end of the wide road. She was amazed, and then she became a little depressed.

"Obviously it's my great Ao, but it was changed into a shape that I don't even know. When I see the evil **** who claims to be the **** of love again, I must spank her ass!"

When passing a very narrow storage room, Liu Xia gave up the wide hall next to it, instead chose to get into the storage room and found a new passage in the corner.

"What's up with this weird rule?"

After doing the opposite several times in a row, even Fujimaru Rika noticed the strangeness and was full of question marks.

"It feels like the way forward is in an inconspicuous corner, and the more conspicuous the place, the less likely there is a passage?"

When walking in the labyrinth, people will subconsciously choose a more conspicuous place. Compared with the sheep intestine trail, they must choose the wide road, and naturally choose the hall compared to the storage room.

As a result, the rules of this second layer have to be reversed, and the more impossible the place, the more likely the breakthrough is.

The Slaughterhouse looked at the unreasonable labyrinth in front of her, and lowered her head with a look of thought. After a while, she seemed to have thought of something and became thoughtful.

"what have you found?"

Liu Xia has been paying attention to her, noticed the change in her expression, and asked decisively.

"No, please don't mind, even you who have great supernatural powers didn't notice it. What can I find out from such a weakling?"

The Slaughterhouse smiled and waved his hand, with an expression like I told you even if I lost.

Lucia remained silent.

Because of the existence of beasts in the depths of the labyrinth, her presence greatly affected Liu Xia's future vision, making him unable to see more and more clearly if he didn't go in person.

What he can see now is limited to relatively superficial things, and it is difficult to see what the deep layers of the labyrinth are like.

The same is true in Chaldea's record on the seventh singularity. Gilgamesh, the hero king who has EX-class clairvoyance and can see through all futures like Lucia, is also due to the existence of the second beast God Tiamat. Unable to exert the true power of clairvoyance.

Parvati and Yagyu Soju looked at each other, and felt more and more that there was a problem with the Killing Institute.

Seeing that she did not intend to help, Liu Xia did not continue to ask questions, but just continued to move forward with everyone.

Although the Slaughterhouse is very suspicious, I really can't send her back to Chaldea, otherwise I don't know what will happen to her. If she is reincarnated as a beast, even the two ceremonies in Chaldea will be completed. There is danger, it is better to stay here, at least Liu Xia can still watch her.

If only that woman from BB stayed in Chaldea... ugh, why should I expect that scumbag AI?

After kicking the AI ​​that appeared in his mind for a moment, Liu Xia shook his head and walked into the deepest room on the second floor with a few people.

Like the first floor, the second floor also has a very wide hall.


Two gigantic ghosts several people tall appeared in unison, let out a piercing shriek, and rushed over fiercely without saying a word.

After two minutes.

The two ghosts rushed into the street together, and two new seal cages fell out of their bodies.

After Fujimaru Rika voluntarily gave up, Liu Xia stepped forward and picked up Xinyinlong, and at the same time heard the same voice as before.

One of the owners of the Yinlong was the fourth-generation general Tokugawa Izuna, who had no famous events in himself, and the residual thoughts left on the Yinlong were very vague and could hardly be heard.

Another Yinlong has its origins, which corresponds to the thirteenth general Tokugawa Jiading, and is also the starting point of the famous black ship incident that affected the modern history of the entire island country.

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