Eighth Crown

Chapter 1249: The labyrinth structure that finally dawns

In the middle of the 19th century, when the island countries were slanted towards East Asia due to the lock-down policy, the western countries had already completed the industrial revolution, and they all set their sights on the Far East in order to accumulate capital.

In 1853, four warships from the United States forcibly opened the gate of the island country with their muzzles, and sailed into the waters of Edo Bay as if they were unmanned. This incident was later known as the "Black Ship Incident".

The ruler at that time was the thirteenth shogun of the shogunate, Tokugawa Iadada.

Only the following year, Tokugawa Kasada signed the "Japan-US Goodwill Treaty" with the United States - under the guise of the emperor, in order to avoid national criticism.

This incident has far-reaching impacts, and even in modern times, it is still worth writing about. It is almost the beginning of the modern history of the island country.

What remained in the fourth seal cage was Tokugawa Jiading's residual thoughts, showing a great fear of the black ship.

Then there was the usual sweet voice, comforting Tokugawa Jiading, thinking that it was force majeure, and it was not his fault at all, and there was no need to worry about it.

"Is it really Kama's method? Did she use some method to stretch her hand into the future?"

Parvati's face was full of headaches, and he felt extremely complicated.

From the current point of view, it should be that Kama used a certain method, which affected the future, and applied a certain technique to the generals of Tokugawa, and finally formed these cages.

That sweet voice was probably the same voice that Kama had lured the generals into depravity.

"Zi Yuan, you said before that the material of these seal cages is exactly the same as Da Ao, right?"

Liu Xia looked at the cages in her hands, her eyes flickering slightly.

"And Dao was reconstructed after decomposing humans and servants into basic spiritual sons. If the materials are the same, then these cages should also be made of some people. There are residual thoughts on them, which is the most Good proof."


"This... I didn't expect it!"

As soon as Liu Xia's reasoning came out, everyone exclaimed in unison.

"Wait...wait a second, don't tell me—?"

Kasuga's face suddenly became very ugly, and his fists were clenched tightly.

"I'm afraid it's the one, Your Excellency."

Liu Shengzongju also frowned, and his Zen heart fluctuated.

"Although it is unbelievable, I have to make a reasonable guess - these seal cages are probably made from the materials of the Tokugawa generals of the past dynasties."

In other words, this Yinlong is actually the general himself.

Kama interfered with Tokugawa's past and future time and space, and after seducing many generals into depravity, he decomposed them and created these cages by the same method.

"Damn God! This is not something that can be solved by spanking!"

Kasuga Bureau's face was full of suffocation, and he almost rushed towards Kama with a weapon.

"It's no wonder that a singularity is formed. If you leave it alone, it will indeed have an impact on human history."

Shion put her arms around her chest and nodded solemnly.

"It seems that no matter what, we must defeat Kama and rescue the captives!"

The group was outraged and couldn't wait to break into a deeper space.


On the third underground floor, there is no light from the ground at all, and there are only dim lights such as candles and lanterns left in the entire labyrinth.

"Oh! The wine tastes so heavy!"

As soon as they entered this space, everyone frowned in unison.

The smell of alcohol permeated the air everywhere, spreading into the lungs, making people unconsciously start to smoke and become dazed.

This smell of alcohol was nothing to Parvati and Yanagyu Souju, but it was a bit unbearable for Fujimaru Tachika, who had never drank a drop of alcohol.

She wrinkled her nose fiercely, her face full of rejection.


Liu Xia did not pay attention to her expression, but fell into contemplation the first time she smelled the wine.

"The first floor is a surprisingly weak maid, the second floor mistook us for generals, and the third floor is filled with all kinds of alcohol... Speaking of which, Kama is the **** of love in India, and when it comes to India—"

"Come on, please have a drink, please enjoy yourself."

While Liu Xia was contemplating, new automaton maids gathered from all directions, holding wine glasses in all four hands, exuding a mellow wine smell.

"There is no trouble here, any unsatisfactory can be eliminated with wine, wine is the delicacy in the world..."

The maids mechanically held wine glasses and kept toasting to several people.

"Drinking in moderation is good for your health, but drinking too much is bad for your health and bad for your child's education!"

Kasuga Bureau puffed up his cheeks and muttered dissatisfiedly: "What does this evil **** think Dao is, this is not a harem that does whatever he wants, but a sacred place built to create the descendants of Tokugawa in essence!"

"No one of us is drinking, please step back, or don't blame my knife for not having eyes."

Liu Shengzongju took the initiative to step forward, his aging body was full of energy, and his body exuded a penetrating sword energy, and ordinary people did not even dare to approach his body.

"Please drink the bar, please drink the bar, wine is the supreme delicacy..."

However, the maids did not appreciate it, and kept approaching blindly.


The sharp blade roared out, evolving into a knife light that cut everything, and instantly smashed the dozens of maids who were crowding around, making them all powerless.

"Don't worry, the back of the knife is used."

Facing Fujimaru Rika's gaze, Yanagyu Mongju responded calmly, which made Fujimaru Rika heave a sigh of relief.

"However, my hand feel tells me that these maids don't feel stronger, and their strength is only similar to the second layer."

Liu Shengzongju added immediately.

"Only similar to the second floor? In other words, only the maids on the first floor are surprisingly weak... So that's it, I see."

After receiving the supplement of Liu Shengzongju, Liu Xia's eyes moved slightly, as if he had obtained the last piece, and the light of inspiration flashed through his mind, which made him instantly clear the logic.

"Really? Liuxia-chan, what do you understand?"

Fujimaru Rika covered her mouth and nose, and when she heard the words, she suddenly looked over in surprise, her eyes were full of anticipation, and she knew that Liuxia-chan would not disappoint her.

The other people, including Zi Yuan in the control room, also focused their attention on this side. Although the Slaughterhouse didn't seem to care, they secretly raised their ears.

"The maids on the first floor are surprisingly weak, and even ordinary magicians can easily defeat them with enhanced magic. If you encounter such enemies in the labyrinth, you will undoubtedly kill these monsters first. It's the ring of killing."

"The maids on the second floor mistook us for generals, but that's not actually a mistake, but intentional. It was originally designed that way. As long as we admit to being generals for the convenience of advancing, we will commit the ring of lies."

"Then there is the maid on the third floor. As soon as we appeared, we bluntly held wine glasses to persuade us to drink. There is no need to say what our intention is. Of course, it is a drinking ring."

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