Eighth Crown

Chapter 841: The big move made by the red side


night time.

Lucia took the green-haired woman and returned to Fiore's place.

In just a few minutes, it seems that a big battle has already occurred here.

Fiore put on her own magic dress, an exoskeleton device with four metal arms and claws that looked a bit sci-fi, but was still essentially a magic dress.

It is a connection-enhancing magic dress created by Fiore. It can not only move in place of the feet, but also has the souls of multiple animals transplanted into it, so it has the functions of automatic defense and automatic attack, and its performance is similar to the moon spirit. Spinal fluid, but there are fewer action patterns memorized on it, so there is a lack of automaticity.

There are a lot of bullet holes around, and there is a car that has been completely scrapped not far away. It looks like it was blown up by a submachine gun, and the entire body has become tattered.

However, Liu Xia did not sense that the rune stone she left behind had any signs of activation. That is to say, the enemy Fiore faced was not at that level, so the opponent should not be a Servant, but a magician, possibly a red one. The Master of Saber.

Chiron also returned here, the eyes on his face were dripping with blood, and there was a three-point slash on his left shoulder. If it were a little deeper, his left arm would probably be gone.

It was probably the injury left from the battle with Saber the Red.

Saber the Red's strength is really good, even Chiron can't get out of his body - although he is the sage of Greek mythology and the teacher of many heroes, his strength is not too extraordinary.

In addition, there is another person, the master of the black Berserker Frankenstein, the young man with black-rimmed glasses that gives the impression of weakness, Coles.

"Coles, why are you here?"

"That...I'm a little worried about my sister..."

"So why don't you bring Servants out? Where do you place yourself as a Master? What should you do if something goes wrong? Uncle Danick has been preparing for the glory of our family for so many years, we absolutely cannot lost!"

The siblings got together, and Coles, who had a weak personality, was taught a lesson by Fiore's strength.

"...However, I'm still very happy that you can come. It's a fact that you were rescued, so thank you."

"Um...you're welcome."

But Fiore softened quickly, and the air between the two was clearly worrying about each other.

Coles should be worried about Fiore, so he sneaked out, and happened to save her once, even though Liu Xia's rune stone saved her life, it was not a life-threatening crisis.

"You're back, Saber."

After Chiron saw Liu Xia's figure, he turned around and nodded to him, then looked at the woman on his shoulder, "Who is she?"

"The new master of Jack the Ripper."

Liu Xia walked up to the three of them and put the green-haired woman on the ground, "Jack the Ripper has been killed by me, and there is no doubt that they committed those murders. Now this woman is the only one left."

"She is... I remember, she seems to be called Sixth Director Lingxia."

After Fiore finished dealing with the sister and brother, she looked at the woman lying on the ground and became thoughtful.

"The information that Uncle Danick gave me contains information about her. It is said that it seems to be Mr. Sagara's lover in the island country. Mr. Sagara lived in her home before, and the body was also found in her home."

"It's a lover, but it's actually meant to be a sacrifice when summoning a heroic spirit, right?"

Coles came up from the side, held up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and calmly speculated: "Sixth director Reika is an ordinary person without a doubt, and does not have the quality to summon heroic spirits, so Jack the Ripper must be summoned by Mr. Sagara. from."

"But after Jack the Ripper was summoned, there should have been a conflict with Mr. Sagara, so he chose the sixth director Reika as the master, and stole the command spell, so Mr. Sagara died in the sixth director Reika's house... …”

When summoning Heroic Spirits, a special summoning formation needs to be arranged.

Although generally only need to engrave an array pattern is enough to summon, but if you increase the level of the summoning array and inject materials such as mercury and blood into the magic array, the success rate of the summoning will be higher, and the higher the success rate of the materials the higher.

Sagara leopard horse took care of the sixth director Reika, and moved into her house by the way. It should be the idea of ​​sacrificing the sixth director Lingxia and using her blood to summon the heroic spirit.

But unfortunately, before the sixth director Lingxia was sacrificed, Jack the Ripper was summoned, and he took a fancy to the sixth director Lingxia, and betrayed on the spot, so Sagara Leopa was found dead at the sixth director Lingxia's home. .

"What to do with her?"

Coles raised his head and looked at the three of Liuxia, "If you choose to handle it carefully, of course, it is best to kill her. After all, she still has two Command Spells in her hand, and there is a possibility of entering into contracts with other heroic spirits. sex."

This is the best way to deal with it as a magician.

This young man is very good at using a magician's mind to think about problems, and has a good grasp of the essence of a magician.

"Take her Command Spells away."

Liu Xia ignored Coles' suggestion, and just said plainly: "Then delete all her memories of the Holy Grail War, and let her live an ordinary life."

Chiron glanced at him in surprise, as if surprised by what he was doing.

Immediately, he, Fiore and Coles looked at each other.

"Just do it."

The three nodded in agreement, and no one raised any objections.

Anyway, the sixth director Lingxia is just an ordinary person. After losing the command spell and memory, it is impossible to appear in this world again, and can no longer enter their sight.

Afterwards, Liu Xia personally deleted the memory of the sixth director Reika about the Holy Grail War, stripped off the Command Spell on her hand, and transplanted it to her arm.

Although the Command Spell cannot force him to do anything, it can be used as a powerful backup source of magic power, and the effect is quite good.

Later, with the help of Fiore, the androids sent Liu Dao Lingxia to a nearby police station, and the government sent her back to China.

After it's done.

The four left Sighisoara, and at dawn returned to the fortress of Myrenya in Tulyfas.

"Has Jack the Ripper been eliminated?"

After Danny heard the news, he just nodded to show his understanding. There was no relaxation in his expression, but he was more dignified than yesterday.

"Fiore, as much as I'd like to praise you for doing a good job, things have gotten worse, and a Jack the Ripper is nothing... Look at this."

Danic tapped the wand in his hand, causing a transparent screen to appear in front of Liuxia and the others.

"Just this morning, the red side made a big move beyond imagination. They seem to want to directly provoke a decisive battle with us!"

in the screen.

A huge courtyard like a military fortress floated in the sky, and at a slow and firm speed, it flew in the direction of Tulifas.

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