Eighth Crown

Chapter 842: The decisive moment is coming

It was an incomparably huge sky garden, as if there were floating islands floating around the upside-down Babel Tower. The whole was like an upside-down crown, almost all made of marble, with a diameter of at least one kilometer.

A total of eleven huge black slabs are suspended around it, each of which is more than twenty meters in length, suspended in the surrounding like a floating cannon guarding the safety of the garden.

It is undoubtedly a transcendent existence, like a cradle in the sky where gods live. Whether in the field of science or magic, there is no doubt that it is a miracle that is absolutely unattainable by today's technology.





"That's probably the Noble Phantasm of the Red Servant, I didn't expect it to have such a scale!"

Danny looked directly at the sky garden on the screen, the corners of his eyes twitched, facing the air fortress of that size, even he couldn't help feeling turbulent in his heart.

"The shape of the courtyard is beyond imagination. I am afraid it has extraordinary functions. It must be because it cannot be hidden at all. Therefore, the red side is so dignified, like an aircraft carrier.

"It's obviously a camp formed by the Magic Association, but those guys gave up the rule of concealment first. It's ridiculous!"

The first iron law of the magic world is to keep the "secret" rule. All things related to magic must not be exposed to the eyes of ordinary people.

But such a huge sky garden, let alone a magician, can't even hide it from ordinary people. Now I don't know what kind of public opinion wave has been set off outside, and those in charge of the aftermath may be worried to death.

"According to the speed, the sky garden should arrive near Tulifas around evening."

Danny clenched the wand in his hand, took a deep breath, and tried his best to calm his surging heart.

"That's probably the time for the decisive battle. Fortunately, we have an absolute advantage here, and there is no possibility of losing! Everyone, go and rest first, recharge your batteries, and prepare for the decisive battle tonight!"

Fiore and Coles looked at each other, and they could see the apprehension in their eyes.

Liu Xia took a deep look at the sky garden on the screen and understood it slightly.

That garden itself is probably a kind of super shrine, no, maybe even beyond the realm of a shrine, at least Liu Xia would never be able to make that kind of thing.

As long as the servants of the red side were hiding in the garden, Miku couldn't accurately predict their tracks and actions under the cover of the garden.

But since they have taken the initiative to come forward, it is not important to predict whether they can be predicted, and the rest is just fighting.

If there is such a huge air fortress, it really does not need to continue to hide, it is enough to release the signal of a decisive battle.

However, if the opponent chooses to start a decisive battle at this time, then Lancer and Rider on the opposite side will probably have their injuries healed, and I am afraid there will be another fierce fight.


with the passage of time.

The huge sky garden did not stagnate in the slightest, and moved forward steadily. After only half a day, it had reached the area more than ten kilometers away from Tulifas.

And with the approach of the garden, the entire Mirenia Castle also became noisy and noisy.

The humanoids and huge stone puppets for combat were constantly being dispatched from the castle, down the dense forest, and entered the grassland next to the hillside, where they were lined up and ready to fight.

The masters and servants in the castle have also finished resting, their mental state and magic power have returned to their peaks, and they are in the best state, ready to meet the moment of the decisive battle.


The bright and bright moon hangs high in the sky, shining the bright but lonely moonlight on the earth, and the dark clouds float quietly in the sky, seemingly not daring to disturb the grand battle on the ground.

On the grassland outside the town, an army of androids and stone puppets with a total of nearly a thousand people, arrayed in front of them. The androids held the slender long axes in their hands expressionlessly. Stone puppets of various sizes, large, medium and small, are as oppressive as ever.

Castle direction.

Vlad III was riding a copper and iron horse covered in silver armor, holding a silver spear in his hand, and was standing coldly on the city wall. The **** smell in his body was brewing to the limit at this moment.

The copper-and-iron horse was made by Caster of the Black, and was essentially a stone puppet, but this copper-iron horse was a self-confident work he made especially for Vlad III, and it had extraordinary dynamism.

"Is the preparation complete, Danic?"

Vlad sat on the back of the copper and iron horse, staring straight at the sky garden that was gradually approaching in the distance, and asked Danny beside him.

"Yes, all deployments have been completed."

Danny bowed slightly, and said with a respectful and serious expression: "Rider Astolfo has also been released, Ruler has also notified him, and Black's Master and Servants have all gathered. "

Behind him, Lucia, Chiron, Frankenstein, and Caster of the Darkness had all gathered, while Astolfo had arrived late with an excited look on his face. He had been imprisoned in the underground cell for nearly two days. Not at all unhappy.

The masters all stayed in their own rooms, monitoring the battlefield and the movements of the followers through the Stone Bird Familiar, and using the ability to read words to cooperate with the followers.

"Looks like the time has come!"

Vlad III's eyes were slightly cold, and then he raised the silver spear in his hand above his head, "Gentlemen, the barbarians in front of you are undoubtedly the enemies of the rest! Whether it is for themselves or others, now there is only one way to defeat them. Show Yu your brilliance and strength as heroes!"

"Saber, you and Yu attack together and stop the enemy of the red side from the frontal battlefield!"

"Archer, you provide remote support with archery that rivals the gods, and command the formation of the androids and stone puppets by the way!"

"Rider, with your ability to fly, delay the arrival of that garden as long as possible!"

"Berserker, I don't have many demands on you, just guerrilla!"

"Caster, the most crucial part of this battle is still on your side. In any case, I will completely block Yu Jiang's garden and never let it get close to this castle!"

"Everyone! From this moment on, the holy war to drive out the brave begins!"

Vlad III had allotted all the tasks of the crowd, his eyes were filled with excitement, and then his legs tucked into the horse's belly, causing the copper and iron horse to neigh, jumping from the city wall, and kept heading towards the grasslands. Mercedes-Benz goes in the direction.

"There are still five riders left. As long as you kill five more servants, the Great Holy Grail can be activated... At that time, it will be my stage."

Liu Xia thought so silently in her heart, and then jumped down from the city wall, and her figure roared out like a gust of wind.

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