Eighth Crown

Chapter 882: It came faster than I thought (3/3)

Amakusa Shiro in the magic base of the Great Holy Grail, left a program that as long as his heart stops beating, the Great Holy Grail will immediately explode.

The reason why the Great Holy Grail has not exploded until now is because the rune barrier set up by Liu Xia cut off the inside and outside, making the Great Holy Grail unable to sense Shiro Amakusa's state temporarily.

Once the Great Holy Grail comes out of the barrier and senses that Shirou Amakusa is dead, it will still explode, letting Liu Xiabai run away.

Therefore, Liu Xia must enter the interior of the Great Holy Grail and remove the program buried in the Great Holy Grail, and then use the Great Holy Grail at will.

"I see."

Chiron also already knew about Shiro Amakusa, so he suddenly became aware of it.

"In that case, let's deal with the issue of the Great Holy Grail first. As it happens, there is still a period of time before returning to Mirenia Fortress."


Liu Xia nodded, and then shot out flames from under her feet again.

After floating in the air, he came from the back of the dragon to her chest, and under the gaze of several people, his figure gradually disappeared into the enchantment.

in the boundary.

The Great Holy Grail is quietly floating in this enchantment, exuding a mysterious light as always.

However, because the accumulated Servant souls have exceeded the number of seven, the Great Holy Grail has been activated at this time, and it is no longer in a locked state, excluding outsiders from entering.

In fact, as long as Liu Xia thinks about it, the Great Holy Grail can use the souls of those servants to open the door to the outside world and go to the vortex of the root.

That is the lifelong wish of countless magicians. As long as they reach the vortex of the root, there is hope to achieve the sixth magic—but the probability is very small.

Liu Xia himself knew his level. Although his magic was powerful, he still couldn't reach the level of magic. Even if he could get close to the vortex of the root, he couldn't achieve magic, so he didn't plan to go there at all.

Liu Xia got close to the Great Holy Grail, then stretched out her hand, and the whole person sank into the Great Holy Grail little by little.


It's as if someone grabbed the ankle and swung it around.

The moment she entered the Great Holy Grail, Liu Xia felt this incomparably chaotic feeling.

The Great Holy Grail is a miracle constructed by the third method. Its interior contains laws that are completely different from the outside world. All the physical laws of the outside world will be useless here.

Inside this Great Holy Grail, the concepts of time and space become extremely thin.

The directions of up, down, left, right, front, and back are completely unrecognizable. When you are in it, you can't even feel the passage of time. Slowly, even the speed of thinking will slow down.

Not only that, there is even no concept of temperature here, which means that the temperature in Liuxia's body will continue to flow until death.

This feeling is even more terrifying than not being able to feel time and space. Not being able to feel time and space will only cause oneself to fall into chaos, but the passing of body temperature will make people watch themselves into death, wanting to struggle but unable to do anything. This fear is more infiltrating than any punishment.

In this extremely chaotic space, Liu Xia still looked indifferent, ignoring any confusion, raised his footsteps and walked forward.

Although the laws of time and space are extremely chaotic, Liu Xia can vaguely feel that there seems to be a looming small intestine path leading to somewhere deeper.

That should be the way to the heart of the Great Holy Grail.

"Get out of here!"

"This is not where you should be!"

"The Great Grail is mine!"

"Get out..."

On the road to the interior of the Greater Grail.

Such babbling and roaring noises entered Liu Xia's ears incessantly.

There was no sense of reason in those voices, only a sense of madness like losing everything, as well as rejection and anger towards all outsiders.

So far, with this Great Holy Grail as the core, the world has fought four Holy Grail Wars, and after the death of those defeated, such resentment and anger were absorbed by the Great Holy Grail and turned into a large number of residual thoughts now.

Although the roar sounds very intimidating, those are actually just paper tigers, and there is no power to interfere with outsiders at all.

Liu Xia still ignored them and continued to walk deeper into the Great Holy Grail.

The deeper you go, the thinner the concept of time and space becomes.

In the end, all the concepts of time and space have disappeared without a trace. Everything here is very different from the outside world, as if you are in the cosmic starry sky. Everything, including time and space, has lost its meaning here.

Not only that, the temperature in Liu Xia's body has also fallen below the lower limit, and even the small intestine path that could barely be felt before has disappeared from all senses at this moment.

At this point, there is no way to move forward other than relying on an obsession to move forward mechanically.

For a normal person, at this moment, I am afraid that even consciousness cannot be Werther, and even their own meaning and existence themselves are forgotten, and they are in a situation of "meaning disappearance", right?

"It's uncomfortable, I'm not used to it."

But Liu Xia just silently expressed her thoughts in her heart, and then she went deeper without anyone else.

The chaotic concept of time and space and the passage of temperature did not seem to have the slightest impact on him.

This is him. Under normal circumstances, even a great magician with an extremely tenacious will might not be able to stay here for a few seconds.

On second thought, though.

Could it be that Shirou Amakusa, when he entered the interior of the Great Holy Grail, passed such terrifying difficulties and obstacles, and then entered the core of the Great Holy Grail?

That guy actually has that level of will?

What is keeping him going? The so-called obsession with saving all mankind?


Like a fish out of the water.

At a certain moment, after penetrating a membrane, Liu Xia suddenly felt relieved.

The concepts of time, space, temperature... all returned to his perception.

Looking around, he has left the extremely chaotic environment before and entered a beautiful world like a sea of ​​flowers.

In front of you is a continuous mountain range that can't see the edge, and there are endless green grasslands under your feet. Whether it is in front of you or under your feet, you are surrounded by a large number of petals at this moment, making this space extremely beautiful and fascinated.

Not far away, there is an altar shining with brilliant light, which is the core of the Great Holy Grail and the magic base of the Great Holy Grail.


"Are you here, Saber of Darkness?"

In front of the altar, a figure was standing there, blocking Lucia's way.

He turned around silently, revealing that seemingly young, but mature and stable face, raised the priest's uniform on his body, and looked at Liu Xia calmly but solemnly.

"You came faster than I thought."

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