Eighth Crown

Chapter 883: Shiro Amakusa's Last Hand

"Amakusa Shirou..."

Liu Xia looked at the white-haired boy who appeared in front of him, her eyes slightly cold.

"You should be dead, why are you here?"

The priest who looked like he had been waiting for a long time inside the Great Holy Grail was obviously the Red Master Shiro Amakusa Tokisada who had just been killed by Liu Xia not long ago.

Compared with before, there was almost no change on his body, except that the white hair had grown into a ponytail at some point, and he also wore a large priest's robe in the style of the island country, and he held a bright silver sword in his hand.

"It's simple."

Amakusa Shiro stepped down from the altar, looked in the direction of Liu Xia, and opened his mouth with a dignified expression.

"In the ordinary Holy Grail War, the Einzbern family usually makes a small Holy Grail to hold the souls of the followers, and then use it to open the door to the outside of the world."

"But in this Holy Grail War, no one has prepared the Little Holy Grail, so the function of storing the Little Holy Grail is completed by the Great Holy Grail. After the Servants die, the souls will be absorbed by the Great Holy Grail. The reason for being here."

The Little Holy Grail is used to collect the souls of Servants, and then when the outer gate is opened, it will activate the Great Holy Grail like fire.

But in the absence of the Little Holy Grail, such a function can only be completed by the Great Holy Grail itself, which gives Amakusa Shiro an opportunity.

He was indeed dead outside, in Liuxia's hands, and there was not even a single bit of ashes left.

It's just that his soul after his death was absorbed by the Great Holy Grail, which was acting on behalf of the Little Holy Grail, and entered the interior of the Great Holy Grail. Therefore, he took advantage of the situation to enter the core of the Great Holy Grail again, waiting for Liu Xia's arrival.

"This is a special space constructed by the third law. All the laws are very different from the outside world. Here, there is no difference between the body and the soul. Even the body of the soul can survive like a normal person."

As Amakusa Shirou said that, he walked towards Liu Xia.

"Not only that, although the concept of time and space in this core area is relatively stable, there is no law of strength and speed here, in other words, the physical gap between us no longer exists."

There are no laws of strength and speed, that is, there is no concept of strength and speed.

Once the two fight, their confrontation is completely equal.

Any difference in physical fitness will become non-existent here. It can be seen in disguise that the speed and strength of the two are exactly the same, and there is no difference between them.

The only things that can be compared are martial arts and their respective skills and Noble Phantasms.

"However, your magic power has not been replenished, whether it is a skill or a Noble Phantasm, you cannot use it casually."

Amakusa Shiro approached Liu Xia, and the two looked at each other.

"On the other hand, my magic circuit has long been connected to the Great Holy Grail, and I can get nearly infinite magic power from the Great Holy Grail. Even if you are unparalleled in swordsmanship, my arms can simulate both true and false minds. ... the victory and defeat can already be seen clearly, right?"

This is Amakusa Shiro's last hand.

He had expected such a scene long ago, so in the sky garden, he did not resist and was killed by Liu Xia.

Otherwise, with the infinite magic power he has connected with the Great Holy Grail, with the strength of his arms, he can at least fight Liu Xia a few times.

He knew that he was absolutely impossible to be Liu Xia's opponent outside, so he had already prepared for a deadly battle with Liu Xia inside the Great Holy Grail, and died under Liu Xia's sword, but he did it on purpose.

Inside the Great Holy Grail, the gap between the two has been smoothed out, and he can instantly gain a huge advantage by relying on the Great Holy Grail. It can be said that it is the most suitable battleground for him.

"I see... Shiro Amakusa, I have to say that you are indeed the level of difficulty I have ever seen in my life."

Facing the seemingly overwhelming unfavorable situation, the calmness on Liu Xia's face did not waver at all.

"But if you think that just taking such a small advantage can be called a complete victory, that's your self-righteousness."

He paused, then continued: "If you don't believe it, you can try."

It's just that the physical gap was forcibly smoothed out, and the magic power was overwhelmingly insufficient. For him, it was the same as nothing.

"I think so too."

Amakusa Shiro's eyes flickered slightly, and he held the hilt of the dagger in his hands with both hands, and slowly raised the blade in front of his eyebrows.

"Let me come to experience your great tricks!"

Although he seemed to have the upper hand on the surface, it was just a little bit of words. In essence, Amakusa Shirou was still extremely vigilant towards Liu Xia.

Didn't he also have the upper hand when he was in the sky garden before?

As a result, in less than half an hour, all the servants on his side were killed, the Great Holy Grail and the Hanging Garden were gone, and he himself died.


He moved his footsteps gently, leaving an inaudible screeching sound on the dirt floor.

The power of the arms has already been activated, and the power of the mind, true and false, has been possessed by him at the same time.

His eyes were tightly locked on the opposite Liu Xia.

Even though the young man on the opposite side was just standing there casually, looking like he was full of flaws, he didn't have the slightest carelessness in his heart.


At a certain moment, Shiro Amakusa's eyes were slightly cold, and the sword in his hand suddenly turned into a shining sword light, and rushed straight in the direction of Liu Xia.

And on the opposite side of him.

"What if you have both the true and the false mind?"

Liu Xia held two He Dao in his hands, and took a stance one after the other, "The gap in strength is still cruel."


The next moment, the two knives were swung out at the same time, almost in no particular order.

However, the sword lights swung out were not two, but four that coexisted almost at the same time.

The four blood-colored knife lights formed the appearance of a flower without stamens, catching it from four directions towards Amakusa Shiro, like a man-eating flower catching meat, unfolding its stamens in all directions without dead ends.

"—The Eleventh Form: Peony without Cores."

This move was born out of Yan Hui, who was born from Sasaki Kojiro. He was able to wield four completely parallel swords in an instant.

Sasaki Kojiro was able to swing three swords at the same time, while Liu Xia could only swing two swords at the same time, but because he was a swordsman with two swords, the effect of this sword was no worse than that of Yan Huilai.

At the moment when the knife was swung.

Amakusa Shiro suddenly felt as if he was the prey about to fall into the mouth of the giant beast. Suddenly, his heart beat abruptly, he stopped subconsciously, and retreated backwards like the souls of the dead.

"What's wrong?"

Liuxia immediately drew back her sword and raised her eyebrows at Shirou Amakusa.

"You say you have a good idea, but in fact, aren't you backing away?"

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