Eighth Crown

Chapter 884: backhand and backhand


Amakusa Shiro stepped back a few steps, and then slowly calmed down his frantically beating heart, and even the rhythm of his breathing was almost disrupted.

At that moment, if he hadn't been aware of the danger of death, he subconsciously retreated, and now it might have been torn apart, completely become history, and returned to the seat of the Heroic Spirit.


It was just one move, and he almost lost his soul to Huang Quan.

The gap between the two sides in martial arts is actually so big?

This is not a little bit different at all, but it is close to a dimension, and there is no meaning of comparison between the two!

If it's just one move, he can still rely on his heart to avoid it, but as time goes on, he will inevitably find flaws, and by then, he will probably die.

In other words, he could not be Liu Xia's opponent if he only relied on hand-to-hand combat.

"...Wonderful, with just one knife, my confidence was almost wiped out."

Amakusa Shiro barely calmed down, and the look in Liu Xia's eyes became extremely fearful.

"This kind of swordsmanship, even if it is a famous swordsman in history, no, even if it is a swordsman, I am afraid that it is not as good as it!"

His eyes were still locked on Lucia.

But unlike the previous moves that were about to move, this time, he was on alert for Liu Xia's movements, and the idea of ​​​​moving has disappeared. I just hope that Liu Xia will not come close suddenly.

"Good eyesight."

Liu Xia nodded indifferently, "My swordsmanship is indeed in the realm of a swordsman, and I have fought against such figures as Miyamoto Musashi, Sasaki Kojiro, and Yanagyu Souju, and most of them can win."

Amakusa Shirou's eyes twitched slightly.

The names he reported were all famous figures for the people of the island nation, and none of them was a swordsman or a swordsman in the realm of swordsmanship.

A character like him who has only been on the battlefield for a few months, compared with a swordsman of that realm, is simply the difference between the light of the firefly and the brilliance of the bright moon, which cannot be calculated.

"Then what? Is there any other way?"

Liu Xia looked indifferently at Shiro Amakusa opposite, and continued: "If not, then you are almost ready to return to the Throne of Heroes."

The sword of Wu Rui Shaoyao is indeed a magic sword that must be hit, but the only weakness is that the coverage area is too small, and it can only cover the point where the sword tip reaches.

Otherwise, with that sword just now, Amakusa Shiro would be dead now.

"... Indeed, in terms of martial arts, I am willing to be inferior. Even if there is no physical difference, I am not your opponent."

When Amakusa Shiro heard the words, he couldn't help but sighed slightly, but then a very faint smile appeared on his face again, "But unfortunately, I do still have backhands."


The moment he finished speaking with such a smile, suddenly, several purple chains appeared from all directions, like a winding snake, spreading towards Liu Xia's neck and limbs.




Liu Xia slashed back with several knives.

Obviously, there is no problem with exerting force, but in this special space, he can't even stimulate a bit of sword energy. He can only use the tip of the sword to lift all the chains in all directions, and then cut them off with one knife.

The so-called space without the law of power and speed means that, the sword energy excited by the speed of force does not exist here from the root.

Of course, compared to this, the more important thing is—

"This chain... is the Red Assassin?"

Liu Xia raised her head and looked in the direction of Shiro Amakusa.


A very familiar figure appeared out of nothing next to Amakusa Shiro, and responded proudly to Liu Xia.

The long black hair, luxurious dress, delicate and charming face, golden vertical pupils and elf-like pointed ears, as well as the fatal poppy-like smile on her face, all symbolize her identity.


She actually appeared here with Amakusa Shiro?

"Hum hum hum! It's more than that!"

After Semiramis appeared, a slightly rough voice appeared beside Shiro Amakusa again.

Then, another figure appeared beside him.

"And my generation is here too!"

It was a middle-aged man with brown long-backed short hair, a well-groomed beard on his chin, a dark green men's dress, and a classical book with a red cover in his hand.

At this moment, he is looking like he is writing something with his head down, and his expression is very excited.

The first impression gives the impression of a gentleman, but it seems to have a kind of crazy feeling.

"Shakespeare...Is that so, Red Caster?"

Lucia glanced at him and discovered his true body from Chaldea's memory.

To be famous is indeed famous. This guy is a very outstanding and one of the few writers in the history of British literature, and even in the entire history of world literature.

This guy was also summoned in Chaldea, so Liu Xia knew about him.

However, although this guy has high literary literacy, he is essentially an ordinary person who does not understand magic, and belongs to the type that basically has no fighting ability.

In this way, Liu Xia can be considered to understand why Semiramis ignored the Red Caster in the first place. If the Red Caster is Shakespeare, it really cannot be included in the available candidates.

"Oh!!! I'm really grateful! My generation has never been on the stage, and I don't even have a line, but my name can be remembered by the actors. There is nothing more suitable to be a playwright's comfort!"

As expected of a playwright, his words and deeds are full of the expressive desire of a stage actor, and his expressions and actions are extremely exaggerated.

"Semiramis and Shakespeare were both brought into this Great Holy Grail by me."

Amakusa Shiro interrupted Shakespeare's performance calmly, and then sighed regretfully, "Unfortunately, the other Heroic Spirits don't seem to trust me, so I can only bring their souls in."

"By the way, my generation died in the aftermath of the explosion of the sky garden!"

Shakespeare stabbed in like a needle in a hole, and then a strange and fascinated smile appeared on his face.

"And in fact, I don't trust the Master either, I just think it would be fun to follow him. The only one who trusts the Master from beginning to end is the Empress!"

He laughed so cheaply, and he didn't know what the smile on his face was implying.


Purple chains suddenly appeared from behind him and locked his neck unceremoniously.

"If you dare to say more, I will dismember you now!"

Semiramis cast a murderous look at Shakespeare, not joking at all.

Amakusa Shiro stood there, not knowing what to say, so he had to smile.

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