Sure enough, Weng's clumsy size and slow movement speed couldn't dodge these seed bullets at all! "Fuck it!"

It was screamed by the seed machine gun, and as a last resort, it could only release instant amnesia!

Let yourself forget these pains and improve your special defense at the same time!

However, the seed machine gun is a physical attack!

It doesn't have the ability to improve its physical defense... so it can only be beaten...

When the fairy elf was almost recovered, he and the fire-breathing dragon who also recovered, slaughtered towards Guen Weng again!

Guen Weng, who was constantly attacked by the three elves, although his body was thick and his strength was a level stronger than the opponent, his lack of moves made it impossible to effectively counterattack. "Fuck it!"

Sure enough, Weng has never hated himself as much as he does now. Why can't he use other autonomous offensive skills!

It has already noticed that its own endurance is about to reach its limit!

Since I'm having a hard time, then...

Sure enough, Weng's eyes were fixed on the beautiful flower that was releasing the seed machine gun!

You are the one!

Same fate... Activate!

Sure enough, Weng emits a deep pink light, connecting it with the beautiful flower!

"Minas, prepare the drops of life and use it on beautiful flowers at any time!"

"Beautiful flowers, get ready to use and sleep."

When Qinghui saw that Weng had decided to fight for his life, he couldn't help but become serious.

Fortunately, Weng's choice was Meihua, and Meihua has a very strong self-recovery move called sleep.

Even if she is affected by Weng Tongming and loses her fighting power, (Dede Zhao) Meihua can recover a little under the treatment of Minas, and then use sleep by herself, it only takes a short period of time to fully recover!

"Fuck it!"

Sure enough, Weng Xian couldn't hold it any longer!I saw that its closed eyes were closed even tighter, and its mouth was pursed tightly, making a painful low hum.

Then, it fell heavily to the ground, motionless, and lost its ability to fight!

As sure enough Weng fell to the ground, the role of the same fate also played out!

The thin dark pink line connecting Guen Weng and Meihua suddenly lit up!

"Well then~"

Qinghui saw that the line pulled out a lot of physical strength from Meihua's body, Meihua couldn't help but let out a scream, and her light body fell on the grass.

As the beautiful flower fell to the ground, the green grass field lost its energy and quickly disappeared.

"Minas, it's now, hurry up!"


The water drop of life that Minas had prepared for a long time merged into the body of the beautiful flower for the first time, which relieved her painful expression a lot, and gradually opened her eyes.

"Beautiful flower, go to sleep directly!"

"Well then~"

Meihua nodded with difficulty, then closed her eyes again and fell asleep.

A beautiful flower in sleep, life energy is constantly generated around her, which is integrated into her body, and her expression gradually changes from pain to calm.



The fairy spirit and the fire-breathing dragon have also been paying attention to the physical state of the beautiful flower, and they couldn't help but worry when they saw that the beautiful flower fell to the ground. "It's alright here, you two, continue to help out on the battlefield and solve the battle here as soon as possible!" "Mi gas!" "Roar!".

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Chapter 117 Forretos' big explosion tactics, 11 explosions! 【For subscription】

Hearing Qinghui saying that the beautiful flower was fine, the two elves also felt relieved, and then turned around and joined the battlefield.

With the fairy elf and the fire-breathing dragon rejoining the battlefield, coupled with the Rockets' No. [*] general, Weng GG, the situation on both sides has been reversed in an instant!

Moreover, just when Qinghui was commanding the three elves to fight against Guen Weng, the alliance had already seized the opportunity of Guen Weng's distraction and launched a fierce attack on the Rockets.

Now, with the fairies and fire-breathing dragons rejoining the battle, more and more elves have lost their combat power on the Rockets side!

The three beastmen also noticed the completely different situation on the two sides of the battlefield. There, the cat boss, an elf, and the Rockets' quasi-king-level elf pressed the alliance to fight, but on the other side... Saqi's Sure enough Weng has knocked out GG. ! "Oka, there is no chance, prepare to retreat!" Chakra said decisively.

"I... I know! Withdraw!"

Oka glanced at the cotton shuttlecock lying on the ground, and said a little unwillingly.

But the current situation has not allowed them to continue to persist, if they don't leave at this time, they will not be able to leave!

Saatchi is also a little helpless. As expected, her Weng is only suitable for being a close-fitting guard-style elf. It is too reluctant to let it fight on its own!Chakra threw out another Poke Ball at this time, and then said loudly: "Let's withdraw!"

With the appearance of the light of the elves released by the pokeball, a large circular cocoon-shaped elf appeared in the battlefield.

It has no visible limbs.It has two pink saucers on the top and bottom of its body.These dish-shaped structures enclose most of its upper and lower torso and have uneven grooves.

This is its outermost shell!

At the midline of the shell, a gap reveals a second red shell beneath the shell, with a smaller gap along the midline through which the elf's eyes can be seen. "This is...Forletos?!"

Qinghui looked at Chakra's newly summoned elf, and quickly remembered the name of this elf!

It is the elf that evolved from the hazelnut ball, Foretos!

"It's just this strength... it's only a heavenly king. Is it useful to be summoned at 120?" "No, I understand!"

Qinghui also saw the strength of this Foretos, and was a little puzzled at first, but when he saw the skills that Forritos possessed, he immediately understood that Chakra called such a elf because he wanted to what are you doing!

Saling and... Big Bang!

Chakra wanted Foretos to stop the ground elves from attacking first, and then set off a fireworks to create chaos so that they could take the opportunity to retreat! "Forletos, Saling!"

"let's go!"

Chakra immediately gave an order to the Fletos, then turned and left.

And his other elves also had a tacit understanding, and after seeing their trainer summoned Fletos, they all retreated. "withdraw!"

Oka and Sage also roared, and followed Chakra's footsteps and walked quickly towards the entrance of the passage leading to Nibi City. "Buddha!"

Forletos immediately sprinkled a layer of sharp water chestnuts on the ground ahead! "Stop them!"

Granny Chrysanthemum's crutches were on the ground, and she said in a calm tone.

When her elves heard the words, the bat and the ghost stone immediately chased after the retreating elves, and the dream demon also appeared, entangled with the cursed doll to prevent it from getting away. "Forletos, big explosion!" Chakra said without looking back. "Buddha!!"

Forletos faithfully implemented Chakra's instructions, and when he heard Chakra make it explode, it immediately swelled up, and the energy was continuously concentrated at one point. "Mary Luli, release and defend to the greatest extent possible!" "Beautiful flowers, the green grass field is fully released!" Qinghui immediately said to the elves in front of him.Just after seeing the skills of this Foretos clearly, Qinghui let the fairy elf rush back to his side.

boom! ! !

The big explosion of Forretos is still released!

Intense rays of light radiated from the center around it, and along with it, there was the impact of a violent explosion!

This is a big explosion used by a quasi-king-level elf!

Its power not only blocked the chasing steps of mother-in-law Chrysanthemum's elves, forcing them to retreat to avoid the damage of the big explosion as much as possible; the impact force also spread to the small battlefields on both sides!

Some seriously injured elves were hit by the big explosion and lost their ability to fight.

And elves like the fire-breathing dragon that maintain a good state, because it is some distance from the center of the explosion, the impact is not very large, and it can be blocked by itself.

In addition, Mari Luli used her shield with all her strength, and also helped some injured elves to block the impact of the explosion!On Qinghui's side, there are beautiful flowers and the protection of Minas, and they have not been greatly affected, but...

The entire underground hall has now been completely obstructed by the raised dirt and dust! "We withdraw!"

Although the big explosion didn't cause any damage to Qinghui, it still made his ears buzz, and he vaguely heard Chakra say this.

However, there was a voice so loud that everyone in the underground hall could hear it! "Want to retreat? Have you asked me if I agree?!"

Qinghui looked in the direction where the sound came from, but was affected by the flying mud, so he couldn't see it very clearly, so he could only use his super power to sense it.

This time, Qinghui saw it clearly!

The direction from which the sound came is exactly the entrance of the tunnel leading to here in Nibi City!

Now, a big rock snake took the lead and drilled out of the tunnel. The big explosion just now was far away from there, and the big rock snake was completely unaffected.

And behind the big rock snake, followed by a strong man wearing a fighting suit!

Next to this strong man, there is a man who is shorter than him, but has the strange power of four arms!

It was the King of Sheba who started from Nibi City and formed a flanking attack with Deadleaf City!

The huge size of the big rock snake completely blocked Chakra's retreat, so the three beasts had to stop and take a few steps back.

The imposing manner of King Sheba at this time made them retreat involuntarily!

Maybe it was because Granny Chrysanthemum was disdainful or she was getting older, Qinghui had never noticed such a strong aura in Granny Chrysanthemum.

In fact, every Heavenly King will have this kind of momentum to some extent. You must know that the Heavenly King is a small group of people standing at the top of the world, just like those who held high positions in the previous life. An aura and aura!

The King of Sheba, himself a fighting master, has an aura similar to that of a "warrior". In addition, after becoming the King of Heaven, the two auras are superimposed on each other, which has led to the current situation.

Chakra and the other Rockets kept retreating to the rear, while watching King Shiba walking out of the tunnel step by step, but after seeing the followers behind King Shiba, he couldn't help but be stunned.

At this time, all kinds of dust and soil generated by the big explosion of Foretos had been cleaned up by the elves using various means, and everyone could see clearly the situation on the side of King Sheba.

Similarly, the members of the alliance were also stunned: I saw that the attire of the King of Sheba was okay, but the alliance fighters who followed him were a little disgraced.

Some of the people (bjea) had some torn clothes, as if they had been through a fierce battle.

Looking back, Qinghui also found that behind the first few fighters, the remaining people were escorting one person in two, a total of 4 people!

Among them, there is also a Kuai Quan Lang and a Fei Kuang Lang who are assisting the guards!

Its strength is the strength of the King of Heaven, and it should be the elves of the King of Sheba.

Further back are several fighters in charge of the rear. "This is……"

Qinghui suddenly thought of what Grandma Chrysanthemum had done before they set off, and then looked at the four being held, and seemed to understand.


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