The Rockets are placed inside the alliance, and in this mission, they may be undercover agents who are responsible for mastering first-hand information and then tipping off!

At this time, the Sheba Heavenly Dynasty explained to the mother-in-law Juzi: "Mother-in-law Juzi, I'm really sorry to let you fight here alone. Before, due to the terrain restrictions in the tunnel, it took a lot of time to deal with these Rockets' undercover agents. time, so that it was a little later than the agreed time."

"So, there are undercover agents in your team?" Granny Chrysanthemum said slowly.

"Yes, and the strength is not low, but the action is very smooth, their elves have been confiscated and they have been arrested."

The King of Sheba said, turned his head to look at the four people they captured, and then looked at Chakra and his party: "I advise you to just grab it, the Rockets will no longer support you!"

Chakra listened to the conversation between Shiba and Kikuko, and looked at the four of them and understood that these people should be the undercover agents placed by the boss of Sakagi in the alliance. "Chakla, what should we do now?"

Saatchi looked at Shiba and asked in a low voice with the same expression.

"Of course it's looking for a chance to break through. Boss Sakagi is outside the gopher cave, and he must have arranged other support personnel. As long as we can get out, we will have a chance to escape!"

Chakra's mouth moved slightly, and a voice as thin as mosquito silk entered the ears of the two: "It's just that this time we have to prepare for heavy losses. If anyone or an elves is caught in the process of breaking through, others can't Go to the rescue!" "Breakout direction... Change to Juzi's side! An old woman, and her elves have fought before, and the current state is not the best, and the difficulty of breaking through will be easier. I will see my actions in a while." "it is good!"

Saatchi and Oka nodded slightly. This time they faced a bigger crisis. Although they were blocked by Michael and Dawu last time, they were on the ground and it was easy to escape. This time... they were underground!

One can imagine how difficult it is to break out of this kind of place called "Tiantianshou" and "Earth-Earth". It is not only to withdraw from this hall, but also to successfully pass through the long tunnel! "It seems that you are obsessed!"

Seeing the other party's behavior, Shiba immediately understood, and then took out two more Poké Balls from his hand: "Zhanwulang, Iron Palm Warrior, come out!"

"Your mission is to be optimistic about these four undercover agents, and then stop the other people who are running away. These three people will be handed over to me and King Juzi to deal with, understand?" "Understand!"

The people behind King Sheba nodded. "It seems that this is the only way..."

Chakra flipped his hands, and he threw all the remaining three Poké Balls out of his hand.

There are three more quasi-king-level Foretos on the field! "He's going to let Forretos blow himself up to break through!"

The people from Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum had already experienced this, and immediately opened their mouths to remind the people brought by King Shiba.

"Yes, it's self-destruction, but you've dealt with self-destruction first!"

Chakra took out a few more Poké Balls, and then said loudly, "Let your Elves attack together! It's now!"

Having said that, he threw the Poké Balls out, and there were 6 Foretos again!

Among them, one Foretos appeared on Qinghui's side, one appeared on the other side, three appeared on the side of Heavenly King Shiba, and four on Heavenly King Chrysanthemum!

As soon as it appeared, it began to sprinkle on the ground!

As Chakra spoke, Team Rocket also immediately directed their elves to attack collectively.

"big Bang!"

With an order from Chakra, a total of five Fletos blocking the King of Sheba and the two sides of the field launched a big explosion attack at the same time!

"Big Rock Snake, protect us, Iron Palm Lux, Zhanwulang, Feijilang, Kuaiquan Lang, you three go to solve their elves."

The King of Sheba was not at all chaotic, and gave instructions to his elves.

The four fighting elves who heard the order rushed up immediately, while the strange force took two steps back and came to the side of Team Rocket's undercover.prevent them from escaping.

"Beautiful Flower, do your best to maintain the green grass field, Minas, come back first!"

"Fairy elf, this time I can only rely on your use to keep it!"

Qinghui knew that this time the big explosion was not so easy to avoid, so he could only take the weakest Minas back first, ready to rely on the powerful bodies of the elves and the continuous recovery effect of the green grass field. Forcibly hold on.

God knows that this chakra has actually cultivated so many Foretos, and all of them are used as disposable consumables to explode!

This large-scale self-destruction tactic may only be used by the madmen in the Rockets!

boom!boom!boom! ! !

Five Foretos launched a big explosion one after another, and the chaos caused this time is not comparable to the previous one!

In an instant, the entire underground hall was as bright as day, and everyone could only stretch out their arms to cover their eyes to prevent their eyes from being stabbed by the strong light. .

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

Chapter 118 Fishing starts, a touch of pink on the wall! 【For subscription】

The big rock snake hovered outside the Heavenly King of Sheba, directly blocking the impact and damage caused by the big explosion. On the other two sides, the elves of the alliance trainers once again showed their magical powers, using their own methods to find ways to resist the damage.

Moreover, this time, Qinghui didn't have the energy to take care of other people's elves, because...

I don't know if Chakra is inadvertent or intentional, the Fletos on his side is the closest to him!

Mari Luli and the fire-breathing dragon also returned to Qinghui's side immediately. The fire-breathing dragon had a big wing, which blocked Qinghui and other elves behind the wings, and wanted to help Qinghui resist the damage~ The fairy spirit also released the guarding shield. The light green shield wrapped Qinghui and his spirits, forming the outermost layer of defense.

The beautiful flower released the green grass field in the field inside the shield, and a steady stream of life energy poured into the bodies of the elves to help them recover.

The shock from the Fletos explosion came quickly!

The shield of the fairy elf was impacted, and the energy contained in it and the energy of the impact force were constantly offset, and suddenly it was a little shaky.


The fairy elf increased the release of its own energy, trying to stabilize the shield as much as possible.

However, despite the reply from the enhanced green grass field, the shield of the fairy elf was broken at the last moment!


The fire-breathing dragon's wings and back were hit a little bit, causing him to let out a pained cry.

Fortunately, the shield has neutralized most of the power, and the fire-breathing dragon only suffered a slight injury to the back. This time the explosion was considered to have survived.

During this period, Qinghui has been activating his super powers, sensing the situation in the hall.

He noticed that the first time the five Fletos exploded, the elves of the three beastmen collectively launched an attack on the elves of Grandma Juzi!

"Right now, just go!"

boom! !

The four Fletos on Granny Juzi's side also exploded!

This made Gengar in the shadow of mother-in-law Chrysanthemum have to show up and use the guard to protect the safety of mother-in-law Chrysanthemum.

The other elves, with the exception of the champion Gengar, who were less affected, had to stop and deal with the attacks and the onslaught of the big explosion.

The chaos caused by the second collective explosion made the hall completely chaotic.

Chakra and others also took the opportunity to rush to the mother-in-law Juzi!

At this time, only the medical team led by Miss Joy was left on Mother-in-law Juzi's side. It was just that Miss Joy's auspicious eggs and other healing elves were protecting their trainers with all their might, and they were powerless to Chakra.

"Stop them."

Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum said calmly.

The less-affected cross-shaped bats rushed over immediately, and the Abo monster also tried his best to entangle the circle bear.

As in the previous battle, the elves of mother-in-law Kikuko entangled a large number of elves on the other side, but they were powerless against Chakra.

However, the four fighting elves of the Sheba Heavenly King have also come to support!

With the help of the four newly added Heavenly Kings, the Rockets were all at a disadvantage. If it weren't for the smoke on the field at this time, it was impossible to see clearly, and the Rockets would have been arrested by all members.

"There's no way, Oka, Saatchi, don't blame me for leaving you..."

Chakra took out his last Poké Ball, and then released another Foretos!

This is his last Foretos!

It's also now... his last trump card!

"big Bang!"

Chakra let this Foretos launch a big explosion again. Since it was close to the hole guarded by mother-in-law Juzi at this time, the big explosion of the last Foretos also had the greatest impact on Miss Joy and the others.

They had to let them out of the tunnel entrance, and Chakra took this opportunity to enter the dark tunnel with a more flexible fork bat!


Grandma Chrysanthemum's champion Gengar appeared next to Grandma Chrysanthemum, looking at the back of Chakra who had just entered the tunnel, and let out a puzzled cry.

Why don't you let him stop him?He was able to make a move just now, and it was not difficult at all to stop the opponent.

Granny Chrysanthemum shook her head slightly: "Let him go."


Gengar was still a little puzzled, but he nodded, not paying attention to the other side, but focusing on dealing with the few remaining elves who were stubbornly resisting.

"You, all the elves who have the skills to ask for rain, release them together, release the begging for rain, and cover the dust!"

The voice of King Sheba resounded throughout the audience.

As for the people brought by the King of Sheba, because of the protection of the big rock snake, everyone's condition is relatively good. Hearing that, the people who have water elves immediately released their elves, and then it rained heavily in the underground hall. .

The flying dust was quickly covered up, and everyone also saw the situation on the field at this time: only Saatchi's elves were still stubbornly resisting, while Oka's Circle Bear and Swamp King, He was beaten by Zhanwulang and Feizulang of the Heavenly King of Sheba and fell to the ground.

At this time, Zhanwulang was standing beside Oka, making him completely afraid to move.

Chakra's Tara, Giant Claw Crab, and Big Steel Snake have also been beaten by Grandma Chrysanthemum's sprites and the Kuaiquan Lang who supported them and lost their ability to fight.

Saatchi's cat boss is now fighting with the iron palm warrior, and the cursed doll is chased and beaten by the dream demon again, and the gem starfish stopped fighting with the gopher leader at some point, and is now guarding Saatchi's side.

"Stop, I admit defeat."

Saatchi also understood the situation on the field. Now the elves of the mother-in-law Juzi are all around her, and the three elves of his own will have only one outcome if they fight, and that is failure.

Moreover, now that she can't escape, there is no point in continuing to resist.

As Thatch conceded defeat, her elves stopped fighting.

King Shiba came to Saatchi and Oka, found the Poke Balls of the corresponding Pokemon from their bodies, and put away these Pokemon that fell to the ground.

Qinghui and other Alliance staff who were not seriously injured were doing the same thing. Team Rocket's team leader, miners, and researchers had long given up their resistance. Seeing Qinghui and the others coming over, they all obediently took their Pokeballs. Handed it in, and pointed out to them which elf it was.

The treatment team brought by the King of Sheba was fully operational, treating the injured Alliance personnel and elves.

Oka and Saatchi, as well as the Rockets, were all gathered together, all of their belongings confiscated by the league, and handcuffed.

Now Zhanwulang and several other fighting spirits are surrounded by the center of the hall, watching over them.

King Sheba didn't know when he came to the mother-in-law Juzi, and he lowered his eyebrows and seemed to be apologetic.

After all, if he had come a little earlier, the battle should have ended long ago, and there should not be so many injured people here. "Sure it Secret Amber?"

Qinghui recognized the things collected from Oka and Sage, as well as the yellow stones confiscated from the miners. "Qinghui!"

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