Saying that, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia looked at each other, and they could see the incredible in each other's eyes.

"No way?!"

"A brand new elf attribute? Does Qinghui still understand this?" Xiaoxia was a little confused. In her impression, Qinghui only had a deep understanding of cultivating elves. Not long ago, his trainer talent was enough. Shocked her for a year, but now telling her...

Qinghui also has an excellent researcher talent?

This is no longer a shock for a whole year, it is a shock for [*] years!

However, when it comes to Qinghui, Xiaoxia quickly thinks that Qinghui also has an elf who is unwilling to evolve!


Malilu was unwilling to evolve, and Qinghui did not force her to evolve, so Xiaoxia told Xiaozhi about it:

"Qinghui also has Marilu who is unwilling to evolve, and he did not ask Marilu to force evolution. As trainers, elves are our partners. We should respect the ideas of elves, and Pikachu is not willing to evolve. Now, and after the evolution, the body size has become larger, and it is not as cute as it is now!"

"Brother Qinghui also has it?" Xiao Zhi heard the words and turned his attention from the news.

After listening to the name of Qinghui mentioned on the TV, Xiao Zhi finally figured it out: "Pikachu, if you don't want to evolve, you won't evolve. If you don't evolve, we can become very strong!"

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed happily.

"Let's continue to challenge the gym tomorrow! Today's failure has taught me a lesson. Tomorrow I will definitely be able to defeat Ma Zhishi, the owner of the Dengeki Gym. Then, let's go to Rainbow City to attend the press conference!"

"At that time, I can still see the King of Heaven making a move, maybe there is still a chance to go up and fight with him!"

The refreshed Xiao Zhi quickly made a new decision and said energetically.

Through the brief introduction on TV just now, Xiao Zhi also probably knows what the Four Heavenly Kings represent.

"Did you make a decision so hastily? And you just finished playing the gym today, and you will challenge again tomorrow. Have your elves improved?"

Xiaoxia couldn't help complaining.

"There will be progress, I already have a way, now go out for special training, Pikachu!"


Then, one person and one mouse left the restaurant directly, leaving Xiaogang and Xiaoxia looking at each other.

"Can you make a special training plan so soon?" Xiaoxia was stunned.

"Maybe? It's possible for Xiaozhi, but since we decided to go to Rainbow City to attend the press conference, we'll have to buy the tickets online in a while."

Xiaogang said.

"Yes, we won't be able to enter the arena without tickets. This guy, Xiao Zhi, goes out of his way. He said that he didn't consider the tickets when he went to the press conference. It's really..." Xiaoxia sighed.

"Ahahaha... It's okay, we just need to buy a ticket for him." Xiaogang laughed and helped Xiaozhi out of the siege.


Carlos area, Asaka town.

Serena, who had just finished training with the one-horned rhino, returned to the house with her mother Saki to prepare for dinner.

During the meal, Serina, who was wearing a cute pink pajamas, looked a little unhappy. She didn't like the one-horned rhinoceros competition, but her mother was a master of the one-horned rhinoceros competition, so she also wanted her to go here. road.

However, she couldn't control the one-horned rhino at all during training, and fell off the one-horned rhino's back several times.

Serena's character is very gentle, even a little timid, so she is not too afraid to tell her mother what she thinks.

"If it was him, he would be brave enough to explain to his mother? I'm still too timid..."

Serena fiddled with the food on the plate with a spoon in one hand, her thoughts drifting elsewhere.

Seeing Serena like this, mother Saki thought she was just tired from training for a day. Instead of asking, she turned on the TV, and watching TV might help her daughter relax better.

Then, both mother and daughter saw the news on TV.

Listening to Qinghui's name, her mother Saki didn't feel anything, but she felt that the young people today are really amazing.

And Serena is different, the familiar name is ringing in her ears, but she is not sure if it is the one she has in mind...

"Qinghui... If it is Qinghui, it is indeed possible to do it. He loves elves so much."

Sarina thought about the little boy who rescued her in the woods eight years ago. Now she is not the one she knew nothing of back then. She recalled the situation when Qinghui rescued Lu Lili. That's a very professional approach.

"The press conference in three days? I must watch it when the time comes. If it's really him, I'll..."

Serena blushed and made a decision silently in her heart.

Saki, who was across from the dining table, didn't know anything about it. Her eyes were always on the TV. As an elf trainer, the new attribute was a big deal!


From the second day onwards, more and more trainers, researchers and tourists came to Rainbow City.

Flights to Rainbow City have also been temporarily increased several times.

Three days passed in a hurry, and Qinghui stayed in the hotel for the past three days, except for the nectar of the stinky flower and the energy cube for the first month that he had done at the Rainbow Gym.

Even the training volume of his elves has been reduced a lot.

During his stay in the hotel, he completed the revision of the speech on the first day. In fact, he reduced a lot of reference to XX materials, and focused on the fairy system itself, that is, the effect of skill moves and so on. of.

Rainbow University Central vs. Battlefield.

Although it is only seven in the morning, it is already crowded here.

The check-in starts at 10 o'clock, and the press conference does not officially start until [*] o'clock.

At nine o'clock, Qinghui came to the venue, entered through the dedicated channel, and came to a conference room in the backstage.

At this time, in the conference room, the top leaders of the alliance and doctors from various regions gathered together.

In a corner of the conference room, Yulongdu and Kona were also entertaining heavenly kings from other regions.

And the other heavenly kings are making fun of Yulongdu.

At this moment, Qinghui pushed the door and entered.

"It's Qinghui, come here."

Dr. Damu waved to him when he saw Qinghui coming in.

At the same time, I introduced Qinghui to everyone: "This is Qinghui. I met at the summer camp I held a few years ago. He is a very talented child in all aspects."

Then Dr. Damu introduced the high-level leaders of the alliance in front of him to Qinghui, including representatives of the Joey family and the Junsha family.

After introducing these, Yulongdu also walked over with the heavenly kings.

[PS: The flowers are 1200, and the evaluation votes are also [*]... Do you want me to explode on the shelves today? !If so, take the flower evaluation ticket to reward the monthly ticket and hit me!I'm starting to keep updating now! ! ! 】

Chapter 50 You said that they are all dragon kings, why... (The fourth asks for various data!)

"Get to know me, I'm A'Du."

A'Du stretched out his hand towards Qinghui.

Qinghui also reached out and shook his hand, "I'm Qinghui from Hualan City, nice to meet you, Heavenly King Adu."

"Come on, let me introduce you, this is the ice king, Kena, you should know him."

Du pointed to the red-haired beauty standing behind him and said, and then pointed to a dark-skinned athletic girl next to Kona and said:

"This is the ghost king from the Fangyuan area, Furong."

"Hello, Qinghui-kun." Furong greeted warmly.

"I have seen the Lotus King."

With the introduction of A'Du, the heavenly kings who came to the scene this time are: Du and Kena of Guandu, the ghost heavenly king Furong of Fangyuan, and the pirate king and dragon king: Genji, Shenao's super-powerful heavenly king Wusong, Hezhong The well-known novelist and ghost king in the region: Wan Long; and the dragon king from Carlos: Dorasena!

After listening to the introduction, Qinghui realized that the dragon kings of the entire elf world are here!

"It seems that they really pay attention to the goblin department..."

Qinghui recalled the main elves of Genji and Dorasena. Genji has all the elves with dragons, such as Storm Flying Dragon (Storm Salamander), Tanabata Blue Bird, Desert Dragonfly, Thorn Dragon King, Poisonous Algae Dragon, etc.

Dorasena also has dragon-type elves such as Sonic Dragon, Red-faced Dragon, Tanabata Blue Bird, and Poisonous Algae Dragon.

Qinghui recalled again: tyrannical carp dragon, fire-breathing dragon, fossil pterosaur, fast dragon...

"Oh, why is the difference so big?"

Qinghui looked at A'Du, who was wearing a coquettish cloak and was introducing him to the heavenly kings, and felt a little emotional.

At 10 o'clock, the press conference started on time.

The host first came to the stage and started talking about the opening remarks:

"Trainers from various regions are welcome to attend this conference, and audiences from all over the world are welcome to watch this conference! As everyone knows, the theme of this conference is the brand-new elf attribute: fairy type !"

Then, the host forced a bunch of nonsense, to the effect of thanking Rainbow City, thanking the alliance and other things, and finally said:

"Then, welcome the discoverer and name of the fairy system: Qinghui, come to the stage to give a speech for everyone!"

Qinghui waited in the audience for a long time, and finally received the notice to take the stage.

So, he walked up with the fairy elf following him.

"What kind of elf is that? So beautiful!"

"It's so beautiful, where did you get this? Go check it out!"

"Mom I want this."


"Go away, no!"

The audience's eyes were all on the fairy elf beside Qinghui.

When he came to the podium, Qinghui looked around and found that for the first time facing such a huge scene, he didn't feel any nervousness.

So, he cleared his throat and started today's speech: "Hello everyone, I'm Qinghui from Hualan City, and the elf beside me is the elf named Fairy Elf by me. One of the evolutionary forms of cloth, and it is also a pure fairy spirit."

As Qinghui spoke, the venue gradually became quiet.

Qinghui started his speech. The content of the speech was similar to the previous report at the conference, but the focus was on the power of skill moves and the attributes of restraint and restraint.

Through Qinghui's explanation, the audience also learned that the announcement of this attribute has the greatest impact on the Dragon, Evil, and Fighting types. For insect trainers, there is an inexplicable resistance attribute.

Insect-type trainers (most of the young insect-catchers): We didn't do anything, come here to watch the excitement, but you told me that I halved the damage of the goblin type?

For the trainers of the Poison and Steel systems, it was a big surprise. The elves have an extra restraint attribute out of thin air, which is obviously more powerful!

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