At the same time as Qinghui's speech, he also selectively played some videos recorded in the test before, so that everyone can have a better understanding of the fairy system.

The whole speech did not end until twelve o'clock noon.

Qinghui was a little helpless about this. It started at ten o'clock. I didn't expect the host to force more than twenty minutes with one opening remark. It was amazing that he could finish the speech at 12 o'clock.

"The above is my discovery of the fairy system. Of course, these are not all, and I can't complete it alone. This requires everyone to discover and study together. Only in this way can the fairy system sort out complete and detailed as soon as possible. data, just like any other department.”

"This is my speech, thank you all!"

After speaking, Qinghui bowed all around and walked off the podium.

The audience burst into applause.

The host also took the stage again, this time, perhaps because he was requested by the league officials, this time his words were brief:

"Trainers, this is the speech part of this conference. After the conference, the information about the goblin department will be announced on the official website of the alliance. Today's first half report officially ends, and the second half is in the afternoon. Start on time at two!"

"At that time, Qinghui, our goblin-type discoverer, will have an exhibition match with A'Du, one of the Four Heavenly Kings! After the exhibition match, some audience members will be selected to challenge and experience the abilities of goblin-type elves! There is even a chance to compete with Heavenly King A'Du will fight!"

After saying these necessary lines, the host officially announced the end of the first half.

The audience also exited in an orderly manner.

Qinghui did not leave the battlefield. At this time, he was staying in the background with doctors and kings in various regions, talking about the new attributes.

Lunch will be delivered in a while, and we will deal with it here at noon.

After chatting for a while, a staff member knocked on the door and came in, walked to Qinghui, and whispered:

"Mr. Qinghui, there are three young people looking for you outside. They say they are your friends."

"Did you say what they were called?" Qinghui asked casually.

"It's called Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, and Xiaogang."

"Xiaozhi? He's here too?" Dr. Damu, who was beside Qinghui, also heard the staff's words and asked in surprise.

In his impression, Xiao Zhi should not care much about these things. This kid doesn't care about any attributes at all. He was a little surprised to come to the press conference today.

[PS: Understood, you just want me to go crazy today!I also fight today, you keep giving flowers and tickets, and I will keep updating! !Try to see if you can code it to the shelves today! ! ! 】

Chapter 51 Xiaozhi's visit, this is the future of the alliance! (The fifth is to ask for data!)

"It should be here, but when they separated from me in Hualan City, they said they were going to Dry Leaf City." Qinghui said.

"It may be that after challenging the Dengeki Gym in Deadleaf City, I saw the previous news on TV? Please, bring the three of them in."

Dr. Damu guessed and said to the staff.

"it is good."

The staff turned and left, and it didn't take long for three young people to bring in, it was Xiao Zhi and his party.

When Qinghui saw Xiaozhi enter the door, he stood up and greeted him.

"Brother Qinghui, we have come to see your speech! Dr. Damu, are you here too?!"

When Xiao Zhi saw Qinghui, he immediately said hello.

"Pickup pickup!"

Pikachu on Ash's shoulder also waved at Qinghui.

"For such a big thing, Dr. Damu will definitely come, and Dr. Damu has helped me a lot. Without him, it may take a long time for my discovery to be published."

Qinghui said with a smile.

"Xiao Zhi is here too, haven't you eaten yet? Just stay and eat together!"

Dr. Oki is also very happy.

"Ah? Can you?!" Xiao Zhi was a little surprised.

"of course."

Dr. Ogi smiled and introduced the three of Ash to those present.

Doctors and Heavenly Kings have no pretense. After all, these people are not only closely related to Dr. Damu and Qinghui, but two of them are also direct descendants of the gym, and the other is from the magical town of Congzhenxin Town. came out.

What does this mean?

The future of the Jieke Alliance!

And looking at Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder, all the people present are knowledgeable people, and they all found that Pikachu's strength should have reached the elite level!

Not long after I started traveling, I had an elite-level Pikachu. If Pikachu evolves, its strength is likely to be upgraded to another level!

Unfortunately, they don't know that Pikachu is not willing to evolve.

After Xiaozhi knew that there were so many heavenly kings gathered here, he went directly to the heavenly kings and turned into a curious baby to ask all kinds of questions.

The heavenly kings are also very friendly, answering patiently, and occasionally pointing out questions about elves cultivation.

They also noticed that the boy in front of him is also a child who loves elves!

Who can hate such a person?

As for Qinghui, he forced Xiaogang and Xiaoxia to sit and chat.

"Qinghui, what are you pulling me for? This is the King of Kings! My idol!" Xiaoxia was a little dissatisfied.

Xiaogang has gotten a lot better. Although he likes the big sisters, he is a little reluctant to provoke the big sisters in front of him...

Going to chat with the king-level big sister, Xiaogang felt that his little life was more important.

"There are so many opportunities, what's the hurry? Well, you can sit and watch with them in the afternoon."

The reason why Qinghui held Xiaoxia was that she was afraid of being alone with Xiaogang and being asked various questions by Xiaogang.

Although I had a good chat with Xiaogang the last time we met, he had too many questions...

"is it okay?"

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were a little surprised when they heard the words.

"No problem, there are some vacant seats beside the heavenly kings, you can just sit there when the time comes."

Qinghui can still call the shots.

"It's great! I'm so happy to be able to get close to King Kona for an afternoon!" Xiaoxia was instantly happy.

"By the way, didn't you go to Dry Leaf City? Why did you come here, ready to challenge the grass-based gym here?"

Qinghui took the opportunity to ask his question. According to his "experience", after Ash and his party challenged the Dengeki Gym, they should have taken the Sant'an Fury at the Port of Dryleaf City.

"No challenge, Xiaozhi heard on TV that there was a Tianwang exhibition game before, so he couldn't wait to come and watch it, so after watching it today, we will return to Kuye City tomorrow, and then we're going to take the Sanctuary of Kuye City. Te'an roared out to sea!"

Xiaogang said.

The Butterfly Effect and the Corrective Power of History?

Qinghui didn't know, he really fanned his wings when he came to this world, and it also caused a lot of impact, but the impact on Xiaozhi... It doesn't seem to be that big?

However, Qinghui is not going to go into this kind of thing, it is meaningless.

"But fortunately, Qinghui, you were on the news a couple of days ago, otherwise we would still be troubled here." Xiaoxia also said.

"What's wrong?" Qinghui was a little curious, could he have something to do with them when he was in the news?

So, Xiaoxia told Pikachu that Xiaozhi failed to challenge the gym and wanted Pikachu to evolve, but Pikachu was unwilling to evolve, and said that it was because of the news that Xiaoxia remembered to take Qinghui as an example, which made Xiaoxia Chi picked up again.

" Malilu evolved not long ago." Qinghui coughed dryly.



Now, it was the two of them who couldn't figure it out.

"However, this child Marilu evolved after she figured it out on her own. I didn't force her to do so."

Qinghui explained.

The two of them understood.

"Can you finish the sentence in one go, don't pant so hard." Xiaoxia rolled her eyes.

At this time, lunch had already been delivered. Although it was packed in a dining box, the dishes were still extremely rich.

Everyone began to eat, during which Ash and Pikachu also expressed their gratitude to Qinghui.

Qinghui said it was fine.

Nonsense, it is impossible for Pishen to evolve, it is the same without him!

Is the evolved skin god still skin god?

Qinghui's role in it is at most a catalyst. Without him, it will just make Ash and Pikachu go through some things, and the final result will not change.

Due to the time between everyone talking and laughing, a meal took a long time.

After lunch, the afternoon is about to start.

No need for Qinghui to say, Genji Tianwang took the initiative to invite Xiaozhi and the three to sit with them in the afternoon.

It can be seen that these people are very satisfied with Xiao Zhi!

The three of Xiaozhi also readily accepted, Xiaoxia is the happiest one, and can finally get in touch with her idol up close!

The doctors and the heavenly kings who were watching the excitement left one after another and went to the stands to prepare for the show. Only Qinghui and A'du were left in the huge backstage.

As the time approached, Qinghui felt his heartbeat speed up slightly, which was a sign that the whole person was excited!

[PS: The fifth update today!Fight today!The big guys use all kinds of data to smash it! ! 】

Chapter 52 The chicken thief's A'Du, and the chicken thief's Qinghui! (Sixth more! Ask for various data)

Qinghui tried to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

His battle this afternoon is not only an exhibition match with A'Du, but also a challenge match for the audience!

The strength of the trainers participating in the challenge is uneven, because the purpose of this competition is to fully display the fairies, and he only has two fairies and Mareluri in his hands.

At that time, it must be a wheel battle. Even if his elves are the strength of the quasi-celestial king, the continuous consumption of the wheel battle may not be enough. Besides, if a few powerful trainers come up, failure is very likely.

Of course, the alliance had suggested before that they could borrow the goblin-type elves that had been tested before, but Qinghui refused.

This is a great training opportunity!

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