Chapter 74: Bingbing’s Interview (Subscription Request)

“Why haven’t you come yet?”

Early the next morning, Bingbing led the team to the Battle Tower to wait for the arrival of Kong Xian and his group.

But now the time is about to come to the appointed time.

I haven’t seen Kong Xian and his party yet.

This made Bing Bing a little anxious.

“Sister Bingbing, or you can urge Principal Kong.”

The photographer of the Bingbing team suggested to Bingbing.

“Hmm. I’m waiting, it’s time to raise money, I’m urging.”

Bing Bing replied after a moment’s hesitation.

Decided to contact Kong Xian when the appointed time arrived.

“It’s coming, let’s see if it’s Principal Kong.”

At this moment, I don’t know who shouted.

Look in the direction of the sound.

I saw Kong Xian walking towards this side with the teachers and students of their school.

“It’s Principal Kong, let’s go.”

Seeing Kong Xian coming, Bingbing immediately led the team to greet him.

“The Tower of Battle, finally here!”

“Set a small goal first and play a ten-game winning streak!”

On the way to the Battle Tower, Zhao Linger was full of confidence.

“The tone is not small, I still want to win ten in a row, be careful not to overturn in the first game”

Kong Xian rubbed Zhao Linger’s head and said.

Tower of Battle: A sacred place for trainers in the East China Theater of Operations.

Here, whether you’re a senior trainer or an elite trainer, you’ll find opponents to match you.

There is a working king sitting here.

“Tower of Battle!”

Looking at the battle tower standing in front of him, his green eyes burned with fighting intent.

820 He finally waited for this day.

“Principal Kong!”

At this moment, a crisp female voice interrupted everyone’s conversation.

Look in the direction of the sound.

A woman wearing an investigator’s uniform ran towards them.

He was followed by several people and a Haoli carrying a video camera.

“Hello Principal Kong, I’m Bingbing, I made an appointment for you yesterday, and I will give you an exclusive interview today.”

Coming to Kong Xian, Bingbing stretched out his slender palm to introduce himself.

“It’s you.”

“Hello, hello.”

Kong Xian also stretched out a hand and touched it slightly.

I have to admit that Bingbing is indeed beautiful, far more beautiful than in the phone.

“Does Principal Kong have time now?”

“I want to ask you a few questions.”

Bing Bing ruffled the hair at the root of his ear and asked Kong Xian.

“Now? Of course there is time.”

“Officer Bingbing just ask what he wants to ask.”

“There’s no charge for this.”

Kong Xian quipped.

“Principal Kong is still so interesting.”

“But before we start, won’t Kong Xian introduce us to them?”

Bingbing looked at the few people around Kong Xian and smiled slightly.

“Of course there is no problem.”

“This is Liu Bo, this is Teacher Lijia, this is Teacher Qinglu, all three of them are teachers from our school.”

Kong Xian introduced Liu Bolika and Qinglu to Bingbing.

“He’s a teacher too?”

Hearing Kong Xian’s introduction, Bingbing was slightly stunned.

Liu Bo and Lijia are still good to say, but this person called Qinglu is also a teacher?

That’s probably too young.

“Yes, Teacher Qinglu is a very strong trainer.”

“You’ll know after today.”

Kong Xian said with a slight smile.

After today, the name of Qinglu will be known to everyone in the entire Yanhuang region!

“Then I’m looking forward to Mr. Qinglu’s performance.”

For Qinglu’s strength, Bingbing did not pay attention to it, but just smiled slightly.

“You should know this, his name is Xiaomao, and he is Qinglu’s younger brother.”

“This is the eldest son of the Zhao Qian Royal Dragon Family, this is Zhao Linger, my family, who are currently all students in our school.”

Kong Xian continued to introduce others to Bingbing.

“Did Principal Kong bring them here today to challenge the Battle Tower?”

Looking at Xiao Mao, Zhao Qian, and Zhao Linger, Bingbing asked.

“That’s right, in half a month it will be our youth cup in Suhang City, I will bring them over to experience and add some battle elves.”

Kong Xian nodded.

“So it is.”

“By the way, didn’t Xiao Gang, the city hero of Suhang City, come together?”

Seeing that there was one less person, Bing Bing asked curiously.

She remembered Kong Xianfa’s circle of friends, and Xiao Gang also came together.

“Xiao Gang went to study for further study.”

Kong Xian nodded and replied.

“Now that our interview has officially begun.”

“My first question.”

“You call yourself a walking elf encyclopedia on the Internet, have you ever encountered a question that you can’t answer.”

Bing Bing nodded and suddenly realized, and then began to ask Kong Xian the first question.

“No, so far I haven’t encountered a question that I can’t answer, or that sentence, as long as it is related to elves, there is nothing I don’t know.”

“This trainer who consulted me should know.”

Kong Xian answered truthfully.

He has this confidence, more than ten years of game manga anime is not for nothing.

“It seems that Principal Kong’s “walking elf encyclopedia” is worthy of its name.”

“Then the second question, at the beginning you paid for charging on the Internet, how did you start explaining elf characteristics for free later?”

Bing Bing then asked the second question.

“This, I believe those who have checked my information also know that I run a school and owe a lot of debts in order to run this school.”

“The paid fee for consulting before was also to pay off the debt, and after the debt was paid off, as a principal, I naturally had to contribute to the education industry in our Yanhuang area.”

Kong Xian continued to answer.

In fact, he is not so great.

Explain sprite characteristics for free, all for the sake of gaining prestige points.

“Principal Kong is really great.”

“If only every school and teacher in our Yanhuang region thought like this to Principal Kong.”

After listening to Kong Xian’s answer, Bingbing felt even more admired for Kong Xian in her heart.

If you take these things out and sell them, you can definitely sell them for a lot of money.

But Kong Xian spoke out selflessly.

This is definitely not something that the average person can do.

“So the last question.”

“I heard that Principal Kong’s study has passed the review of the Education Bureau and will soon participate in the next semester’s recruitment.”

“What are the requirements for non-local students to apply for Evergreen College?”

Her question is more or less selfish.

I want to help Kong Xian’s school make a wave.

“For out-of-town students, we don’t have this plan this year.”

Maybe next year we will open the registration channel for non-local students.

Kong Xian replied after a moment of contemplation.

Xiao Mao asked him this question yesterday.

He would like to open a registration channel for out-of-town students.

However, considering that the Evergreen Academy has just regained its new qualifications.

Just develop slowly.

A big fat person in one bite is likely to prop himself up to death.

“That’s a shame.”

“Thank you very much Principal Kong for taking the time out of his busy schedule to interview us.”

“That’s the end of today’s interview.”

Kong Xian answered the last question, and Bingbing also announced the end of this interview.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

“If Officer Bing Bing has nothing else to do, I will take the children to the Tower of Battle.”

Seeing that the interview was over, Kong Xian said goodbye to Bingbing and prepared to continue to the Tower of Battle.

“Okay, Principal Kong will be busy first.”

“I’ll tell you when the interview is broadcast.”

Looking at Kong Xian’s back as he left, Bingbing breathed a sigh of relief.

Don’t look at her very relaxed look just now, but in fact she is pretending to be calm.

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