Chapter 75: The Era Begins (Subscription Seeking Automatic)

After accepting Bingbing’s interview, Kong Xian led everyone into the glass induction door

You will be greeted by a spacious reception room.

Sofas and coffee tables everywhere.

Plates full of tree fruits are also placed on the table.

Some trainers sat on the couch or sat in small circles sharing their understanding of elves.

Some trainers lined up to sign up for Tower of Battle Challenge Q.

There was an endless stream of discussions, exclamations.

You can faintly hear the rumbling sound of battle from upstairs.

The atmosphere of the battle was extremely intense.

On the other side of the reception room, there is a corridor.

Five elf emergency rooms are designed in the corridor to prevent the elf battle from being too intense, resulting in untimely treatment of the elves and worsening of injuries.

On the metal walls of the reception room, dozens of high-definition projectors are also hung.

It plays a wonderful elf battle for everyone to enjoy and learn.

“Wow, how intense!”

Look at the dozens of projectors hanging on the walls.

Everyone was like a rural baby entering the village, looking at it carefully, full of curiosity

“Okay, this is the Tower of Battle.”

“Zhao Qian, you take them to sign up.”

Kong Xian said to Zhao Qian.

Among them, only Zhao Qian came to the Tower of Battle.

None of the others came.

“It’s the headmaster.”

“Teacher Qinglu, Xiao Mao Linger, come with me.”

Zhao Qian took Qinglu Xiaomao and Zhao Linger to prepare to go to the registration office of the Battle Tower.

“Wait a minute.”

At this moment, Kong Xian shouted Qinglu.

Qinglu looked back suspiciously, not knowing what else happened to Kong Xian.

“No need to hide strength, this is your era!”

Kong Xian instructed Qinglu.

He was sure that in the entire Yanhuang region, and even in the world, none of his peers was Qinglu’s opponent.

Even those long-established Heavenly King champions are not necessarily green opponents.

Once today, the green name will surely resound throughout the Yanhuang region!

Even the whole world!

Before Crimson did not come, this was the time that belonged to him alone!


Qinglu nodded, and then followed Zhao Qian to the registration office.

“It’s really exciting.”

Looking at the background of Qinglu leaving, Lijia muttered.

Begin to look forward to Qinglu fighting the owner of this tower.

“Let’s go sit over there and wait for them.”

Kong Xian pointed to the sofa in the hall and suggested.

Today Qinglu and Zhao Linger are the protagonists.

“Hello, we’re going on a challenge match against Tower of Battle.”

Not long after, Zhao Qian brought Qinglu and his group to the reception of the Battle Tower

“Okay, please show your ID or trainer card.”

The reception lady did not raise her busy head and said to Zhao Qian.

Hearing the voice of the reception lady, Zhao Qian handed over the trainer cards and ID cards of several people to the other party.

I saw the reception lady holding their trainer card and ID card swiping back and forth on a machine.

After a while, several people were registered.

“Okay, I’ve registered for you, this is your room card.”

“Since several of them are not ranked with titles and junior trainers, the highest can only be matched to intermediate trainers.”

“There are already trainers waiting for you in the room.”

“If you win, you can continue to challenge, and if you lose, the room belongs to the winner.”

The reception lady returned the ID cards and trainer cards of several people to them and instructed them.

“Intermediate trainer?”

“So what if I want to challenge a more powerful trainer?”

Hearing the reception lady’s words, Qinglu asked suspiciously.

His target was the owner of the tower.

“Hehe, if you want to challenge stronger opponents, you need to defeat five opponents in a row.”

For Qinglu’s answer, the reception lady answered truthfully on the surface.

But the heart is indeed full of disdain.

An opponent who doesn’t even have a career rating wants to challenge a stronger opponent.

Don’t be brushed off in the first round.

“Okay, I see.”

Qinglu nodded, took his room card to find his room, and waited for the trainer to challenge him.


“It should be here.”

Look at the word “3015” written on the door number.

Qing Lu took the room card and swiped open the room.

Push open the door and enter.

I saw that a girl of the same age as him in the room was already waiting for him.

Brothers, see no, it’s a super handsome little brother.

“Wait and see how I handle him!”

Seeing Qinglu step into the room, Gan Yueyi was a little pleased.

She is a student at the Moon Elf Academy in the Magic Capital.

Although she only has the title of junior trainer, her elven strength has the strength of intermediate and close to high.

When I am usually fine, I will come to the Tower of Battle to open the live broadcast to hone myself.

I didn’t expect to meet such a handsome little brother in today’s second game.

Playing against handsome guys, the mood is always pleasant.

But soon the barrage in her phone caught her attention.

(Satsuki Satsuki, do you see if this person looks like Xiao Mao.)

(It seems that Teacher Xiaomao, the two are completely carved out of a mold.)

(I heard that Principal Kong and they went to the magic capital, is this Principal Kong’s person.)

(Ahh! Yes! Yes! I have seen him in Principal Kong’s circle of friends, it is the person from Principal Kong’s school, Sister Yue, Sister Yue, please, get his contact information down! )

Netizens in Gan Yueyi’s live broadcast room instantly saw the appearance between Qinglu and Xiaomao.

“Teacher Xiaomao?!”

Seeing the barrage in the mobile phone, Gan Yueyi reacted.

She said how she felt that this person was so familiar.

If you look closely, this person does look almost exactly like Teacher Xiao Mao.

“I’m not.”

“I am Qinglu, Xiao Mao’s brother.”

The girl’s exclamation was heard.

Qinglu replied lightly.

“Hahaha, brothers, this is Xiao Mao’s brother Qinglu.”

“It’s really Principal Kong’s people!”

Hear Qinglu’s answer.

Gan Yueyi happily shared it with netizens who watched her live broadcast.

Xiao Mao is handsome, but where is this cold brother handsome!

“Little brother, if I win you, can you give me a contact information”

Gan Yueyi said to Qinglu.

Being able to match her proves that the strength of the two of them is similar.


Qinglu nodded.

It makes no difference to him whether to say yes or not to say yes.

Now he just wants to finish the game quickly.

“Brothers, did you hear it, the old lady is going to get off the list today!”

Hearing Qinglu’s promise, Gan Yueyi happily showed off to the live broadcast room.


Listening to the envy and jealousy of the girls in the live broadcast room.

They are cursing Gan Yueyi for losing the battle.

“I’m going to fix your contact information!”

“Go, Pikachu!”

Gan Yueyi immediately took out a pixie ball and released her elf.

A yellow Pikachu appeared at Gan Yueyi’s feet.

“Pickup Pickup!”

Pikachu leaned over on all fours and looked at Qinglu with a fighting spirit.

“We’re on, giant pincer mantis!”

Green also unleashed his elves.

With the red light of the Spirit Ball, a red mantis elf that Gan Yueyi had never seen before appeared in front of Qinglu.

“An elf that has never been seen.”

Seeing the giant pincer mantis appear, Gan Yueyi was slightly stunned.

She had never seen such an elf.

She has a habit of putting her heart and soul into battles.

At this time, Gan Yueyi did not notice that the barrage in the live broadcast room had exploded

(What kind of elf is this, I haven’t seen it at all.)

(I don’t know, it’s kind of like a flying mantis.)

(This elf, I know, is called the giant pincer mantis, and its strength is seventy-eight levels of the champion level!) )

(Groove, really fake, level seventy-eight?!) )

(What are you deceiving for, you go to the Internet to search for the video of the abuse of Suhang Qingteng College, and you will know it at a glance.)

(I am from Qingteng Academy, Li Mengxue of our school, a senior trainer, and there is no room for resistance in the face of him.)

(I seem to be a little impressed)

(Groove, it’s real!) It’s really level seventy-eight! )

(This is also too shameless, to take the elves of the elders.)

(Is there a possibility that this is his elf?) )

(Come on, you can train me a champion-level elf.)

When some students in Suhang City saw this red giant pincer mantis, they recognized it at that time.

There is no way, this giant pincer mantis left too deep an impact on them.

“Dream snow, dream snow.”

“Look at this shameless guy who went to the Tower of War again.”

“Why is Evergreen Academy so shameless.”

“It deserves to end like this.”

In the Qingteng Academy, Li Mengxue, who was reciting the characteristics of the elves, was suddenly interrupted by her girlfriend’s voice.

I saw her girlfriend holding her mobile phone and putting it in front of her.

And the video played on the mobile phone is the battle between Qinglu and Gan Yueyi.

Seeing this scene, Li Mengxue also closed her notebook and watched it carefully.

Previously, like her classmates, she initially thought that this was an elf named Giant Pin Mantis, which had been given to him by his elders.

But after Sensei Komo’s competition with the mysterious elf, she changed her opinion.

The younger brother has a six-card level water arrow turtle, so as an older brother, it seems not surprising to have a champion-level elf.

But Li Mengxue didn’t know that Qinglu didn’t have only one champion-level elf in his hands.

Li Mengxue watched the live broadcast seriously.

I saw the anchor in the mobile phone begin to direct his Pikachu to attack the giant pincer mantis.

“No matter what kind of elf, I will determine your contact information!”

“Pikachu, use Kavan Volt!”

Gan Yueyi took the lead in commanding Pikachu to attack the giant pincer mantis.

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