Chapter 118: Chief Rem (Subscription Request)

“Not a frozen bird?!”

“It’s another one!”

Hearing Qinglu’s words, everyone exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, the attack encountered by Dr. Zhang Yang was not a frozen bird, but another one.

“Qinglu, you say slowly, I’m a little confused.”

“Are you saying that in addition to the frozen bird, there is another legendary elf that exists in Antarctica?”

Zhang Tianyu asked a little confused.

The amount of information today is too much.

Legendary elves.

Three holy birds, now you tell me that in addition to the frozen bird, there is another legendary elf in Antarctica!

“That’s right, although the Three Holy Birds are legendary elves, the power they hold is not strong.”

“If nothing else, Dr. Zhang Yang and He Xin Heavenly King should have been attacked by another legendary elf.”

Speaking of this, Qinglu’s expression began to become serious.

Legendary elves, he really doesn’t want to deal with these elves.

“What is this elf? What is the strength?”

Looking at Qinglu’s appearance, it didn’t seem to be lying, Xiang Tianlin was also serious.

“If I’m not mistaken, Dr. Zhang Yang and He Xin Tianwang should have been attacked by Chief Reim.”

“Compared to the frozen bird, Chief Rem is the king of ice and snow!”

A frozen bird alone could not threaten a 633 Heavenly King.

Moreover, the Heavenly King of the Yanhuang region has a very high gold content, and if he encounters the attack of others, he can also escape.

It is impossible to send such frequent distress signals.

The only possibility is that they have encountered another elf that is more powerful than the frozen bird

Living in the snow and ice, apart from the frozen birds, all he could think of was Chief Reim.

Chief Rem is known as the strongest dragon elf on the surface, not only stronger than the frozen bird, but also super aggressive.

Only such an elf can make a heavenly king feel powerless and frequently send out distress signals.

“Chief Reim!”

“What kind of elf is this?!”

Hearing Qinglu’s explanation, everyone was puzzled again.

Another elf they hadn’t heard of.

“Chief Reim, I can’t say either.”

“You may be able to consult Principal Kong.”

Qinglu hesitated for a moment, but still did not explain the origin of Chief Rem to everyone.

In their world, Chief Rem belongs to one of the three dragons of the Way.

It was a product of the division of Czechoslovakia Roma and Lehiram.

And the chief of this world, Reim, obviously came here from the world of elves.

He also didn’t know how to explain the origin of Chief Reim, and directly kicked the ball to Kong Xian.

“Is that so?”

“It’s really troublesome.”

Xiang Tianlin rubbed his somewhat aching head.

I thought it would be very easy.

I didn’t expect so many things to be involved.

Fortunately, they asked Qinglu, otherwise they would not know how many secrets this world has.

“Is this elf called Chief Rem strong?”

Aaron asked with fighting intent.

An elf that can make a Heavenly King temporarily avoid the edge must be very powerful.

“Very strong!”

“Even I am not sure of victory!”

How powerful the legendary elves were, he knew very well in his heart.

Even he is not sure of victory!

Even you are not sure of victory?! Chen Wu exclaimed.

None of the four Heavenly Kings of their East China War Zone defeated Qinglu.

And this chief Rem Qinglu actually said that he was not sure of victory! This elf turned out to be so powerful!

“President, I apply for this Antarctic rescue mission and let Zhang Tianyu also participate!”

Chen Wu asked Xiang Tianlin seriously.

If what Qinglu said is true, the strength of this elf is really terrifying.

Although Along and Qinglu are strong, he still feels that it is safer to bring Zhang Tianyu Ω

Three champion-level figures play together to ensure that nothing is lost.

“I said Lao Chen, as for? Isn’t it just an elf? Do you need three champions?”

Zhuge Qing, the president of the West China Theater, took over disapprovingly.

It’s just an elf, is it so terrible?!

“You don’t understand Qinglu’s strength at all!”

“Our four Heavenly Kings in the East China Theater joined forces and did not defeat him!”

“The strength of this elf is definitely beyond your imagination!”

Hearing that Zhuge Qing had not paid attention to it, Chen Wuqi blew up his beard.

“Lying groove, don’t talk about it, guild leader!”

It’s over, it’s over, the reputation of the East China Theater of Operations is completely ruined!

“My first name!”

Hearing that the guild leader directly said that the four of them had joined forces and failed to defeat Qinglu.

Qian Feipeng and several people wailed one after another.

Now they have all lost face!


“The four Heavenly Kings of the East China Theater have not defeated Qinglu together!”

Zhuge Qing exclaimed, looking incredulous.

Even if Aaron personally strikes, it is impossible to defeat the four Heavenly Kings at the same time! And this green green actually defeated their four heavenly kings at the same time.

Not only Zhuge Qing was surprised, but everyone present felt unbelievable.

This strength has surpassed Aaron.

“Old Chen, what you said is true!”

Xiang Tianlin asked Chen Wu in confirmation.

“What I said is indeed true, and the specific matters will be discussed after I go to the Evergreen Academy to confirm one thing.”

Chen Wu nodded.

For the matter of super evolution, he has to go to the Evergreen Academy to confirm it, get the accurate news and report it to the alliance.

“In that case, then the Antarctic Rescue Team will be formed by Alongqinglu, Zhang Tianyu, and Fan Siya to go to the South Pole to rescue Dr. Zhang Yang and He Xin Tianwang.”

“Time is urgent, you guys set off now, assemble in the magic capital, and immediately go to the South Pole!”

Seeing that Chen Wu did not say, Xiang Tianlin did not continue to ask.

Arrange for Aaron and the others to go to Antarctica immediately!

“Well, you all know each other too.”

“Tomorrow, other schools will send teachers to our school for elven character training.”

“You guys can listen to it too.”

In the cafeteria of the Evergreen Academy, Kong Xian introduced the newly summoned teachers of the Royal Dragon Tsubaki to Xiaozhi and the others.


Hearing Kong Xian’s words, Zhao Linger seemed to be a little angry with Kong Xian, snorted coldly, and twisted her head to the side.

This made Kong Xian a little confused.

I don’t know how to make this little niko angry.

“I didn’t expect to meet Miss Melissa and Miss Naki here.

Looking at the acquaintance in front of him, Ash greeted warmly.

“I didn’t expect to see Ash here again.”

Melissa and Naki were also very surprised to see Ash.

Although they only have one side of the relationship, they are very impressed by Ash.

“Sure enough, these people know each other.”

Hearing that the other party and Ash knew each other, Zhao Qian secretly said in his heart.

“Toot toot!”

At this moment, Kong Xian’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

It was Qinglu who dialed in.

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