Chapter 119: Antarctic Rescue Team

“Okay, I see, take care of your own safety.”

Kong Xian instructed Qinglu.

“What’s wrong, Kong Xian?”

Seeing Kong Xian’s expression a little serious, Lijia asked with concern.

Not knowing what happened, Kong Xian’s expression suddenly became serious.

“Chief Rem has arrived!”

Kong Xian looked at the crowd and said heavily.

“What Chief Reim?!”

Hearing Kong Xian’s words, everyone except Zhao Linger and Zhao Qian exclaimed!

Chief Reim, the strongest dragon elf on the surface, they are naturally no strangers.

“So, what is Chief Reim?”

Seeing that everyone was so surprised, they asked curiously, I don’t know what kind of elf Chief Rem is, which made them so shocked.

“Chief Reim, the strongest ice elf is also the strongest dragon elf on the surface.”

“It is the strongest of the three dragons of the Dao, and one of the legendary elves!”

Liu Bo said seriously.

Even he was not sure of victory in the face of a legendary elf like Chief Reim.

“Legendary elves?!”

Zhao Linger and Zhao Qian exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, in addition to Dilukaio, another legendary elf came.

“Your Excellency Principal, what the hell is going on?”

Liu Bo asked Kong Xian.

“Just now Qinglu called me to tell me that Dr. Zhang Yang and He Xin, the ice king of the North China War Zone, went to the South Pole to investigate a mysterious bird spirit.”

“In Antarctica, they have suffered unknown dangers.”

“Xiang Tianlin asked Qinglu to go to Antarctica to participate in this rescue mission.”

“Liu Bo is going to trouble you this time, make sure he brings him back safely!”

Kong Xian explained to everyone, and then Liu Bo instructed.

Qinglu just told him about this and did not let herself support him.

Qinglu’s strength is indeed very strong, but in the face of a powerful elf like Chief Reim.

Even Liuber is not sure of victory.

Kong Xian was worried about Qinglu’s safety, which made Liu Bo also prepare to go to Antarctica to support Qinglu.

“Your Excellency Principal, please let me go!”

“I dealt with Chief Reim, maybe I know that Chief Reim?!”

At this moment, Ash took the initiative to apply and wanted to go to the South Pole with Liubo

“You dealt with Chief Reim?!”

Hearing Ash’s voice, Nazi on the side exclaimed.

When he learned that Ash was the isotope of Xiaochi in another world, he couldn’t look at Ash in his heart.

Who is Xiao Chi, this dumb boy turned out to be an isotope of Xiao Chi’s parallel world.

This made her extremely uncomfortable.

And now you tell me that you actually had contact with Chief Reim.

“yes, that’s been a long time coming, right, Pikachu.”

Ash asked Pikachu.

That was when he traveled in the United States.

It’s been two or three years.

Maybe this chief Rem was the one he met.

“Well, Ash did meet Chief Reim, so let Ash accompany Liu Bo with him.”

Kong Xian nodded in agreement.

There is still no problem in protecting yourself with the strength of Ash.

“Headmaster, I want to go too.”

Seeing that Kong Xian agreed to go to Xiao Zhi, Xiao Mao immediately answered.

He wants to investigate the secret of the arrival of the elves, and Chief Reim, as a legendary elf, knows more things to move than Caludio.

“And me, I want to go too!”

“That., Headmaster, I want to go too!”

Zhao Linger and Zhao Qian echoed at the same time, saying that they also wanted to participate in this Antarctic rescue operation.

Legend has it that the strongest dragon elf on the surface! It’s exciting to think about!


“Do you think it’s a trip? Don’t go to anyone but Ash!”

For the sake of their safety, Kong Xian scolded Xiaomao, Zhao Linger, and Zhao Qian.

Ash went with him, in addition to his experience of contact with Chief Reim.

Ash’s strength is also strong, he has experienced many dangers, and he can deal with unexpected situations.

And the remaining few people, Xiao Mao is better, and has some wild survival experience.

And Zhao Linger and Zhao Qian went to completely drag the oil bottle.

“Your Excellency Principal, let them follow along for a long time.”

“Flowers in a greenhouse are easy to fold.”

“With the old man here, you can keep them safe.”

Just then, Liu Bo proposed.

To become a strong person, this is a process that you have to go through.

The reason why Qinglu and Crimson are so strong is inseparable from what they experienced.

“Liu Bo is right, these trials are the first step of the strong.”

Imperial Dragon Qianhe was also suggesting Kong Xian to let them follow.

Both Du and Tsubaki have gone through many tribulations to have today’s strength.


“Okay then.”

“You can think clearly, you have to face the legendary elves, whose lives are in danger at any time.”

Kong Xian faced the three and said extremely seriously.

Let them choose for themselves whether they want to go to Antarctica or not.

“I have decided that I will go to Antarctica to investigate the secret of the arrival of the elves!”

Xiao Mao nodded heavily, his attitude extremely firm.

“That’s right, I also want to see what Chief Reim, who is known as the strongest dragon elf on the surface, looks like.”

Zhao Qian then echoed.

As a member of the Royal Dragon Family, how could he miss this chief, who was known as the strongest dragon elf.

He felt that if he missed it this time, he would regret it for the rest of his life!

“Me too!”

Zhao Linger also nodded excitedly.

I have long heard them talk about the legendary elves, and the legendary elves can finally participate in it themselves this time.

“Since you insist, I’m not saying anything anymore.”

“Mr. Nazi Qianhe, this time you two accompany Liu Bo to the South Pole, be sure to ensure the safety of several of them.”

Seeing that several people saw this, Kong Xian did not continue to obstruct.

Instead, he asked the elders of the Royal Dragon Family and Nazi to accompany Liu Bo to the South Pole.

Although Liu Bo is powerful, he is just a person after all.

It’s always safer to shout two more people.

“Great, I knew you would promise me!”

Hearing Kong Xian’s promise, Zhao Linger excitedly pounced directly on Kong Xian.

All the previous depressed things are forgotten.

“Leave it to the old man.”

“It’s really troublesome, and I have to take care of these little ghosts.”

Elder Imperial Dragon and Nazi agreed in two voices.

Okay, get up, so many people are watching.

Kong Xian removed Zhao Linger from his arms, this girl was too sticky to herself.

Just take this opportunity to exercise him.

“Since you decided to go to Antarctica, then go back and prepare, and leave immediately tomorrow morning, the ice and snow weather in Antarctica is no better than ours Suhang.”

Kong Xian said to everyone.

Suzhou and Hangzhou are warm, while Antarctica is extremely cold, and if you are not well prepared, you will not be able to stay in Antarctica for too long.

“Well, let’s go get ready.”

Liu Bo nodded and pushed his wheelchair to prepare the supplies needed to go to Antarctica.

Now that the sun has just set and many supermarkets are still open, this point is completely timely.

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