In the house,

Zhang Ze and Yulia chatted casually.

After a while,

Yulia had something else to do, so she left with the bottle of wine.

Zhang Ze saw that the live broadcast room started talking nonsense again.

He said unhappily,"Okay, you guys stop guessing."

"This girl is just a classmate. She did pursue me, but I didn't agree."

"She has a good personality, carefree and lively"

"But, I have to say but!!"

"We don't mind how much she has talked about before"

"But when it comes to love, it comes and goes quickly"

"The shortest is ten days or eight days, and the longest is two or three months. What do I need to do?"

"This is also the problem of many girls from fighting nations. Did you know that the divorce rate among Russians is the highest in the world?"

"Being just an ordinary friend is fine, but being a partner? That’s boring!"

The live broadcast room also started to talk about it

"Hahaha, I just like listening to the host bragging!"

"The host's face must be made of a city wall, he is so calm even when pretending to be cool!"

"I'm so jealous! How can I be as good as the anchor?!"

"Script! It’s all a fucking script!"

Zhang Ze cursed,"The one who talked about the script, I’ve been putting up with you for a long time!"

"Do you want to be the property manager? Two cents a day, help me kick out those haters who are shouting about the script!"

Zhang Ze said as he packed his luggage.

Zhang Ze:"Okay, brothers, don't you guys keep calling her Miss Anna?"

"I think the girl is really pretty, if we have the chance we should get to know her better!"

"Now, I'm going to the supermarket to buy some things."

"Pick up junk in the afternoon and have a barbecue outside at night! Maybe we can meet!"

"When the time comes, you have to help me with some advice."

As soon as these words were spoken, the live broadcast room suddenly became active.

Many people were new viewers who had not seen Anna yesterday.

Now their interest was aroused.

Zhang Ze's idea was simple.

Everything is afraid of comparison!

This morning, he met two girls from the fighting nation.

As soon as he compared them, he could clearly feel that

Anna's appearance was very good at fighting!

What if it was really like what Oleg said.

Anna's personality was not that bad, Zhang Ze would not mind getting along with her!


Zhang Ze went to the mall and bought some ingredients and condiments for the barbecue in the evening.

At a certain time, he asked Oleg to drive to the off-campus apartment. As soon as

Oleg entered the house, he was stunned.

"Hiss——Zhang Ze, are you really a prince of the Dragon Kingdom? A rich second generation?"

"This house is so nice!"

"How much is it per month?"

Zhang Ze shrugged."You still don't believe me even if I tell you?"

"Not much, only 30,000 rubles a month!"

Zhang Ze looked at the drone and said,"Brothers, this is my friend at Irkut University."

"Oleg. You can also call him Oli Gei!"

Oleg looked at the drone strangely.

He knew that Longguo's technology was more advanced than theirs.

Many drones came from Longguo.

And Zhang Ze's drone... was obviously a high-end product!

"Zhang Ze, what are you doing?"

"Live broadcast, I told you before"

"Oleg grinned and shouted at the drone:"Ura! Ole Gei!!"

Suddenly, Oleg turned around and said:"Fuck! You moved out……"

"Then can I ask Daria to go to the dormitory?"

"It can save a lot of hotel money!"

Zhang Ze shook his head and smiled:"That's all you are capable of!"

"Is Daria free this afternoon? Let's call her to go to Kut Village together!"

"I bought some ingredients, I will dig in the afternoon and have a barbecue outdoors in the evening!"

Oleg became interested when he heard it, and he couldn't wait to call his girlfriend.

Soon, Zhang Ze and Oleg took the things and went out.

After going downstairs, Daria was already there next to the eight-handed Lada.

The girl was a little fat, and she was quite a match for Oleg.

However, if the two had not grown up together, Oleg would never have found a girlfriend like Daria.

After a simple greeting,

Zhang Ze got in the car and drove out of the city.

Irkutsk is the largest city in the Far East.

That's what I said.

But the city's permanent population is only more than 600,000.

In China, it is the size of a small county town.

However, in the Red Bear era, there were many state-owned enterprises and the level of development was not low. It is somewhat similar to the Northeast of China.

It is a city that was once glorious, but it can't keep people.

Kut Village is where Oleg was born, located 50 kilometers outside of Irkut.

In the car,

Zhang Ze glanced in the rearview mirror:"Daria! Can you introduce Anna to me?"

When Daria heard this, she couldn't help laughing:"I heard Oleg tell you about your experience yesterday!"

"It's quite interesting, isn't it?"

Zhang Ze laughed and said,"Cutting lychees is not interesting at all!"

"Oleg said she was usually nice and gentle, but I thought, he always talks nonsense, I'm really afraid he's just talking nonsense!"

Dariya smiled and said,"He really didn't lie to you. He just cares about you because you haven't been in a relationship for so long!""

"Anna is really nice! She knows Oleg's sister very well!"

"I am just eighteen years old this year, simple and kind!"

"Well... she has never been in a relationship! At least that was the case six months ago."

"She is also very good at studying"

"If it weren't for financial problems, she could go to Moscow to study at university!"

"She had been working part-time during the holidays, but unfortunately she didn't save enough money."

Zhang Ze's eyes lit up and he grinned,"Oh? Dalia is really reliable!"

"It's much more detailed than what Oleg said!"

Oleg clapped his hands:"Right, brother Zhang Ze, I didn't lie to you!"

Zhang Ze rolled his eyes:"Just shut up... your introduction is equivalent to no introduction!"

Daria smiled mysteriously,"Besides, she will definitely be interested in you!"

Zhang Ze:"Huh?"

"Damn, does this happiness come too suddenly?"

��Countless question marks floated across the studio



"Brother Ze, did you save the earth in your previous life?"

"What is wrong with this world?"

"Those who are suffering from drought will die of drought, and those who are suffering from floods will die of floods!"


PS: Ten updates on the first day! Anyone? Updates will continue once the data is in place! Please give me flowers and review votes! Please give me monthly tickets and rewards!

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