After hearing what Qin Ze said, Scyther looked at him with a puzzled look.

"When you attack while moving at high speed, no matter the speed or strength, neither is weaker than the other, and the control is very good. I hope you can teach Growlithe this skill, so that he can dodge and defend at the same time and attack, without any weakening in either aspect."

Qin Ze explained his request.

It is not new to let experienced Pokémon teach novice Pokémon, and many trainers will do this.

After all, trainers and Pokémon cannot speak the same language.

On the contrary, guidance between Pokémon can make the language smooth and save a lot of trouble.

Scyther thought about it after listening, and Qin Ze immediately took out another bag of Pokémon rations and poured it into Scyther's bowl. Seeing this move, Scyther nodded immediately, and his eyes turned into a smile to show his agreement

""Thank you very much!"

Qin Ze nodded happily when he saw Scyther agree.

After eating and drinking, Scyther taught Caterpillar his own experience, and Caterpillar listened very carefully.

Qin Ze was learning beside him, although he didn't understand....

On the second day, Qin Ze adjusted the training of Growlithe and added two hours of physical training time.

Running with weights, carrying heavy objects and running with heavy objects in his mouth, of course, is within the limit of Growlithe.

Then there are sit-ups, jumping back and forth, etc.

After the training, rest and eat, it is the training to avoid Scyther.

Among them, Qin Ze also added skill proficiency training.

Every time you dodge the attack of Scyther, you must use skills, regardless of the power or whether you can hit it.

Even the skills of the transformation system such as howling and glaring should be used in such dangerous situations.

Until you can't stand up.

In this way, not only is it training reaction ability and improving skill proficiency, but it can also do two things at the same time!

It may be difficult at the beginning, but as long as you persist, there will be results.

In the afternoon, Qin Ze took Growlithe to challenge the wild elves, and it didn't end until the evening.

As for the evening, it is a review and summary, and then another hour of training. No matter what the results are, you must rest well at the end, combining work and rest to maximize the training results.

In this way, Qin Ze and Growlithe spent a week in this secret realm.

Now Growlithe has been upgraded to level 12.

Qin Ze originally thought that with the blessing of double experience, Growlithe would upgrade very quickly, and it would not be a problem to upgrade to level 20 in a week.

But now he realized that the theory of the game cannot be fully applied.

According to research, the experience points required for the upgrade of Pokémon will increase several times as the level gets higher, which is far more outrageous than in the game.

The difficulty after level 10 is several times greater than the sum of levels 1 to 9, not to mention the subsequent levels 20 and 30.

So since Growlithe reached level 10 on the third day, even if Qin Ze took Growlithe to challenge 20 to 30 wild Pokémon every day, it would take four days to reach level 12 with the blessing of double experience.

"It's so difficult now, what should people without the system do?"

Qin Ze had to talk about the past. It turned out that training elves was not that simple.

If this continued, by the time he left the secret realm, Caterpie might not even reach level 20.

"Forget it, I'll make things right when the time comes. I'm already a lot ahead of others, so there's no need to worry about it."

Qin Ze's mentality was quite strong, and he quickly cheered up and healed the wounds of the Caterpie, which had just fought a level 11 mole.

Although it was one level higher, the Caterpie suffered a lot of damage due to the attribute restraint.

If it hadn't been chased and chopped by Scyther every day these days, and hadn't been doing weight training to improve its physical defense, it probably wouldn't have been able to beat the mole.

"Later, we have to consider the problem of attribute restraint. We have to let Growlithe learn moves such as Thunder Fang and Digging Holes."

Qin Ze thought.

It was already night, and Qin Ze let Growlithe train for a while, and then went to bed.

It was supposed to be a peaceful night as usual, but something seemed wrong today.


The sleeping Katie suddenly opened his eyes and called out, then pushed Qin Ze's head hard.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Qin Ze looked at Caty Dog with a puzzled look, not knowing what was going on.


Catti's expression was quite serious, as if something big was going to happen.

Qin Ze was immediately alert when he saw this. Catti, as a police dog, was born with a strong ability to predict danger.

It was like this, it must be because of some danger!

At this moment, Qin Ze suddenly smelled a strange fragrance.

Without thinking, he threw out the Poké Ball and released Scyther.

"Scyther! Flap your wings!"

After hearing the order, Scyther woke up from his sleep and flapped his wings quickly, creating a strong wind that blew open the tent and blew the fragrance out.



The next second, two male curses were heard from outside.

"There's a thief!"

Qin Ze immediately understood what was going on.

He had heard that there would be people in the secret realm who would try every means to steal other people's supplies, but he didn't expect to encounter one himself! Sure enough, his vigilance was too low. He should have bought those warning devices!

After scolding himself, Qin Ze immediately ran out to see who it was.

He saw two people, one tall and one short, wearing black masks.

"Where did this thief come from!"

Qin Ze roared

"It's none of your business! We wanted to put you to sleep before taking your things, but since you insist on getting up, don't blame us for being ruthless!" the tall thief roared.

"That's right! If you don't want to suffer, just give us everything you have!"

The short thief pointed at Qin Ze and shouted

"It seems that you have been scouting for a long time and observing me for a few days before deciding to take action. Otherwise, how can you be sure that I have a lot of supplies on hand?"

Qin Ze immediately thought of something.

After hearing what Qin Ze said, the two thieves had to change their eyes.

What Qin Ze said was right. They did observe for a while.

Every day, they saw Qin Ze feeding him rations of considerable value and using medicines that were not cheap, so they thought that Qin Ze was relatively rich, so they planned to make a move.

"So what! Are you going to hand it over or not? If not, you're dead! I know you have a powerful Scyther, but we're not pushovers either!"

After the tall thief finished speaking, he immediately threw out two Poké Balls, and the short one also threw out two.

They released Murkrow, Naughty Panda, Armstrong, and Shellless Sea Hare.

"This is my first time fighting someone in the wild, and I'm fighting a thief."

Qin Ze gradually became nervous when he saw this. He didn't know how strong these thieves were. If they were desperate criminals, it would be troublesome......

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