
The Burning Bug was surprised and rushed to the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror.

His body became taller, and he also had new huge feathers, and his whole body was full of strength. The Burning Bug evolved into the Fire God Bug.

"This burning magic crystal is so powerful."

The Vulcan Moth thought: If the duck-billed fire beast eats this magic crystal directly, will it evolve directly into a duck-billed flame beast?

Thinking so.

No, I should make myself stronger. One day, I will stand in front of the duck-billed fire beast and let him say that sentence: You have become stronger. The tiring day ended. The next day, the competition went on as usual. Since Qin Ze's game was not until the afternoon, he did not wake up in the morning, and Lin Lili did not wake him up.

"Where is Qin Ze? Why doesn't he come?"

Lin Tao looked around for Qin Ze, but couldn't find him anywhere.

"Who are you looking for?"

Li Wuhua quietly came to Lin Tao and asked

"Ah, Miss Wuhua.

Lin Tao was startled and came to his senses.

"The winner of this match will be my next opponent."

Looking at the field, Lin Tao said, gritting his teeth.

"It seems that one of them likes to use flying elves, and the other likes to use water elves."

Li Wuhua said, she had looked at the competition schedule in advance.

"I bet on the flying type because his elves are very agile. This player is also very good at using the opponent's strengths to turn them into weaknesses. He is a very interesting trainer."

Lin Tao said, pointing at the man with black curly hair, watching his moves.

"Wang Miao, right?"

Li Wuhua said, she read out his name. She watched the replay yesterday and found that Wang Miao was very difficult to deal with. He liked to force his opponents to reveal their weaknesses. His elves were just as difficult to deal with as he was. Each of them seemed to have maxed out their defense and evasion.

"The next to enter were Wang Miao and Shi Li."

The other one was Shi Li. To be honest, I didn't pay much attention to him. Wang Miao played very well in the first two games, and it seemed that he was bound to win.

At this time, Lin Lili came over with a report card and handed it to Li Wuhua and Lin Tao.

"This is the analysis table of Shi Li, don't underestimate him." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lin Lili said, and focused her attention on the field.

"Do you like to use such a spirit?"

Lin Tao glanced at the analysis table and smiled after reading it.

This Shi Li is also a very interesting guy.

"Warrior Eagle, and Onix"[]

The Warrior Eagle was at a disadvantage immediately.

It might be that Shi Li knew that Wang Miao was a tough guy, so he directly destroyed his chance to find his weakness and prepared to defeat the Warrior Eagle with one blow.

"~ Humph, you are so naive, Shili."

Wang Miao smiled and looked up at Rock Snake and his Warrior Eagle.


The Warrior Eagle received the order and dived down from the sky. The Rock Snake stared at the Warrior Eagle with his eyes. Although it was huge, it was extremely agile and nimbly dodged the Warrior Eagle's attack.

"Big Rock Snake, Rock Pitcher."

Shi Li waved his hand, and Big Rock Snake swung its tail, releasing rocks indiscriminately into the sky, almost hitting Wang Miao.

"There's more to it than that."

Lin Lili smiled and calmly concluded.

The Warrior Eagle rushed directly to Onix's face, showing its sharp beak, and rushed forward. Onix dodged urgently, avoiding the Warrior Eagle's desperate attack.

"Is this what it means to force a flaw?" Shi

Li muttered softly.


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