After sleeping for a whole morning, Qin Ze woke up in the afternoon. When he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Lili setting food on the dining table.

"You're awake. The morning game is over. You'll play in the afternoon."

Seeing Qin Ze coming out, Lin Lili explained.

"Lily, why didn't you participate in the competition? Don't you like fighting?

Qin Ze finished packing, took a sip of soup, and asked

"Well... there are too many things to do, it's hard to leave." Qin

Ze explained casually, and felt that Lily was worried about something.

"Why did you come just now? Where were you this morning?"

Lin Tao saw Qin Ze and asked angrily

"I didn't have any competition this morning, so why did I get up? Where is Miss Wuhua?"

Qin Ze asked 670

"She has no competitions anymore. She said she would go to the training hall in Shanghai today."

Lin Tao explained. At this time, a message came to his phone.

Lin Tao quickly opened the button and replied.

"Oh, so fast, so much chat."

Qin Ze stared at Lin Tao with a subtle smile.

"Don't be funny, we're just good friends."

Lin Tao pushed Qin Ze's sarcasm aside and pulled him to the lounge.

"I'll show you the replay of this morning."

Lin Tao said as he turned on the computer. The duel between Wang Miao and Shi Li in the morning could be described as a duel between the air and the land.

The Warriors Eagle won the first round, and the outcome of this round could be said to have surprised everyone.

"This Warrior Eagle is so agile!"

Qin Ze was shocked when he watched the replay.

The clumsiness of Rock Snake was pushed to the limit by the Warrior Eagle, and the flaws that were directly exposed

"This Warrior Eagle is dangerous."

"No, Qin Ze, you keep watching."

Lin Tao said, and continued to play the video. In the next two rounds, Shi Li used the ivory pig to directly pierce Wang Miao's elf.

""Ivory pig?"

Qin Ze muttered, a stronger kind among the earth-type elves.

"One against two, this Shi Li." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) In the second game, Shi Li used the Ivory Pig to directly defeat two. At the beginning, everyone was looking forward to Wang Miao, and even when the second game ended with a score of 1:1, everyone was still looking forward to Wang Miao.

"What do I feel? Shi Li was conserving his strength until the last game."

Lin Tao said, watching the last game, Shi Li's expression was very relaxed from beginning to end.

"The first round was to test Wang Miao."

At this time, Lin Lili pushed open the door and walked in, explaining[]

"Shi Li is an A trainer, Lin Tao, your chances of winning are very small."

As he said this, he handed over a form.

"All his elves are level 3 elves, so maybe they are not even on the same line."

Looking at the table, Lin Tao's eyes widened.

"Oh my god, what is he doing, coming to the Novice Village to bully people?"

Shi Li is very strong, but his first two games were very mediocre and unremarkable. He was only discovered in this game.

"But I suspect this person is from the Hairong Group, or maybe someone else. Lin Tao, you should try to maximize the use of your elves, play three full games, and dig out the details of this person."

As she said this, Lin Lili's eyes were serious.


This was the first time that Lin Tao was stared at by Lin Lili, and he was startled.

"And you, don't slack off, follow me, the game is about to start."

After saying this, Lin Lili took Qin Ze's hand and walked out.

"You will play against Lu Xiaoqi in the next match. His moves are very strange, so you must study them a little bit."

As she said this, Lin Lili took the analysis sheet from her assistant.

"Lu Xiaoqi, 18 years old, male, likes to use earth-type elves, but likes to use soft-type elves." (Please subscribe

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