"He likes to tease people. You can only tease people with the Light Ghost and the Wind Fairy. The other two are not good."

Lin Lili said, turning on the computer screen and opening the video to explain to Qin Ze.

"He doesn't just like to use earth-type elves, he also uses water and ice-type elves."

Qin Ze listened very carefully, and suddenly, Lin Lili sighed.

"I just realized, Qin Ze, you really don't have enough elves."

As she said this, Lin Lili began to think.

"He rarely uses water and ice, but it's not that he doesn't use them. You guys are already in the quarterfinals, so it's hard to predict what he'll use, but the first one should be the one he's good at."

Qin Ze said while looking at the watch. Lin Lili held her chin and thought for a while.

"Ivory Pig"

"It's also an ivory pig!"

Qin Ze was stunned. Just now, he used the ivory pig to shoot two people. He didn't know what Lu Xiaoqi was like.

"Very strong."

Lin Lili saw what Qin Ze was thinking and spoke.

The two of them discussed for a long time around a table and made a plan.

"Believe in yourself and you'll be done."

Lin Lili said simply, and came to the audience stand.

After following Qin Ze's games, she analyzed many people, including Lin Tao and Miss Li. Everyone has a lot of basic elves, and their levels are not very low, but Qin Ze has no low-level elves or basic elves. What was

Chen Xuan's purpose for burning the magic crystal last time, and what was the purpose behind hiding his strength.

Lin Lili connected the situation of the past few days and thought about it with a headache.

After the game is over, she needs to take Qin Ze to the Magic City Swamp.

There is no time to think so much, the game is about to start, Qin Ze and Lu Xiaoqi greet each other politely before the game.

"Are you Qin Ze? You look so handsome."

Lu Xiaoqi and Qin Ze were standing not far away, and they could hear each other talking.

"Ah? Thanks for the compliment."

"Was it you who was in the last highway incident? You are so awesome? Is there something you haven't released yet?"

"Where did you practice before? Why haven't I seen you before?……"

The two of them stood still for a few seconds, and Lu Xiaoqi asked questions one after another.


Qin Ze was a little uncomfortable. Lu Xiaoqi must have been a chatterbox.


Lu Xiaoqi answered perfunctorily, seemingly not caring about Qin Ze's attitude at all, and continued to talk to himself. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The two people released their Poké Balls at the same time, and as expected, Qin Ze released the Lightning Ghost.

Because Lu Xiaoqi might use a wear-resistant Pokémon in the first round, the Lightning Ghost can last a little longer.

However, Lu Xiaoqi released the Mighty Crocodile.

Good guy, it's neither wear-resistant nor earth-type.[]

Qin Ze complained helplessly, all the previous analysis fell apart.

"The ghost of the light, is it a ghost? Does it have a physical body?……"

Then, Lu Xiaoqi's questions came one after another. Qin Ze felt uncomfortable listening to them and looked at him helplessly.


Using the skill to fire, Lu Xiaoqi was interrupted.

"So fast? I have to show you my elf, the powerful crocodile."

""Great Power, Ice Fang."

As soon as the words came out, the powerful crocodile released a large number of water balls flying towards the light ghosts, and when he raised his body, all the light ghosts dodged.

"Don't give him a chance, Light Ghost, telekinesis."

Light Ghost used telekinesis to control dozens of water balls and bounced them back.

"Ice shield." The powerful crocodile released a huge ice shield to block the two people.

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