"Have you ever thought about correcting these shortcomings?"

Li Wuhua suddenly moved away and asked. Lin Tao put down the form, leaned on the sofa, and looked at the ceiling.

"I also want to correct it. In the process of trainers and elves, there will be not only some tacit understanding, but also shortcomings. It is very difficult to correct them. Gradually, I also understand that they are not just shortcomings, but also a feature."

Lin Tao said, not knowing whether it was self-consolation, he himself doubted himself.

"Maybe it's just my random thought, but those shortcomings can indeed be fatal."

Lin Tao said, smiling helplessly, looking at the ceiling

"Do you know anything about this time force, Wuhua?"

Lin Tao called Li Wuhua's name, without adding the surname, very intimately. After hearing this, Li Wuhua's facial expression changed subtly, and his eyes turned away.

"I don't know. I've been busy with our match these days. I didn't expect to be defeated by you so quickly after I got on the court."

Li Wuhua said, feeling somewhat helpless, but also as if he was relieved.

"I'll teach you.'

Lin Tao said, his tone suddenly became serious, looking at Li Wuhua


""It's okay. I'm about to compete. Wish me good luck. If I win, I'll treat you to a delicious meal."

Lin Tao said, without giving Li Wuhua a chance to refuse, and walked away. Looking at Lin Tao's back, Li Wuhua didn't follow him, and whispered a few words:"Okay."

On the other side, Qin Ze and Lu Xiaoqi were still fighting like glue.

Looking at the crowd on the field, Qin Ze and Lu Xiaoqi were still standing opposite each other, and the powerful crocodile had been subdued by Lu Xiaoqi.

"It won't work if I don't take some powerful spirits."

Lu Xiaoqi said to himself.

Qin Ze also took back the ghost of the lamp.

"I can still hit you hard."

"You should take a rest first."

The Light Ghost was forced to log off.

He watched Lu Xiaoqi take out an ordinary Poké Ball.

Come on, Lu Xiaoqi, let me see what Poké Ball you can take out.

"Tutai turtle."

Seeing the elves, Qin Ze muttered.

The third-level elves, it will be another difficult battle.

"My turtle is awesome, you know, I like him very much, and my turtle can act cute."

Lu Xiaoqi started talking again, bombarding Qin Ze with words.

"Quite handsome." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Qin Ze smiled and said.

He released his wind speed dogs, both of which were third-level elves, a duel between the earth and fire elements.

"Tutai Turtle, destroy the light."

Lu Xiaoqi attacked first this time, and the wind speed dog quickly dodged, but the custom light of the Tutai Turtle was too many and dense, and the wind speed dog could not resist.

The wind speed dog was hit and fell to the ground, and the Tutai Turtle watched the situation quietly.[]

In an instant, the wind speed dog jumped up

""Big word explosion flame."

Qin Ze shouted, and the wind speed dog exhaled a large amount of flame from its mouth and rushed towards the earth turtle.

The flame rushed towards the earth turtle, forming a flame word, and exploded on the earth turtle's head.

The exploding flames turned into small balls of flames, rushing towards the earth turtle, just like its (Wang Zhao's) destructive rays, numerous and dense.

The two elves seemed to be pulling and testing each other.

They didn't give in to each other and owed each other nothing.

""Sun Beam."

Lu Xiaoqi shouted, and the Tutai Turtle's attack flew over and stabbed at the Wind Speed Dog.

"High-speed movement."

Qin Ze decided to seize the opportunity of the sun beam and shouted out the order.

"" Yao Shen."

Wind Speed Dog looked at the beam of light with a firm look in his eyes and roared to the sky.


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