Lin Tao walked away, and Li Wuhua left the lounge, but did not go to where Lin Tao was competing, but came to Shili's lounge.

On the way, Li Wuhua paced back and forth, as if something was forcing Li Wuhua, and something was restraining Li Wuhua.

"Wuhua, save me."

A pair of deep but powerless eyes stared at Li Wuhua, grabbing Li Wuhua through the railings, like grabbing a life-saving straw, or like a vampire grabbing a living person.

In his memory, Li Wuhua looked at that person with contempt, but when he walked out, he bowed his head to the high and mighty person in front of him.

"Miss Li, you are also a beauty. If you use your body a little, you won't have to suffer so much."

The man's slender fingers gently stroked Li Wuhua's chin, shoulders, and waist.

Li Wuhua's eyes were fierce, and she grabbed the finger, as if she could break it with a little more force.

""Okay, okay, then you help Shi Li win the Magic City Competition and clear all obstacles for him. Then I will let your father out."

After saying this, the scene returned to the present. Li Wuhua felt his feet become heavy, and the steps towards Shi Li's house gradually became unconscious.

"You have to do this to maximize your potential as a spirit."

The image of Lin Tao teaching me lingered in my mind for a long time.

"Lin Tao is a hard person to figure out. I think he seems to be interested in you. Use the beauty trap to find out his weakness."

A person with a very low voice said, and then left without leaving Li Wuhua.

"Why don't you come in? Come in quickly."

At this time, Shi Li pushed open the door and looked at Li Wuhua standing outside. He had a strange look on his face, but it was also full of endless and fierce

"That's all?"

Li Wuhua truthfully explained Lin Tao's weaknesses. Shi Li seemed dissatisfied after listening.

"Well, after watching those few games, there is no big problem. Go ask me about Qin Ze. If I remember correctly, Qin Ze and Lin Tao should be good friends."

Shi Li said, Li Wuhua nodded without saying anything.

"Well, go ahead."

Shi Li said, without stopping Li Wuhua, he crossed his legs and picked up his phone.

"Oh, right."

At this time, Li Wuhua was about to open the door.

"I advise you not to let your emotions get the better of you, or your father's head will fall to the ground."

After saying that, Shi Li stopped talking. Li Wuhua's eyes were fierce, and his hands were shaking as he opened the door latch. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When he came to the arena, he watched Qin Ze and Lu Xiaoqi fight, but his eyes were still dull. What kept replaying in his mind was Lin Tao's smile, Lin Tao's words, and his father's appearance.

"Wuhua, save me."

That look lingered in Li Wuhua's mind.

What I should do is to save my father.[]

Li Wuhua hinted to herself that she suddenly felt a headache, so she stopped reading and returned to the hotel, where she fell into a deep sleep.

"Wuhua, come here, I'll give you something fun."

When she was a child, Li Wuhua was cute and innocent. She was called by her father and took a small toy. Her father looked at Li Wuhua's happy expression and smiled proudly.


"Father, mother?"

"No flowers, run……"

A fire burned down the house that Li Wuhua had relied on since childhood, and also burned down that complete and happy family.


"No flowers, save me……"

The scene brings back that memory

"No flowers, I……"

Look again, my father's head fell to the ground


Li Wuhua was startled awake and sat up. What caught her eye was a pot of flowers in the hotel. Tôn

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