Lin Lili muttered something, and Qin Ze came over curiously with a puzzled look on his face.

"Lin Tao will definitely tell Li Wuhua that Li Wuhua and Shi Li must be doing something."

Lin Lili said her own judgment, Qin Ze was stunned for a moment and waved his hand, saying

"Although Lin Tao is not very shrewd, he should be able to judge people correctly."

"That's not what I meant."

Lin Lili stared at the field. Lin Tao's Blastoise was defeated by Shi Li's Tutai Turtle and fell to the ground and didn't get up.

As Lin Tao said, his Blastoise's self-confidence had been completely shattered.


Lin Tao couldn't help but shed tears. He couldn't believe it, and his confidence seemed to be shattered. It seemed that Li Wuhua was right. This guy didn't say anything wrong. So let's just fight quickly. Shi Li thought, and felt that his fighting mode was perfect.

"The game is suspended. Please rest on your own."

The voice of the machine judge suddenly sounded. Lin Lili and Qin Ze stood in the rest area and looked at Lin Tao. He walked over with a dead look, as if he had fallen down.

"Lin Tao, have you told Li Wuhua your weakness?"

Lin Lili said, looking serious. Lin Tao was a little confused. He felt that there was no connection between the two.


But Lin Tao didn't care about anything else at this time. He nodded and said

"Is there anything else you haven't told the elves? It's impossible to tell them all."

Lin Lili asked anxiously. Lin Tao thought about it carefully.

"Among the Pokémon I took, I didn't tell him about Windy Dog and Charizard."

Lin Lili grabbed his shoulder and said seriously, a little puzzled.

"Just use Arcanine and Charizard. No matter you win or lose, you must use these two Pokémon. As for what happened, I will tell you after the game is over. Just play with peace of mind."

"Besides, follow your heart, Lin Tao, and maximize your freak personality!"

Lin Lili said, patting Lin Tao on the shoulder with a look of affirmation.

As she said that, Lin Tao was a little worried.

"Could it be related to Miss Wuhua? Could it be that she……"(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lin Lili said without hesitation

"Don't worry, Miss Wuhua didn't come because of something, it has nothing to do with her, you can rest assured to compete."

As she said, Lin Lili patted Lin Tao's shoulder, handed him a sip of water, and looked at him with a serious face.


Lin Tao nodded. He believed in Lin Lili because he believed in Qin Ze.[]

Back on the court, looking at Lin Tao's back, he is indeed more determined than when he just came here. The situation should be reversed.

""What should we do now?"

Qin Ze asked. He had already noticed something was wrong.

"I'm going to find Miss Wuhua. You stay here to watch over Lin Tao. If Lin Tao is feeling unwell, send him a signal to calm him down."

Lin Lili said, her brows were tightly knitted, never loosening. Qin Ze nodded, and Lin Lili left, trotting. (Wang Zhao)

"Lin Tao, ah."

Qin Ze looked at Lin Tao below, shook his head, and looked helpless.

Lin Tao came back and released the wind speed dog, looking at Shi Li, Shi Li saw Lin Tao release the wind speed dog, and carefully searched in his memory for the weakness of Lin Tao's wind speed dog that Li Wuhua had mentioned.

After thinking about it carefully for several times, there was nothing!

Damn, what should I do. Shi

Li gritted his teeth. Forget it, his Blastoise was so unsuccessful, what about the wind speed dog.


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