Windy Dog looked at the Tortoise with sharp teeth, looking very unfriendly.

Freak, huh?

Lin Tao took a deep breath. Miss Wuhua does have her own things to do, and shouldn't be around me. My Pokémon does have weaknesses.

I don't care where you know it from, but it's too naive to think that you can defeat me so easily.

Lin Tao thought and opened his eyes. His expression had completely changed. Shi Li looked over and was slightly frightened, but the way he played in the first game made Shi Li extremely confident. At this time, Shi Li not only wanted to beat Lin Tao, he wanted to defeat Lin Tao's heart.

This was the first time that Shi Li had such a perverted idea.

"Lin Tao, let me be happy."Shi

Li muttered, like a beast with fangs bared.

"Big 300 words Explosion!"

Lin Tao took the lead in attacking, and the wind speed dog jumped up, looking at the earth platform turtle, and suddenly jumped over, the speed was like flying, the distance and speed were both top-notch.

""Super absorption!"

Shi Li said, and the turtle jumped up and down with great force, causing the ground to shake, and the surrounding dust was raised, absorbing the flames, and the speed was as fast as that of a wind speed dog.


Lin Tao suddenly shouted. The Explosion of Wind Speed Dog did not approach the Tutai Turtle, but stopped less than half a foot away. It was as if time had stopped.

""Flash Charge."

Lin Tao shouted, and the flames of the wind speed dog were placed in the air. He ran over quickly and passed through the flames. His body was covered with flames. Looking at the wind speed dog, the turtle hummed twice, as if it didn't take it seriously at all.


Shi Li refused to give in and shouted

"Great, that's it."

Lin Tao suddenly showed a strange smile, and the wind speed dog's fire charge went straight into the tornado of the sandstorm.

"Did I see it right just now? How could he get in? Isn't this courting death?"

"Isn't this Lin Tao admitting defeat?"

People on the field were talking about Lin Tao's abnormal behavior.


Instantly, flames ignited in the sandstorm tornado, like an explosion, and the flames surrounded the tornado. At this time, the wind speed dog jumped out from the top of the tornado, standing on the tornado and looking at the turtle below.

His eyes were full of the aura of a king. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This! How is this possible!"

Shi Li was shocked when he saw the intact Wind Speed Dog.

""Revenge for Windy Dog, for you, for Water Arrow."

Lin Tao said calmly, in a voice that only he and Windy Dog could hear. Windy Dog seemed to be riding a tornado, rushing towards the Tutai Turtle.

"So fast!"[]

The wind speed dog bared its teeth, moved rapidly, and the tornado leaves moved rapidly

""Be careful, Tutai Turtle!"

Shi Li shouted hurriedly.

"Humph, it's too late."

Lin Tao said with disdain, looking at Tutai Turtle.

Yes, it's too late. The sandstorm was originally a skill that Tutai Turtle stole from him. The feeling that Tutai Turtle was extremely familiar with but not completely familiar with made Tutai Turtle dare not attack easily.

It was also because of this that Tutai Turtle could not avoid it and was steadily swept into the wind speed dog.

The double attack of the fire and dust flying knife, as well as the high-speed operation of the wind speed dog, Tutai Turtle had no power to resist.

After a long time, the tornado stopped, and Tutai Turtle fell from mid-air, crashed to the ground, and fell heavily.

The weak eyes opened for a while, and finally closed them.

"Windy Dog wins!".

This is my mother: Tôn

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