Lin Lili clenched her fists, wishing she could go out and help Li Wuhua

"Let's go, Dad."

Li Wuhua couldn't hold back her tears anymore, sobbing as she walked towards the man, pulled him up and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute."

The man suddenly called Li Wuhua

"I only said to release your father, not you."

The man put his hand on Li Wuhua's thin shoulders and said that Li Wuhua's body trembled and trembled with anger.

"What do you want to do with"300""

"I told you, if you do it, we will release your father, not you."

The man said, and his hand touched Li Wuhua's waist.


Li Wuhua slapped his hand away with a look of contempt.

"What, do you want to resist? Don't you understand? It's easy for me to want your father to die, and it's easy for me to want you to die."

The man said with a disgusting look on his face, making Lin Lili want to vomit.

"Okay, let me settle my father, and then I will come back."

Li Wuhua said, carrying the old man on his back, and walked out step by step.

The man looked at Li Wuhua's back and suddenly laughed.

""Be careful!"

Lin Lili shouted, and Bulbasaur jumped out and blocked the man. The man's Gengar also jumped out and wanted to fly up and kill the old man.

"Who are you……"

Looking at Lin Lili, people are thinking

"Miss Lin."

The man thought of it and said, expressing his pleasure to see Lin Lili

"Miss Wuhua, you go first."

Lin Lili said, and Li Wuhua was shocked to see that it was Lin Lili.

"Don't bother me, this is what I deserve, there's no need for you to get involved."

Li Wuhua said, running towards Lin Lili, who raised her voice and shouted

""Go! I'll take care of it."

As he said that, he gave Li Wuhua a firm look, and Li Wuhua was stunned.

I'm not worth it...

At this time, Lin Lili's people found the entrance, followed in, and took Li Wuhua out first. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What is this for? A beautiful woman saving a beautiful woman?"

The man said with sarcasm and ridicule, not taking Lin Lili seriously at all.

"Humph, I also want to know whether it is a beauty saving a beauty or a beauty stepping on dog shit."

Lin Lili spoke bluntly and retorted

"Are you so confident that you can beat me?"[]

The man asked, somewhat curiously

"No, but I want it this way."

Lin Lili said, Bulbasaur staring at Gengar.......

"Leaf Blade!"

Venusaur launched hundreds of leaves and rushed towards Gengar. Gengar dodged in one place, but they were all gas, not solid.

No need to guess, this Gengar was at a very high level, but it was no problem for Lin Lili to defeat such a"shit"

"Geng Gui, we must make a quick decision, we must catch up with Li Wuhua."

The man said, and added

"This beauty is mine too."

He licked his lips, which made Lin Lili feel sick.

As he spoke, Geng Gui jumped up and flew into the air.

""Shadow Ball."

The man shouted, and Gengar fired countless purple balls that flew over and collided with the flying blades, breaking Bulbasaur's moves.

"Hypnotic Powder"

Lin Lili did not give him any time to stop. Seeing that the Leaf Blade had no effect, she quickly shouted, and Geng Gui quickly moved around.

""Rattan weaving."

Lin Lili released her skill, and Venusaur's vine whip interrupted Gengar's dodging.

""Dark Night Demon."

The man said calmly, as if he didn't take Lin Lili seriously at all.

"Humph, no use"

This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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