""Bulbasaur, petals falling!"

Lin Lili shouted, and Bulbasaur jumped up, forcing Gengar to have nowhere to hide in this narrow space, and rushed forward.

"It's useless!"

The man suddenly laughed and shouted

""Geng Gui's real body is not here at all! It's right here!"

The man said, taking out the Geng Gui from behind, with a smug look on his face.


Lin Lili said, her eyes shining, and Bulbasaur's hypnotic powder suddenly flashed past, in front of Geng Gui


Lin Lili shouted, and the hypnotic powder entered Geng Gui's nose, and the hypnotic effect took effect quickly.


The man was shocked. The hypnotic powder took effect quickly. Gengar gradually weakened. Venusaur did not give Gengar a chance. It quickly sent out vine whips 24 times, wrapped Gengar up and lifted him up in the air.

"I noticed that Gengar was not a physical entity, so I released the hypnotic powder. In fact, there was no substance at all, but it was all on the whip."

Lin Lili said with a smug look on her face. The man was shocked after hearing this. He was in a hurry to take out some more Poké Balls to fight back against Lin Lili, but it was too late.

Bulbasaur tied the man up as well, and the hypnotic powder was inhaled by the man a little bit, making him weak.

When they came outside, Lin Lili sat on Bulbasaur and quietly entered the base from the back door.

"Where is Miss Li?"

Lin Lili handed the man and Gengar over to her subordinates and locked them up, and asked.

Li Wuhua's father was sent for treatment in a special clinic in Lin Lili's base. Li Wuhua stayed by the side, not daring to sleep or open his eyes to look over.

Lin Lili walked over, and Li Wuhua heard the sound of the door opening. He looked over and saw that it was Lin Lili, and Li Wuhua's heart was relieved.

"Miss Lin, I……"


Lin Lili stopped Li Wuhua from talking and smiled.

The two of them left the ward and went outside.

"How can I thank you?"

Li Wuhua said, her face flushed. Before this, Li Wuhua was upset because of what Lin Lili said about her. Thinking about it this way, she was nothing compared to Miss Lin.

"I misunderstood you, too. So, Miss Li, tell me everything. I will help you. We will both."

Lin Lili had a loving and warm face. Li Wuhua's heart seemed to be hit by something. Looking at Lin Lili's angelic face, his heart began to beat wildly.

On the other side, Lin Tao and Shi Li were still fighting fiercely. Shi Li's Tortoise lost. After careful consideration, he released Bulbasaur, and Lin Tao also changed his Pokémon and released Charizard. Charizard was also something Li Wuhua had not mentioned. Damn it.

Shi Li noticed it and thought to himself. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Suddenly, Shi Li seemed to have a flash of inspiration and to have suddenly realized it.

When did I need to know a person's weaknesses in advance to defeat him.

Thinking of this, Shi Li smiled again.

I just let you win one hand, and the next hand is 300. You won't be so lucky.

Looking at Shi Li's Bulbasaur, Lin Tao instantly felt very bored and looked at Shi Li with contempt.[]

"Charizard, don't give it a chance to breathe, let's have a good fight."

Lin Tao touched Charizard's back and said, Charizard nodded.

"Hot air!"

"Flying Leaf Blade!"

Both sides issued orders at the same time, canceling out each other's skills, neither giving in.

"Air slash!"

"Rattan Whip!"

Lin Tao and Shi Li raised their voices together and issued commands at the same time. The two forces collided in the air.


This is my mother: Tôn

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