"I didn't expect you to be such a good brainwashing wizard."

Lin Lili said, smiling, and Qin Ze scratched his head.

"Pidgeot has infinite potential. It would be a shame if it is not activated, right?"

On the field, Pidgeot and Wind Fairy started fighting. Although it was a bit too intense for Pidgeot to fight directly against a second-level elf, it would also allow Pidgeot to quickly find its form.

""Storm!" the wind fairy shouted, exhaling a hurricane and rushing towards the Pidgeot. The"Seven-Five-Three" Pidgeot flapped its wings, flew over the hurricane, and even circled around it, looking very arrogant.

"This Pidgeot is a bit easily carried away by success."

Looking at the field, Lin Lili said, somewhat helplessly, glancing at Qin Ze.

Pidgeot flapped its wings, creating a hurricane with extremely fast wind speed, rushing towards the wind fairy.

But after all, the wind fairy is a second-level elf, and the Pidgeot's attack is only fast, and the attack power is extremely low, which is not enough to look at.

Seeing that the Pidgeot's attack power is weak, it is like tickling the wind fairy who has not recovered yet, feeling somewhat helpless.

"Forget it, I still lack exercise."

Lin Lili smiled and looked at the court.

Time passed quickly. Qin Ze's game was in the afternoon.

"Oh, there are so many games, it's annoying."

At this time, Lin Lili was not here, Lin Tao and Li Wuhua were sitting together, and their affectionate words made Qin Ze even angrier.

"What are you two doing in public? Go out and be affectionate."

Qin Ze said, turning away angrily.

"Ah, don't be angry, Qin Ze"

"Only by competing can you improve your strength, right? When you reach my level of strength, you will know that all these competitions are worth it."

Lin Tao said with a smug look on his face, and Qin Ze waved his hand.

"Go away, who do you think you are?"

Qin Ze said, and recalled Lin Lili's appearance in his head, the way she seriously trained himself, the way she smiled happily, every moment was engraved in Qin Ze's heart.

"What are you thinking about? You look so mean."

Lin Tao said, patting Qin Ze.

"The game is about to start." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lin Tao reminded him, and Qin Ze finally reacted and stood up and walked out.

"Hey, Qin Ze.

Lin Tao called Qin Ze

"Come on, believe in yourself."

As he said this, Lin Ze made a signature move and patted his chest.[]


Qin Ze rolled his eyes at Lin Tao and walked towards the stadium.......

Lin Lili didn't come today because she had something to do at the Moyuan Group, so Qin Ze prepared for the game by himself.

This time he was competing against Liu Tong, who was already forty-six years old and was Qin Ze's senior trainer.

Normally speaking, it is difficult for a trainer to become a better trainer after the age of forty, because after the age of forty, the attractiveness of the elves has been greatly reduced. Even if the ability is improved, it can only be achieved by reaching the pinnacle. However, after the age of forty, the reaction ability and so on are greatly reduced. It starts to decline after the age of thirty, let alone the age of forty.

But Liu Tong is already forty-six years old and is still here to participate in the competition, which makes Qin Ze sweat. Liu Tong can pick up any elves and Qin Ze may find it difficult to cope with it.

Forget it, I'll just pray for the best.

Qin Ze thought to himself, put his hands together, closed his eyes and prayed.

"Are you the Qin Ze who became popular on the short video platform a few days ago?"

Liu Tong looked at Qin Ze with cold eyes.

"Ah? Yes."

Qin Ze looked at Liu Tong and nodded.

"Well, I'm optimistic about you, come on."

After saying that, Liu Tong nodded. These two sentences made Qin Ze confused for a moment, and he stared at Liu Tong blankly. Tôn

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