Liu Tong released a rare Pokémon, Greninja

"What! Koga Greninja, worthy of being the veteran Liu Tong."

Lin Tao and Li Wuhua came to the audience and looked at the audience, shocked

"Greninja, what a rare Pokémon."

Li Wuhua was also surprised, looking at the Greninja on the field.

""May you be blessed."

Lin Tao also put his hands together and prayed.

There was no other way. Greninja was not an ordinary Pokémon. It was not so easy to deal with, not to mention that Qin Ze had seen not many Pokémons.

Qin Ze looked at Greninja with black eyes, and everyone looked at the

"What happened to Qin Ze? Was he scared?".

Seeing Qin Ze's changes, the people on the field were talking about it.

However, Qin Ze suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Greninja with a look of shock.

This elf has no future!

Qin Ze saw the future of Greninja.

After his few games, whether it was Bai Mumu or Chen Xuanlu Xiaoqi, their elves all had extremely high talents, at least a champion level or the highest level.���Evolution.

But the Greninja in front of him has no future!

Qin Ze couldn't believe it. Even ordinary elves should have a future of birth, aging, illness and death.

No future, what is it?

""What are you doing, Qin Ze!"

Lin Tao shouted, drawing Qin Ze's attention, and then returned to the field.

Now is not the time to think about that. Regardless of whether there is a future or not, Qin Ze now has to face the battle with the man in front of him.

"Windy Dog, come out."

Qin Ze released the Windy Dog, and the Windy Dog looked at Greninja with firm eyes.

"Believe in yourself, Windy Dog, you are the strongest."

Before the battle, Qin Ze encouraged Windy Dog as usual, and Windy Dog nodded, and only glanced at Qin Ze with a serious look. Looking at

Qin Ze's expression, Liu Tong was puzzled for a moment, but did not take it to heart. This kind of trainer who just entered the mainstream is not ranked in Liu Tong's place.

""Flying Water Shuriken!"

He gave the order directly, and the wind speed dog quickly dodged, howling twice, looking at the Koga Greninja

"You are a fire attribute, so you will be suppressed, but we can still suppress him."

Qin Ze whispered, playing strategy with the wind speed dog

""Big word explosion flame." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Qin Ze shouted, and the wind speed dog howled twice, and flames burst out of its body. The flame changed into a flame word and flew towards the water sword. The water sword quickly turned into water vapor and dissipated into the air.


Liu Tong was shocked by this operation. He didn't expect the wind speed dog's flame to be so strong.

The definition of the strength and weakness of a fire attribute spirit is its flame intensity, temperature, speed, and area.

And in each of these items, the wind speed dog is the best, which is simply amazing.[]

""Water attack."

Liu 753 shouted, and Greninja leaped up, spewing out huge bubbles. Windy Dog moved at high speed, jumping around and dodging the bubbles.


Windy Dog encouraged himself and spit out a flame from his mouth. The flame changed into a beam of sunlight and pierced the bubble. In an instant, the bubble was broken.

Greninja was shocked, and Liu Tong was also shocked. However, when he came to his senses, Windy Dog was already in his face, and his huge claws slapped Greninja.


Greninja was alert and dodged quickly. The speed of Greninja was revealed at this time, and it was also extremely fast.

"Well, interesting." Liu Tong said , as if he saw prey, with an excited look on his face.


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