
Anna drove to the entrance of Kut Village.

The road in the village is not easy to drive. Not only is it narrow, but it also snowed a few days ago. After it melted, the road was a bit muddy.

All the way into the village, the girl drove very slowly.

Zhang Ze simply opened the car window and greeted the villagers along the way.

He might not be able to call out their names, but they all looked familiar.

The old men and women in the village greeted him with smiles on their faces when they saw that it was Ivan's son-in-law from Longguo.

"Look! It's Ivan's son-in-law Long Guoshuai again!"

"God! Changed the car again?! His family is really rich!"

Now no one in the village doesn't know Zhang Ze.

A while ago, Zhang Ze dug out artillery ammunition from the ground, and he was famous in the village.

And it was no secret that Zhang Ze contracted the forest land.

When Mayor Vladimir came to the village, the village chief of Kut also followed.

After a while, everyone knew that this son-in-law of the Dragon Kingdom was going to do big business in the village!

Seeing that he was driving a new car this time, everyone was not surprised.

Zhang Ze chatted with the villagers while directing Anna to drive carefully.

But compared with the past.

Zhang Ze also found that there seemed to be more young people returning to the village.

Many of them were new faces, and only Anna could talk.

Upon asking, it turned out that many people listened to Oleg's statement and prepared to return to the village to work.

After all, the employment conditions in Irkut are limited now, and people here generally enter and stay independently at the age of 18. Many young people nowadays do not plan to continue their studies in college. The same is true in Kut Village.

Being a lumberjack is a bit tiring, but the advantage is that the income is higher than that of ordinary jobs!

And it is a job right at your doorstep, how is it not better than being a temporary worker in the city? No matter how hard and tiring it is, it is a lot of money to save up for three to five years while you are young!

Zhang Ze thought it was a good thing when he heard it, and the popularity of the village has increased a lot.

Moreover, the locals know each other well, and it is convenient to give orders when working for Oleg.

This does not involve Oleg's nepotism.

After all, Kut Village is indeed quite remote, and it is not a neighboring country.

Who would be willing to come here!

Zhang Ze naturally would not be demanding on such things.

After chatting in groups of three or two for a few words, they soon entered the village.

Anna:"Husband, do you want to go to my second brother's place first?


"Their family should be back!"

Zhang Ze thought about it and nodded,"Okay!"

"Listen to your arrangement"

"There are gifts in the back of the car, so they don't have to go back and forth to get them!"

Anna nodded and turned the steering wheel to drive to her second brother Futori's house.

Because her second brother's house was also the land allocated by her father-in-law Ivan, it was not far away.

After driving for a while, Zhang Ze saw a wooden courtyard.

The exterior decoration was similar to that of his father-in-law's house, but it was newer in age.

While chatting, Zhang Ze greeted the live broadcast fans.

"Brothers, my wife also said that we have to go see the second brother first."

"Speaking of which, the names of my father-in-law's brothers are quite interesting."

"Tanya and Anna are two girls' names. At least they have some meaning and sound nice."

"In comparison, naming a boy is quite simple."

"Literally, Bilfu means the eldest son, Futori means the second son, and Mensak means the youngest son."

"Of course, there are many transliterations for this name, and it is actually quite long to write and pronounce, so we can just call it a nickname with a variation of the first few syllables."

The fans couldn't help but laugh when they heard it.

"Hahahaha, eldest son, second son, and youngest son, it’s too easy!"

"Although it's funny, it's really the style of my father-in-law!"

Zhang Ze waved his hand and smiled:"It's not that my father-in-law is fooling around."

"In fact, it is a bit like the ranking of Bo, Zhong, Shu, Ji, and Meng in the past of our Long country."

"Something like Tang Bohu, Liu Bowen, Confucius, Guan Zhong, Bao Shuya, Sun Shuao, Cao Mengde, right... they sound pretty good too!"

"Of course, if you say this is Tang Dahu, Kong Erni, or Guan Laoer, we can't talk about this today."

Zhang Ze's half-joking, half-popular science talk was quite interesting to Anna.

As the saying goes, one learns by listening and seeing. (To read the novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Although she is also taking Chinese electives and working hard on it on weekdays.

But many cultural things are slowly learned in daily life with Zhang Ze.

Of course, some fans like to watch while others find it boring and suspect that Zhang Ze has been messing around for a long time.

Zhang Ze doesn't care so much about this, after all, different people have different preferences.

Seeing that some fans are interested, Zhang Ze simply talked about the names of his relatives and friends[]

For example, my elder sister’s name is actually Anna, but it is a deformation of Anya and then a deformation of it. So it is Tanya for the convenience of distinguishing them.

My wife Anna is nice and catchy, but it is easy to have the same name as others. This name is actually quite"common".

Zhang Ze actually thought of a name for the little girl in the future. Zhang Na is a bit awkward to pronounce, so he simply named her Zhang Ya based on the"elegant" meaning of the name.

Of course, there are probably not many opportunities for it to be used.

While chatting, just when they mentioned Oleg's name, Anna stopped the car

"Honey, we're here."

Zhang Ze nodded,"Okay, let's go."

"Brothers, there is nothing much to say about Oleg, let's go see the second brother."

This made the fans very happy.

"How can a great man like me, Aoli Ge, be so shameless?"

"Miserable! Clinker brotherhood!"

"I haven't seen him for a while. I miss this silly boy!"

Zhang Ze was happy when he saw the comments.

"I usually meet Oleg, but I rarely show my head in the live broadcast room."

"'He has been very cocky lately and is busy with the forest company's affairs."

"If he knew that there were fans who cared about him, he would probably be very happy."

While talking, Zhang Ze got out of the car and walked to the courtyard with Anna.

Perhaps because of the noise in the courtyard, someone came out of the house soon.

It was a pretty young girl.

Because of her mother-in-law Katyusha, the genes of Anna's girls are quite good.

Although her sister Tanya has given birth to two children, she is still very charming and beautiful. There are also a group of fans in the live broadcast room who are fans of her sister.

Men are more miserable. Maybe the baldness gene of the father-in-law is on the Y chromosome. Mensack is still a little Mediterranean at a young age.

And the niece in front of him.

There is definitely no way to compare with Anna. Her figure and appearance are a little worse.

But it's also A very beautiful girl from the fighting nation.

Zhang Ze took one look and thought that she should be the niece of his wife's second brother.

But the fans in the live broadcast room were not calm.

Anna is good, but after all, the fans all know that she is married to Zhang Ze!

Especially the drone's (good) account blocking is not lenient at all. Old fans know that some jokes are not suitable for now!

But the girl in front of him is different. Fans who usually watch the live broadcast know that the second uncle has a daughter in high school.

The girl's dress is also quite rural and casual. She has fair skin and a pretty face, which reminds many old fans of the day when Zhang Ze and Anna first met.

"Hiss—I declare that I am now a fan of my second uncle!"

"A petition signed in blood by ten thousand people: Let’s have more fun with my second uncle in the future!"

"Father-in-law! Where is my father-in-law Futori!!"

"Wife, why are you live streaming? Quick, Gou Ze, take a picture of my wife!"

"Isn’t she much prettier than the girl on the freshman celebration day?"

""Gou Ze, bah! My niece has to call Anna"Auntie"! That uncle is so nice!"

Looking at the group of fans who were screaming, Zhang Ze laughed and scolded in his heart.

Why were they still thinking about Oleg the last second? Because of the appearance of their niece, these old perverts have forgotten everything now.


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