Arriving at the courtyard of the father-in-law's house.

Mother-in-law Katyusha was as enthusiastic as ever, and kissed Zhang Ze's cheek as soon as they met.

Seeing that Zhang Ze was carrying some food and electrical appliances in his hands, she was afraid that Zhang Ze would spend money on the two old people.

Of course, Anna has now learned to coax the two old people.

After a lot of talk, the little old lady reluctantly accepted it.

Although this is inevitable every time, Zhang Ze thinks it is the norm for the older generation.

Especially the son-in-law is good to the daughter, which is what the two old people like to see, but the son-in-law is also filial to them, and sometimes it is so good that they are a little embarrassed.

After all, this bear also belongs to the Western society.

This family is thin-faced.

Of course, Zhang Ze has not only got married with Anna, but also accepted these family members from the bottom of his heart.

Whatever he was originally like, it would not change because of the refusal.

Mother He Yufang still calls Anna every day to complain that she is buying things again!

It must be a good thing that the family is happy.

Zhang Ze moved the newly bought oven into the kitchen of the two elders.

The old man nodded repeatedly when he saw it,"Young man is energetic! It's good to look young!"

Zhang Ze couldn't help but smile when he heard it, and helped the two elders push the luggage out.

On the fourth brother's side, the second brother Futori went over to call for help.

Soon, the whole family came to the courtyard and prepared to get in the car to set off.

The business car that the second brother's family and the fourth brother and his wife were sitting in was just enough for everyone.

Zhang Ze only had to pick up the two elders.

As for the chickens, ducks, cats and dogs at home, the mother-in-law had already asked the neighbors to help take care of them, and the keys were given to them.

When the father-in-law saw that Anna was driving, he joked,"Girl can drive?"

"hold head high!"

"Zhang Ze taught me for a long time before!"

Dad An grinned and said,"Then you have to drive carefully, it's almost winter and there are still deer on the road."

When Zhang Ze heard it, he also admitted,"Yeah!"

"Sometimes you fell asleep when I came back and didn’t see me. Last time, I almost bumped into one."

Anna said stupidly,"Is that so?"

Seeing her daughter’s stupid response, An’s mother hurriedly said,"Okay, just drive carefully."

"Don't listen to your father and Zhang Ze's nonsense. It happens only once in hundreds of years!"

Anna rolled her eyes at Zhang Ze when she heard it.

Dad couldn't teach him a lesson, so he could only reach out and hit Zhang Ze.

"You two are really not serious, both the big and the small one!"

Zhang Ze laughed and turned to his father-in-law and said,"Uncle"

"Oleg's father, Uncle Seryosha, and other friends from your village"

"The driver will pick them up and they will arrive before noon tomorrow."

The old man was happy to hear that.

This son-in-law is quite reliable and considerate.

Although the old man likes to joke, he can't keep up with the young people in some topics of conversation.

For example, the daughter and son-in-law did a live broadcast together.

Zhang Ze's arrangement also saved the two old people from having no friends to chat with in the city.

"Thank you, good boy! You must be my best son-in-law."

Zhang Ze laughed and said shamelessly:"Ha, indeed"

"Compared to my brother-in-law Andre, at least I have front teeth."

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard it.

Although this statement was a bit of a diversion to Andre.

But if Zhang Ze really put his other conditions on the table, Andre would be even more incomparable.

However, after Zhang Ze said this, the father-in-law's slightly biased words became just a joke.

This made old Ivan very happy to hear it.

After chatting for a while, the father-in-law mentioned the forest farm.

The old man said:"Zhang Ze, start this forest farm." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Oleg has come back twice recently, and I see that some young people in the village who used to work outside are thinking about coming back to work as lumberjacks."

Zhang Ze nodded:"Of course it's a good thing!"

"This place is remote, but it is still quite attractive if the locals come back."

An's mother pursed her lips and said,"Of course, it's more than 70,000 rubles a month, and there are winter vacations and firewood benefits every year."

"Having a job with this kind of conditions in my own village is much better than doing odd jobs!"[]

The old man nodded and said,"Speaking of this, Anna's second brother used to have a classmate who was also from the village."

"I worked at the Irkutsk State Forest Farm a few years ago. I have a lot of experience. I used to come here often and I am a nice person."

"Unfortunately, the forest farm later reduced its production scale, and he had to work in the next city."

"If the lumberjacks need a foreman, you can ask Futori."

"Oh~ You can ask Futori to help you with some things."

Zhang Ze couldn't help but grinned when he heard this.

The father-in-law is really concerned about his son-in-law's career.

He probably fears that Zhang Ze will lose money after spending money, so he talks to Zhang Ze every now and then.

And it's true, both of the two statements made by father-in-law Ivan are quite good!

"That's great!"

"I guess Oleg and the fourth brother know mostly young people, and I haven't heard him talk about foremen."

Father-in-law:"This is very important. When and where to cut trees, what trees to cut, this requires experience to schedule."

Zhang Ze nodded,"Okay, I'll ask the second brother later."

"If my second brother's friend doesn't plan to come, let him introduce someone else. If that doesn't work, go to other forest companies to recruit people."

An's father Ivan nodded and talked about his second brother in twos and threes.

Zhang Ze had some understanding of the situation of freight trains here.

Not only does Longguo have a large number of freight forwarding companies, but even Mao Xiong has some.

And the father-in-law meant that although my second brother Futori was just a freight train driver, he could talk to Irku's superiors. If the forest farm really gets going, the amount of wood produced will be considerable.���, and it is going to Longguo, which is enough to attract the attention of the Irkut Railway Department.

This can avoid the need to contract the train cars through an agent.

Things sound pretty good.

Zhang Ze can certainly find other people to introduce.

But the real Vladimir? After all, the railway department is a branch of the city, and it may not have a say.

And Mayor Alexi is coming? This is a bit like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

As for finding Sheva or Roman, this department has nothing to do with it, so it is better to find the second brother directly.

The second brother is not only a family member, but also an insider who can talk to him, so it is more convenient to talk about this matter.

Zhang Ze listened and nodded repeatedly, and took note of the matter.

They had a pleasant chat along the way, and soon the car entered the city of Irkut.


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