The car drove along the Angara River.

Soon they arrived at the door of the new villa.

After getting off the car, everyone was stunned when they saw the beautiful villa in front of them.

Everyone knew that Zhang Ze had bought a villa before, but they had no idea that it was so good!

Not only is it close to the city center, but you can also see Kirov Square and even the state building from a distance.

And it covers a large area, which is more spacious than a courtyard in the countryside.

This is a villa in the city.

The land price in Irkut is not to say that every inch of land is worth a lot of money, but it must be much more expensive than the land in the countryside!

Fourth brother Mensak said in silence:"Brother-in-law... your villa, I'm afraid it will cost tens of millions of rubles!"

Zhang Ze nodded,"About that!"

"I spent a long time choosing with Anna. We have seen many in this area, but this one is the one I like the most."

"It is a little more expensive than the market price, but the house is new and well decorated."

"Anna likes it, and we are happy living here, which is more important than money."

The second brother's family was amazed.

It is estimated that only a rich man like Zhang Ze can say such words as"It's good as long as you like it, which is more important than money."

Futori said:"I have always heard that my brother-in-law is rich."

"This time I really saw it! Living in such a big villa in the city is too comfortable!"

The second brother is also straightforward, and joked:"Does my brother-in-law have brothers or something like that?"

"If all the sons-in-law of Dragon Country are as generous as you, I think you might as well introduce a Dragon Country boyfriend to Serena."

Zhang Ze couldn't help but smile:"Then this is a bit difficult for the time being."

"Our Longguo was quite special in the early years. I am the only child in the family."

The fans in the live broadcast room were also happy to see

"Hey! Ze Ge is really rich and willful!"

"The second brother shocked people again on the first day of meeting them, hahaha!"

"Ze Ge (breaking voice)——I think I can do it!!"

"Second brother! You will be my father-in-law from now on!"

An's father and mother on the side also looked surprised.

After all, they only knew a little.

The two old people guessed that this son-in-law wanted to facilitate the procedures, so the house would be named after their daughter.

The more they thought about it, the more satisfied and liked this son-in-law they were.

An's mother Katyusha said in surprise:"He is good, but it's too big!"

"It's better to have more children and live in a house like this."

Anna blushed a little,"Okay, Mom, let's go inside and talk!"

""My sister and brother-in-law have already come."

After saying that, the girl opened the door and waved for everyone to go in.

Inside the villa, although the house had been well maintained before, Zhang Ze still asked his agent to help.

He hired a cleaner to clean it up, and also hired a decoration company to repair some old facilities and walls.

At this time, the whole villa was not only brand new, but also dotted with colorful lights because the wedding company decorated it in advance.

There was a small stage in the center, and there were many white tables and chairs in front of the stage for guests to sit, and there were several long white dining tables around it.

There must be no food on the table at this time, but each table had been placed with wine glasses in advance, and There were several golden bottles of wine.

The whole family saw it.

The man immediately stared at the golden bottle on the dining table.

The second brother Futori and the fourth brother Mensack both drink wine.

Some of the wines have not been tasted, but they must be familiar with them!

What is in front of them is not a luxury among champagnes, the Ace of Spades that can be sold for tens of thousands of rubles in the bar! What’s more, the bar sells 750 ml of wine, but the one in front of them is a big bottle of Chubby! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Not to mention the festive atmosphere, just the ones that have been put on the table must cost hundreds of thousands of rubles!

The two brothers laughed, and Mensack said,"Brother-in-law, this is really a lot of effort!"

"How much money will this cost?"

Zhang Ze waved his hand and smiled:"Can I get engaged to Anna twice?"

"It's just this once, it's a rare opportunity for me to be a little extravagant, she won't be able to find fault with me!"[]

"You can drink it tomorrow without worry! There is more wine in the basement of the house, so you can drink other wines if you want!"

"I'll take you to have a look later."

Futori smiled,"Then brother-in-law, we won't be polite to you."

Zhang Ze couldn't help but smile when he heard it.

The women of the family saw it, and they felt the atmosphere of tomorrow in advance.

Although it was daytime, the lights and music were not in place, but the atmosphere seemed quite good.

Ann's mother Katyusha also sighed again:"Anna can meet you, it is really the greatest blessing in her life!"

The second sister-in-law also nodded and said:"Oh my God, I really can't imagine, you have arranged the engagement like this, what will the marriage be like in the future!"

Fourth sister-in-law Maria:"Great, I can imagine the grand scene tomorrow, I am so happy for Anna!!"

But niece Selena was dazzled by it..........

After all, she is not like her aunt and grandmother. A sixteen-year-old girl is still at the age of fantasy.

While envying her aunt Anna, she also fantasized in her heart that maybe it would be a good thing to ask her uncle-in-law to introduce a boyfriend from Longguo!

Of course, the girl was just daydreaming and couldn't say it out loud. The girls in this family have similar personalities and are all thin-skinned.

Listening to the praise and blessings from her family, Anna couldn't stop smiling.

The man in the family is so caring, and she feels so sweet in her heart.

Zhang Ze grinned,"Marriage will be arranged separately!"

"But, Auntie, Anna and I have made plans. If we have the opportunity to return to Longguo this year or next year, we will hold a Chinese-style wedding there."

"Of course, we will do it again in the future! You can rest assured."

An's mother nodded and said,"It's good. You haven't been back for several years, so this arrangement is suitable!"

The old lady had learned some fragments from Anna and Tanya before.

First, there are the sayings of son-in-law and daughter-in-law in Longguo, so it is suitable for the father's family to do it first. Second, Zhang Ze's grandfather is old, which also needs to be considered and thorough.

The old lady naturally didn't have any big opinions. Cultural differences between each other must be respected, and the elderly must be taken more seriously! It's reasonable!

The family talked while passing through the middle of the courtyard.

At this time, sister 1.4 and brother-in-law were taking Anton and Lisa to play on the seesaw and swing in the yard.

Seeing that the family members were here, sister Tanya hurried over to say hello.

An's father looked at his grandson and granddaughter having fun, and smiled at Zhang Ze and said,"This facility is good! Mr. Zhang will definitely be a good father in the future."

As he spoke, the old man suddenly became childish, drove his brother-in-law Andrei away, and sat on the seesaw with his grandson Anton.

Zhang Ze smiled and said,"Well, it can be seen that Mr. Ivan is a good grandfather."

The old and the young sometimes called each other Mr., which was funny, and everyone laughed along.

An's mother Katyusha was more interested in the nursery field next to her, and pulled her daughter Anna to talk about planting something here in the future.

The family was happy, and Zhang Ze was also in a good mood.


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