After playing in the courtyard for a while, the family went into the villa.

This 600-700 square meter house, except for the first floor, each floor has three rooms.

Each room is equivalent to a large apartment.

There is a cloakroom and a children's room inside.

My father-in-law and his family were surprised.-

"Oh no, this house is too big!" exclaimed Ivan, the father-in-law.

Zhang Ze smiled and said,"All the rooms in the house, except for Anna's and my room on the second floor, you can pick any other room you like."

""Stay here for two good days!"

The family was happy to hear this and started to choose rooms.

The decoration of each room was different, and because the previous owner left many special objects and embellishments, everyone was dazzled by the choice.

Of course, everyone had to visit the master bedroom.

The master bedroom of the villa is on the second floor. The room is slightly larger and has a study inside.

Selena walked into the study and saw an easel inside, with various colors of paints on the side and a half-finished oil painting on the easel.

Seeing this, the niece said happily,"Uncle, do you paint?"

"Did you paint all the other paintings in the house?"

Anna pursed her lips and said proudly,"Your uncle-in-law knows a lot!"

"The original oil paintings in the house were left by the previous owner, so he thought about repainting some by himself."

Zhang Ze listened and nodded and smiled.

He has the skill title of a master painter.

Although he has never shown it off. But Zhang Ze really didn't like the original oil paintings hanging in the house.

So after moving in a while ago, he simply splashed ink to paint and made a few paintings for decoration.

The second sister-in-law also explained with a smile:"Selena plans to apply to an art college when she is in college."

"This year we also arranged a teacher for her on weekends, and she has been studying for quite a long time."

Zhang Ze nodded in enlightenment when he heard it. No wonder his niece Serena seemed quite interested.

Serena looked at the semi-finished product in front of her, pinching her chin and looking quite serious.

"Hmm - Uncle, your way of drawing seems to be different from what the teacher said!"

Zhang Ze smiled and said,"Oh? I just drew it casually, what do you think?"

Selena said seriously,"It feels like there are too many blank spaces, which is a bit unreal.……"

"Well - of course, my uncle's paintings are actually very good!"

After Selena said this, everyone suddenly realized it.

This fighting nation is full of museums and exhibition halls, and there is a lack of other entertainment, so the people's artistic literacy is generally good.

Zhang Ze naturally smiled and said nothing, and did not reveal that he was trying a new way of painting, incorporating some elements of Dragon Country traditional Chinese painting.

After all, the child has just learned to paint, and there is really no need for Zhang Ze, the uncle-in-law, to pretend to be like this with his niece.

Selena spoke very logically, and Zhang Ze simply praised her a few words, which made the eldest niece even happier.

Seeing this, the second sister-in-law was also kind and said:"Brother-in-law. Otherwise, Selena will help you complete it!"

"Although she has only learned a little bit, she is still following the teacher. I hope she can draw something nice for you. It will make you feel better when you put it at home!"

Seeing Selena eager to try, Zhang Ze couldn't help but laugh and rubbed the little girl's head,"Okay! Then you draw it!"

"The painting is beautiful. Your uncle will give you some money for the painting later!"


"Of course! Why would I lie to you?"

Selena became more excited when she heard that.

The painting was a very ordinary scene of the Angara River. She carefully looked at the unfinished product in front of her.

The little girl racked her brains and tried her best to learn everything the teacher taught her, thinking about making the painting better so as not to let down her uncle-in-law's painting wages.

Of course, it is impossible for others to just watch their niece paint.

Zhang Ze simply waved and said,"By the way. Is there anyone who wants to swim?"

"The swimming pool is already filled with water, and there are swimsuits of all sizes. There is a sauna next to it after swimming."

"You can go fishing by the river, I have prepared a lot of fishing rods!"

Everyone was very happy and excited when they heard it.

Because the family came earlier, there were no other guests for the time being.

The fighting people are straightforward. Since Zhang Ze asked them to come here for vacation, they were not polite to this son-in-law and brother-in-law.

The children all wanted to go swimming, so Anna led her sister and sisters-in-law, as well as two nephews and two nieces to choose swimsuits and prepare for swimming.

The girls of this fighting nation are also tough.

The weather is good today, but it is only about ten degrees in the daytime.

But they are not afraid of the cold at all, and they say It was hot.

Zhang Ze thought about it and decided not to go swimming with them.

He took his father-in-law, his second brother, his brother-in-law, and his brother-in-law to the river to fish. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This made the fans in the live broadcast room beat their chests and stamp their feet, and Zhang Ze was speechless.

Several people just went out with buckets and fishing rods.

Walking down the embankment stairs from the back door, the second brother saw a large yacht from a distance.

There were two speedboats following behind.

Futori was speechless and said,"Whose yacht and speedboat are these!"[]

"It looks too luxurious!"

Zhang Ze couldn't help but smile:"Fourth brother, please forgive me for laughing. I rented it back."

"I was thinking of buying it, but Anna said the river will freeze over soon, so I'll just wait until next year."

"It's not expensive to rent for two days."

With Zhang Ze's current wealth, buying a good yacht is indeed within his means.

Winter is coming soon, and the rivers in Irkutsk and even Lake Baikal will freeze.

It would be meaningless to buy a yacht and leave it there.

So he found a shipping company he knew when he bought the villa before and rented a few boats.

Mensak was speechless when he heard this. After all, he was a sailor. When he first left the army, he also thought about becoming a civilian sailor, but it was really inconvenient to take care of the two old people, so he gave up the idea.

But Mensak still had a general understanding of the market situation of civilian shipping.

"Even if you rent it, it won’t be cheap!"

Zhang Ze waved his hand and smiled,"As long as everyone is happy tomorrow,"

"Most of Anna and I's classmates and friends are young people who like new things."

"Tomorrow some people will be arranged to stay on the boat, and I have already booked a hotel for some of them."

Zhang Ze thought that young people are hot-tempered after all.

It is inevitable to drink at a banquet, and wouldn't the young guys and girls get excited? So he simply arranged a place for them to stay, so as to prevent them from making a lot of noise at home.

However, it sounded different to everyone.

The father-in-law nodded repeatedly, praising Zhang Ze for his thorough and thorough work.

Afterwards, several people talked and laughed, sitting on the bank of the Angara River to fish.

After fishing for a while, seeing the yacht and speedboat in front, the fourth brother also felt itchy. He simply called Zhang Ze to compete again.

Zhang Ze smiled,"Fourth brother, how about a fishing competition?"

"Compared to driving a motorboat, I'm afraid you'll become autistic again."

Mensak said in a mean way:"Brother-in-law, you're not really scared!"

"Isn’t it just making two circles to drive the speedboat?"

"I'll let you use one hand, no, I'll use one finger to compete with you!"

Zhang Ze couldn't help but smile, he had the title of an experienced captain!

Driving a speedboat might not be enough?

This fourth brother Mensack is good at everything, but he loves to show off!

He also likes to show off in the field that Zhang Ze is good at, why bother!

Seeing that Mensack really had the virtue of not crying until he saw the coffin, Zhang Ze simply drove two laps with him.

Once the skills of this experienced captain took effect, Zhang Ze knew the situation of the Angara River clearly, and as for driving a motorboat, it was a piece of cake.

After two laps, Zhang Ze was roaring on the Angara River, and he could leave the fourth brother behind by several streets.

After the competition, Mensack was autistic again anyway.

"No, brother-in-law, I just don't understand! How capable do you have to be?"


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