Andre laughed beside him:"Fourth uncle, I think you should stop comparing yourself with Zhang Ze."

"This time you thought you were good at it, but unexpectedly he was even better!"

"As for you, forget it."

Of course, Andre said that, but he was also jealous when he saw the speedboat.

He simply called his second brother to get on the boat with life jackets, and the two of them also experienced the slow speed of the motorboat.

Zhang Ze laughed when he heard it. His brother-in-law Andre was a smart man.

If you can't win, it's good to lie down!

Zhang Ze shook his head and said,"Hey - it's boring, fourth brother, it's really boring to abuse you!"

"Let's go fishing. I'm really bad at this! I can get nothing even after half a day." The fourth brother rolled his eyes when he heard this.

The old man and the second brother in the family both like fishing, and they are also good at it.

As for Mensak, he doesn't have this ability.

What's the point of two noobs fighting each other!

But when he thought about it, since he met his brother-in-law, Mensak has never asked for any"887" benefits in the field he is good at.

He thought about it and had to sit down and fish honestly.

While fishing, Zhang Ze and his father-in-law chatted happily.

They didn't see many fish, but they sat there for half a day.

It was very leisurely and comfortable.

At noon, Zhang Ze called Anna again and asked her to bring her family down.

Niece Selena looked at the luxury yacht in front of her, her little face was stunned

"Oh my God! Uncle, are we going to go out on this yacht?"

Zhang Ze smiled:"Of course, let's go."

This niece is young after all. She kept taking pictures with her mobile phone and even took pictures with Anna and Tanya.

Finally, Selena remembered that she was holding the finished painting in her other hand.

She hurried to Zhang Ze and handed the painting to him like a child who wanted to be praised.

"Here! Uncle-in-law!"

"I tried my best, take a look!"

Selena felt quite satisfied with herself, especially since Zhang Ze's painting skills were already good.

After she finished repainting, she took a photo and sent it to her teacher.

Zhang Ze took the painting, looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but smile,"It's pretty good"

"Selena is very talented in painting, you must learn it well in the future."

The little girl couldn't help but feel proud when she heard Zhang Ze's praise.

Zhang Ze thought for a while and said,"As for the money for about 10,000 rubles?"

When Selena heard this, she was so excited that her face turned red, and she said embarrassedly,"No, no, no, my uncle, that's too much!"

"I don't dare to accept it! Besides, most of this painting was drawn by you, I just added some parts."

The second sister-in-law also said at the right time:"That's it! Brother-in-law, don't be so polite"

"She is just a child, she has just started painting. How can she be worth so much money!"

Of course, having said that, the second sister-in-law is also happy for her daughter.

After all, parents at home and abroad hope their sons will become successful, and parents are not much different in this regard.

Zhang Ze waved his hand casually and smiled:"No. The remuneration paid to the future great painter cannot be too little!"

Anna smiled beside her, knowing that her husband was caring for the younger generation, she thought about it and took out a few banknotes from her wallet.

"Come on, Serena, your uncle-in-law knows a little about painting. He is willing to give you this money, which means he thinks highly of you!"

Seeing that the"half-bestie, half-sister" aunt-in-law spoke up and handed the money to her, Serena seemed embarrassed but also quite happy.

The fans in the live broadcast room looked very happy and excited.

"Miss Selena is so amazing, she is both beautiful and talented!"

"Hiss—I declare that I am now a fan of SE!"

"Can the guy upstairs be more serious? You are too cruel!"

"To be honest, if it is really worth 10,000 rubles, Selena’s painting skills should be good enough!"

"Hahaha——I'm a junior at CAFA, and I'm telling you the truth. I watched the live broadcast the day before yesterday, and even asked my teacher to watch it! Ze Ge's level is several blocks ahead of my teacher."

"Hiss——Is the brother above real? Shit, that Gou Ze even asked Serena for help?!"

"I guess the host was just encouraging my niece! And he didn't care what the painting looked like. If my teacher saw what happened today, he would be so angry that he would die!"

"Anyway, as he said, Ze Ge's work is a culmination of the fusion of Chinese and Western techniques. It looks like an experimental painting, but it is shocking enough when it is thrown out!"

"Hey~ maybe this is what is called a master style?! Damn it, I envy Brother Ze’s talent!!"

"Damn it - why do I feel like my understanding of Gouzai is being refreshed every day?!"

"Although Brother Ze is usually irrelevant, he is really good to his family!"

"Nothing wrong with it, and Gou Ze, his EQ is really high! The way he stuffs things and his rhetoric are really amazing!"

"Anna, too! They really look like a couple!"(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After Anna pushed for a while, Serena finally accepted the 10,000 rubles.

The girl was so happy. When had she ever received such a large amount of pocket money?

Even if she did odd jobs every weekend, she might not be able to earn so much in a month or two!

After thinking about it, she decided to help her uncle-in-law to make up a few more paintings, but she gave up immediately after thinking about it. This money was too much. If Zhang Ze really gave her more, she would be embarrassed...

Of course, after Zhang Ze received the painting, he did not just simply praise it.[]

Instead, he admired the painting while giving his niece Serena some advice.

Serena didn't pay much attention at first, but the more he talked, the more shocked her little face was.

Zhang Ze talked about many techniques, composition and methods, and he was much more in-depth than her teacher.

But while he was in-depth and penetrating, he didn't seem difficult or obscure, which almost made Serena feel like she understood everything at once and had an epiphany.

The little girl was a little confused when she heard this. Uncle, is this what you call casual painting?

Although Serena was only sixteen, her mind was still very clear, and she immediately understood Zhang Ze's encouragement.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this uncle really cared about her niece!

"Uncle, this……"Selena was a little confused when she thought of this, and reached into her pocket to take out the money.

Zhang Ze smiled dumbly and said,"Okay, just collect the money for the painter."

"This major will cost a lot of money in the future."

"I remember that you are boarding at school now, and you sometimes work on weekends, right?"

"If you want to live here in the future, you can, just tell your aunt in advance."

Zhang Ze remembered Anna saying that Selena was currently attending a boarding high school in the city.

Originally, it would be inconvenient to live in an apartment, but now that the family has moved to a villa, there will definitely be a room.

Anna also nodded and stopped Selena's action,"Okay, I told you to keep it."

"Come often on weekends, there are many rooms here!"

When Serena heard this, she relaxed her mind. After thinking about it, she was still very happy.

She nodded and said that she would come often on weekends.


The whole family came to the riverside and boarded the yacht.

Zhang Ze asked the crew of the shipping company to drive the yacht out of the estuary while enjoying the scenery along the way.

Lunch was also simple, just put a grill and a few hot pots on it.

Some ingredients were bought in advance, and some were just caught.

The children were not satisfied with playing in the water, and there was still a swimming pool on the boat.

The family ate and played, and the atmosphere was cheerful and warm.

Until the lights of thousands of houses were lit, everyone admired the night view of the Angara River and returned by boat.

Zhang Ze hugged his wife and stood in front of the boat.

Anna was in a very happy mood, tiptoed and kissed Zhang Ze

"Thank you, husband, we had a great time today!"

Zhang Ze smiled and said,"Why are you thanking me? We have to be happy together!"


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