At the same time, in a villa area that Zhang Ze had visited before when he bought a villa, an old woman picked up her phone, put on her reading glasses and looked at a photo carefully.

After staring at it for a while, the old woman's face suddenly turned red with anger, and her nose was crooked with anger.

"Oh my God! How could this kid destroy a precious painting?"

"Honey, what's wrong?"

A bald old man came to the sofa.

"Look, Alexander! Look at this painting."

This Alexander is the owner of the apartment Zhang Ze bought before. He is also the vice president and professor of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Irkut University.

Professor Alexander has some artistic accomplishments.

But his wife Vasily is a professional painter after all. His wife Vasily runs a studio in the city. In addition to teaching students, he occasionally teaches at the city's Academy of Fine Arts.

Although compared with the background of learning from famous masters, this artistic achievement is not too high.

But it is definitely much better than Alexander.

Alexander looked at the photo for a long time and said in a daze:"Isn't it pretty good?"

"Very good?"Old man Vasily was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and his fur immediately stood up.

"If you put a piece of gold and a pile of shit together, you can always see some difference!"

"Look at this, this must have been done by my worthless Serena"

"It’s good that she has talent, but how could she ruin a painting like this!"

"The owner of this original painting really didn't cherish it. His skills are comparable to mine. If I take the piece that Selena added, I can sell the painting for at least 10,000 rubles!!"

Alexander was stunned when he heard it:"Oh~ Now that you put it that way, I can see some difference"

"Are you a student of the Academy of Fine Arts?"

"No, she is just a 16-year-old girl.

Alexander thought for a moment and said,"Maybe there is a family tradition in her family, where the elders guide the younger generations."

"Don't be too picky. You're a sixteen-year-old girl. As a teacher, you can't be too strict."

"It's a good thing that an artist like you said the comparison between gold and shit."

Mrs. Vasily couldn't help but beat her chest and lament when she heard it.

"What's the matter? It's just a pity!"

As he said this, Vasily got up in a hurry.

"No. I am also Serena's teacher."

"I'm not going to fix this painting for her now, I feel uncomfortable all over!"

Alexander looked at the time and hurriedly pulled his wife and said,"Okay, okay!"

"What time is it!"

"Don't you have to attend a student's engagement party tomorrow?"

"We'll talk about it another day."

When Mrs. Vasily heard this, she immediately sat back on the sofa like a deflated balloon.

After thinking about it, she still felt very uncomfortable, so she picked up her phone.

Even though Selena was the most talented student she had met in recent years, even if there were elders at home who were experts, they should not be so wasteful when it comes to art!

Mrs. Vasily was furious and sent a more tactful text message to Selena.


At this time, Zhang Ze's family was ready to go back home on the yacht.

When Serena's cell phone rang, she picked it up and saw that it was a text message from Teacher Vasily.

Although the wording was more subtle, it was also a criticism from an elder.

Moreover, Vasily even confirmed the level of his uncle-in-law Zhang Ze in the text message, saying that he was on par with her.

This made Serena blush.

Especially the 10,000 rubles in her pocket, which was getting hotter and hotter!

The girl hurried to the bow in the direction of Zhang Ze and Anna.

"Uncle, I just showed the teacher the picture of the painting."

"She said... My level has ruined your masterpiece"

"I can't take this money! The teacher also said that he can help you make up for it later!"(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Zhang Ze was stunned when he heard this.

He thought to himself that Selena's teacher was really responsible.

Zhang Ze smiled and said,"Okay, Selena, I really don't care."

"Learning is a process, right? It's not as serious as your teacher said."

"Your level will definitely improve rapidly in the future!"[]

"There is no need to trouble your teacher. Just think of it as a study and exchange between us, and paint together."

Of course, Zhang Ze was not joking.

First of all, he really didn't care that much about his paintings. It was nothing more than an experimental exploration of techniques. Some parts were not good-looking, and it was normal for some people not to appreciate them.

Secondly, asking her to make up for it was polite and did not dampen her enthusiasm, but her eldest niece Selena did have a talent for painting and was worth encouraging.

These words made niece Selena feel warm in her heart. Seeing that her uncle really didn't care, Selena sent a reply to teacher Vasily.

Vasily saw that Selena The elders of Na's family still refused, and they were immediately furious. They thought that it was not necessary to destroy the painting to teach the younger generation!

It is said that artists are bound to have some quirks, and Vasily is a perfectionist.

Seeing that the artwork was about to be completed, it was ruined by a young girl who had just started. How could she bear it!

Especially for oil painting, which has the technique of thick coating, with Vasily's ability to remedy it, the painting can barely be done!

At the moment, Vasily's mind was full of the painting of gold and shit, and he beat his chest and stamped his feet.

But other people's families did not need her help, so she really had to give up.


The next morning. 410 Last night's river cruise was quite enjoyable. After Zhang Ze woke up, he felt quite comfortable.

Because today's banquet will be held all day, from lunch to dinner.

So when Zhang Ze went downstairs to the dining room, the chefs were already in place. There are two chefs, one Chinese and one Western, and there are even more kitchen helpers.

They were all invited by the local five-star hotel in Irkut.

Because it also slightly affected the hotel's own meal supply and operation, the uniform team of external chefs for one day also cost a lot of money.

The family had a beautiful breakfast.

Zhang Ze thought it was quite comfortable.

It's hard to say about Western food, but Chinese food is definitely not as good as the one made by my wife at home.

But occasionally asking someone to cook a meal can also save my wife from doing too much daily work.

Today's engagement banquet, cooking is a physical job.

The little girl rarely didn't make breakfast, but she was happy to eat.

While discussing with Zhang Ze, she learned a lot of new dishes.

After the two finished eating, they went to the room and changed into the suits and dresses they had ordered before.

Actually, Anna had worn it at home before, but that was for the fun of the young couple, which was different from today.

Zhang Ze put on his clothes and left the room.

As for Anna, a woman, she still had to put on some makeup.

Although she was beautiful enough, she still needed to look formal.


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