Zhang Ze walked out of the villa while his wife was putting on makeup.

He opened the drone and greeted the fans in the live broadcast room.

"Good morning, brothers. Today is a nice day in Siberia! It's a good day for an engagement!"

As soon as the live broadcast room opened, new and old fans came in one after another.

Because Zhang Ze had announced the engagement banquet on Anna's birthday in advance.

In addition, it happened to be the weekend.

So many fans were waiting for the broadcast to start in advance.

When Zhang Ze's picture came out, the live broadcast room was quite festive and a tide of barrages was swiped.

"Congratulations to the anchor!"

"As an old fan, I came to watch Gou Ze’s engagement!"

"Anna's family came to attend the party!!"

"Ahhhh——Aze is so handsome!"

"I have to say, Ze Ge’s outfit is really handsome if he didn’t choke people with his mouth!"

"Haha, although I got on the bus first and bought the ticket later, looking at the host and Anna was really nice!"

"Emma, this villa of several thousand square meters is too big!"

"You don't understand this! Brother Ze, this is a real Siberian landowner with a mine in his home."

"What’s a villa? We need to build a manor and a resort later!"

"To be honest, today's decoration is pretty good!"

"There is a stage and various wedding banquet tables, it looks great!!"

"The breakfast on the table looks delicious! The host seems to have hired a chef. After a day of hard work, the drinks and food must have been very expensive!"

"It will be more lively when more people come, and it will be exciting when the lights are turned on at night!"

Zhang Ze smiled and said,"Okay, thank you brothers for your congratulations."

"There is no difficulty in being with Anna. We are happy together. It is a natural thing."

"Come, I'll show you around. My wife is busy putting on makeup."

"After a while, mainly classmates and friends arrived first, and there were also a few international student fans who came from Moss and St. Peter."

"Young people love to play, so I arranged for them to come in advance."

"There are more people during lunch and afternoon hours. If you don't take good care of me, Coach Wu, I will let you go."

The fans in the live broadcast room laughed.

Zhang Ze added:"It will definitely cost a lot of money, everyone should do what they can, join in the fun and show their support, and be happy to show their support with money, right?'"

"A lot of the money today was paid by Anna herself, you guys from her family can handle it!"

"If you can't come for the engagement, I can probably do it when I go back home. Then we'll have to hold another one here."

"It doesn't matter how much money you give me, I won't lose anything if I give you a tip, just think of it as reserving a seat in advance!"

After saying this, the fans were not very happy.

"I was so shocked, I ate too much of one chicken!"

"Emma is really good at getting close to people, calling them buddies while chatting with them in a casual way!"

"It's you, Gou Ze, you're so thick-skinned!"

Of course, no matter how much the fans said, there were still many fans who gave rewards.

After bragging to the fans, there were 30,000 to 50,000 RMB.

Zhang Ze didn't care how much the money was, mainly because it was festive money, right? It was also fun to receive it!

And it was estimated that with this momentum of increasing fans, he would soon reach the achievement of one million fans today!

After all, Zhang Ze didn't broadcast many live broadcasts from Monday to Friday, so this speed was already quite fast. After chatting for a while, Zhang Ze led the drone around the yard.

At a little after nine o'clock, Anna dressed up and walked out of the villa.

The sunshine in Irku was just right today.

The morning light sprinkled on the woman's delicate and pretty face, which was white and flawless, adding a bit of color.

A pure white dress was worn on the body, showing a good figure and a little Charming and feminine. The covered parts are just right, showing a bit of solemnity without being too revealing. After all, she has been with Zhang Ze for a while, and compared to the innocence when they first met, she has become a little mature.

But after all, she is only an eighteen-year-old girl, and she is only nineteen after her birthday. Although she can be said to be mature, she is not very mature.

In her every frown and smile, her face is still a little red with embarrassment, like a peach that is just ripe in spring, sandwiched between green and mature, and the pure desire is really unique.

Zhang Ze is Anna's first love. For Zhang Ze, every once in a while, every bite is a completely different experience.

Seeing this, Zhang Ze raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help but come forward to hug her and kiss her. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As Anna exchanged glances, her eyes were full of Zhang Ze, so she tiptoed and kissed Zhang Ze back.

"Hiss——Anna’s face and figure are really invincible!"

"I am really blown away by this beauty! She is so beautiful that it almost overflows the screen!"

"There should be a mass grave of Ah Wei here!"

"Ah——I'm dead! A mouthful of dog food, I'm alive again"[]

"This couple is so stunning! They are a perfect match!"

"I am full! The food is so scattered that it makes me choke so early in the morning!"

"After we've made eye contact, get married right here, no, give birth to a baby right here!!"

"This place has a strong sour smell, and it is a treasure land for cultivating and transforming to overcome tribulations! Anyone who likes lemons can become a spirit here!"

"Fuck, stop talking upstairs, I'm already jealous!"

The live broadcast room was full of laughter and the atmosphere was quite lively.

After Anna saw it, she also greeted the fans.

While speaking, she looked at Zhang Ze again:"Honey, does it look good?"

Zhang Ze grinned:"It looks good!"

"If my wife is not pretty, all women in the world will be crazy about her!"

The girl listened to Zhang Ze's words. Although she knew that it was mostly coaxing, she couldn't help feeling very sweet.

The two of them kissed for a while, and even her sister and brother-in-law couldn't stand it anymore.

Sister Tanya laughed and said,"You two really don't get tired of being together all day long!"

"How enviable!"

Brother-in-law Andre laughed dryly, and An's father and mother came over, unable to stop smiling.

"Congratulations, my beloved little girl!"

"Congratulations, my best son-in-law and child!"

Mother An hugged the two of them and took out an exquisite envelope from her handbag with a kind smile.

"Come, Zhang Ze, Anna"

"This is the land that I agreed to give you."

"I asked Mayor Vladimir for help a while ago. This is the newly signed title deed and contract."

"I wish you happiness forever!"

Anna's face was filled with smiles. The blessing from her parents was really heartwarming.

""Thank you, Mom and Dad!"

Zhang Ze also smiled when he saw this. His father-in-law and mother-in-law were quite caring.

Although originally they were going to give the land to him after the marriage, now it was probably because they saw that he and Anna were a done deal, so they simply gave the land to him in advance.

This scene was quite festive, and Zhang Ze looked very happy.

However, Anna's father Ivan smiled and said,"No, no, my dear daughter. It's one thing for your mother to give it to you, but I have to show some appreciation as well!""

"Mr. Zhang, after all, the law here does not allow you to write it on the title deed."

Zhang Ze waved his hands again and again:"Mr. Ivan, there is a saying in Longguo: Those who achieve great things do not care about trivial matters. How could I care about this!"

The old man couldn't stop laughing when he heard it, but he still took out an exquisite envelope in his hand,"This is the land we got from the Far East One Hectare Act"

"Mensak was helping to build a resort a while ago, so we applied to Vladimir one by one. In total, there are several hectares of land that can be used by the resort company for free for a few years."

"Of course! After all, it is not as valuable as private land! So I discussed with Katyusha and put some money in it."


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