Fans in the live broadcast room were all envious.

"I admit, I'm really jealous."

"This is the dowry for marrying a daughter-in-law! The anchor has just bought land, one hectare must cost several million rubles!"

"That depends on the situation. If they really want to go to Siberia to farm, there may not be many people willing to leave here and go there!"

"But this is not much better than any little fairy in China!"

"That’s right, the kindness of my father-in-law and mother-in-law alone is much better than some people in China who sell their daughters!"

"This family is so heartwarming! So nice! So enviable."

Zhang Ze grinned.

Old Ivan and old Katyusha are also two people who know how to take care of people.

Getting along with such a family, there is no need to worry about being taken advantage of or being calculated. It is so comfortable to get along with them.

Zhang Ze did not refuse. He took the gift from his father-in-law and said with a smile:"Okay, thank you uncle and aunt for your kindness!"

"I will treat Anna well in the future!"

Of course, if you really want to care about it, this fighting nation actually has the custom of"giving red envelopes".

But it's not like the Dragon Country giving money to children during the New Year, but to the younger generations on their birthdays.

Speaking of which, the money given by the father-in-law has to be counted on Anna's birthday today.

09 But Zhang Ze naturally didn't point it out at this time.

For the old couple, Zhang Ze really wouldn't care about money with them, the thought is more important.

And the father-in-law and mother-in-law rely on pensions, and Zhang Ze can't really accept it and not return the gift.

In the future, when he goes to Kut Village every now and then, Zhang Ze will have to take care of the two old people more.

After the two old people were sent off, the brother-in-law and sister Tanya were not idle either.

The sister pulled Anna into the house, and the brother-in-law Andre took out another gift box from behind and handed it to Zhang Ze

"Come, brother-in-law, Anna"

"This is a gift prepared by your sister and I!"

"I came to your place before, and we discussed and decided to give you a crystal chandelier in your bedroom."

"Putting it at the bedside can serve as both decoration and lighting."

Zhang Ze smiled and opened the gift box.

At first glance, it was a branded product, a luxury brand from Mao Xiong.

Zhang Ze smiled dumbly and said,"Brother-in-law, you are too polite. Don't you want to live like this?"

"Don't buy a house! It will cost a lot of money!"

Anna smiled and complained to her sister.

After all, they are sisters, and her sister's two children are at the age of spending money.

However, her brother-in-law Andre grinned and showed his iconic front teeth.

Although ugly, he is also ugly and handsome.

"Haha, brother-in-law, please don't be polite to us."

"If you hadn't helped us earn extra money before, and hadn't been willing to share the things we dug with us as rewards and commendations, Tanya and I would never have planned to buy a house and a car!"

"Besides, we both found a house in the Longguo Construction community you introduced to us before and we think it’s pretty good! When we go back to apply for a loan, you have secured a discount for us."

"We definitely can't save the money for buying gifts! Just take it if you two like it!"

Seeing that his sister Tanya was also making excuses, Zhang Ze had to accept it with a smile.

In this case, Anna took the crystal lamp and repeatedly praised her sister's taste, saying"like" all the time, which made her brother-in-law and sister very happy. As for this gift, the brother-in-law and his wife have been thinking about it for a long time. Seeing that Zhang Ze and Anna both liked it, they naturally smiled.

After saying this, the fourth brother Mensack also squeezed his brother-in-law Andre.

He also handed over an exquisite envelope. Zhang Ze couldn't help but smile and said,"Fourth brother, you can't learn from your parents, can you?"

"This is nothing new, I don't think it's something you would give as a gift."

Mensak couldn't help but laugh:"Haha, my brother-in-law still understands me!"

"I won’t say anything, just open it and take a look!"

Zhang Ze opened the envelope and saw two certificates inside.

There were two tank certificates in total.

One was for driving, and the other was for a tank!

This really surprised Zhang Ze.

The fans in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"It's really a gift from a fighting nation! It really broadens my horizons!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Damn it, fourth brother, you are so cruel!"

"I was like, wow! It would be fine if Fourth Brother didn't make a move, but once he did, it was earth-shattering!"

"What the hell is this? Even though Fourth Brother is a poor hunter, he can still get a tank!"

"Bullfrog bullfrog! What luxury cars are there to compare with? They are indeed impressive, but they are all so weak!"

Zhang Ze was naturally very happy.[]

The gifts given by An's parents were for the couple, while the gifts given by her sister Tanya and her husband were more in line with Anna's preferences.

And the fourth brother's move really surprised Zhang Ze.

Moreover, Zhang Ze has the title of special forces soldier, and he has also gained waist and abdominal strength.

Driving a tank is not a problem for him at all!

Zhang Ze raised a smile at the corner of his mouth:"Fourth brother, this is not easy to handle!"

"This is a real surprise to me!"

Mensak couldn't help but feel happy when he saw his brother-in-law liked it.

"I asked Maria for help, and also asked my former colleagues, who are now working in the military area, to help me."

"As for the driving license, it's not that hard to get. After all, you can only drive on your own land and on the dirt roads in town. You definitely can't drive into the city."

"The tank is a very old T34. Forget about the firepower."

"It's just a shell"

"However, I have a way to help you modify the engine recently."

Zhang Ze smiled and said,"That's quite a surprise!"

This toy guy is just what Zhang Ze wants.

Which man can refuse a tank! I don't mean the heavy meat tank type!

"It's expensive? Can you give me more in the future?"

"I am planning to build a memorial hall, right? If you have a way, please build one for me!"

Mensak laughed.

"Brother-in-law, this is a bit difficult for me!"

"Of course, this is a lot of trouble and money. This gift was paid for by my second brother and I, 987 yuan."

"My second brother was also a soldier before"

"A while ago, I saw that you liked the B2 howitzer, so we thought about it and came up with this gift."

Zhang Ze suddenly realized it when he heard it, and looked at his second brother Futori, and thanked him repeatedly.

Futori waved his hand and smiled. After all, there was the matter of Andre and Mensak.

The second brother knew that his brother-in-law was capable and wealthy, so when his younger brother Mensak asked him to pool money to buy a gift, he readily agreed.

After all, the second brother has been working and married for a long time, so he still has some savings.

Futori said:"Brother-in-law, you don't have to be polite. It happens that I have done this before and I know some friends!"

"Coincidentally, this T34 was unearthed not far from where you dug out the artillery."

"Just two or three years ago, it was originally placed in the town’s museum."

"I thought about it and used some connections, and Mensack asked the mayor Vladimir for help, and I finally got one here!"

"Ha - but, that piece of land is yours now, and you may be able to dig out a few more in the future!"

To be honest, Futori was not so busy at work in the past few years, and he actually did this kind of extra work.

But now he is very busy driving the train, so it was nothing more than a joke.

But after saying this, Zhang Ze was quite serious and said with a smile:"It would be strange if it were that easy!"

"But we can go pick up some more things next week! Will my brother-in-law and fourth brother come with us?"


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