【Elves: Burning Bugs】

【Qualification: Not yet hatched, data is incomplete】

【Individual value: Not yet hatched, data is incomplete】

【Skills: Not yet hatched, data is incomplete】

"It turned out to be a burning bug!"

This discovery almost made Qin Ze's brain crash. He never expected that he could see a burning bug here!

Qin Ze was very impressed by the Vulcan Moth that evolved from the burning bug.

When he was playing Black and White in his previous life, he saw this elf in the ancient ruins and thought it was a mythical beast. But it turned out to be an elf that was not even as good as a second-level god.

But...Even so, the strength of the Vulcan Moth is still much stronger than most elves!

Qin Ze has checked the Internet about the Vulcan Moth. It is an elf whose rarity is second only to the quasi-god.

The number of times the Vulcan Moth has been found in the entire Dragon Country is no more than a pair of hands, and it is rare even abroad.

You can imagine how rare the Vulcan Moth is.

Judging from the rare number of sightings, the strength of the Vulcan Moth is quite strong. Some people have even seen the Vulcan Moth and a three-headed evil dragon fighting each other.

The Fire King of the Dragon Country once failed to capture the Vulcan Moth.

This can be inferred that the strength of the Vulcan Moth that has appeared in the past is at least about the quasi-king.

Now that the eggs of the burning insect have appeared, Qin Ze has to wonder which legendary descendant of the Vulcan Moth this burning insect will be, and whether its qualifications will be very high, reaching the level of the rumors.

It is a guess that rarity does not represent qualifications, not to mention that sometimes even the offspring of elves with the qualifications of the king have a certain probability of being popular.

So choosing the burning insect is definitely a gamble.

"Hiss... Hello, staff!"

Qin Ze took a deep breath and decided to ask the staff something.

"Excuse me, which elf does this egg belong to?"

Qin Ze asked curiously.

"I don't know much about this. In addition to selling eggs laid by the elves here, our breeding house also gets them from other sources. This egg seems to have changed hands many times, and there was an accident during the period, which led to the loss of relevant information, so we don't know what kind of elf this is."

The staff shrugged helplessly and answered, as if this kind of thing happens occasionally.

Qin Ze couldn't help but sigh after hearing this. In this way, he couldn't get more useful information.

But it's true. If the breeding house really knew that this was a burning worm egg, I'm afraid it wouldn't be placed here, but given to someone else privately.

"How should I choose?"

Qin Ze looked at the egg of the little saw crocodile and the egg of the burning worm in his hand.

He didn't want to buy two, so as not to take up too much space. He also wanted to see what kind of elves he met in the future so that he could have more room to choose.

Of course, the most important thing was that he had other places to spend money, so he didn't want to waste too much.

""Catti, who do you think I should choose?"

Qin Ze asked Catti for his opinion.

Catti:"It doesn't matter who you choose. I'm here anyway. I will be your strongest trump card!"

Catti said with a confident look and patted his chest.

"Well, thank you for your confidence, I shouldn't have asked you."

Qin Ze rolled his eyes helplessly, it seems that he can only rely on himself.

Should he choose the small saw crocodile with clear data, or choose the burning bug with unknown data.

This made Qin Ze particularly entangled and didn't know how to choose.

If he chose the small saw crocodile, then he would have a Pokémon with gym-level qualifications, which would definitely be of great help in the future.

Choosing the burning bug is a gamble, and it depends on luck what qualifications he will get. If he is lucky, he will be above the gym, and if he is unlucky, he will be ordinary.

Whether to take a gamble or be cautious, Qin Ze had to become more and more entangled, and his two eyebrows almost frowned together.

"No matter! Fortunes are won through danger! If you don’t even have this little courage, how can you become the strongest trainer!"

Finally, Qin Ze made a decision. He would choose the Burning Bug!

Think about it carefully. The Vulcan Moth has the title of the sun incarnation because of its high temperature, so its fire-attribute moves are particularly strong.

In that way, it can cooperate with the fire moves of the Windy Dog that will evolve into Caterpie in the future to achieve a more powerful power and achieve an excellent doubles battle.

From this aspect, it is more cost-effective than the Crocodile. The only trouble is that the qualifications are uncertain.

"Just like what the fool said, as long as we train well, the elves will definitely become stronger. I don't believe that I, who have the system, can't train the common level to the top! It's decided to be you!"

After Qin Ze made his decision, he stuffed the little saw crocodile's egg into the arms of a passerby next to him.

"Brother, this is for you, I've chosen it!"

Qin Ze picked up the burning worm egg and walked away, leaving the man confused.

The man never thought that Qin Ze's excited behavior would bring him so much benefit.

After Qin Ze paid the money, he took a deep breath and calmed down. There was no turning back.

"Burning worm, you must not let me down."

Qin Ze stroked the egg, expectantly.

"Hello, do you want to buy a breeding device? The elf eggs must be placed in the breeding device to hatch the elves faster and better, and the hatching effect is definitely better than not using it."

The staff said.

Qin Ze nodded in agreement immediately after hearing it.

According to the information, if you want to improve the qualifications of the elves in the eggs, the breeding device can play a certain role.

This device can not only reduce the hatching time, but also has a certain radiation that is an important nutrient for the elves in the embryonic state, so that the individual value and qualifications of the hatched elves are better.

Moreover, the breeding device is divided into several levels, the higher the level, the more expensive, and the better the effect.

"The most advanced cultivation device costs one hundred thousand!"

""Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Seeing such a high price, Qin Ze couldn't help but take a breath and subconsciously wanted to refuse. Just kidding, where would he get so much money?

But when he thought of the burning bug, he couldn't help but want to buy it.

He didn't know the qualifications of the burning bug. If he didn't work hard on the cultivation device, he was afraid that he would really cry in the end.

"Sir, if you don't have enough money, you can apply for a loan and repay it in installments."

At this time, the staff put out a loan advertisement, boasting about the low interest rate and the cheap price of a cup of Coke, but they didn't mention the principal.

"No way, I haven't even graduated yet, so I have to bear a huge debt."

This reminded Qin Ze of the campus loan in his previous life. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing again.

"Sir, the current expenditure is an investment in the future. You are a man who aims to become a top trainer. It is better to invest now than to regret it later. Do you really want to regret it one day?"

The staff saw Qin Ze's hesitation, so they immediately persuaded him with reason and emotion, which completely touched Qin Ze's heart!


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